
Epilepsy sufferers look at it! Knowing this, you can better control your condition!

author:Professor Jianmei, a Chinese medicine physician

Because the frequency of seizures is basically unpredictable, there is still a certain misunderstanding and discrimination against epilepsy patients in society, so that the quality of life of epilepsy patients has been greatly affected. In fact, allowing patients to have a high-quality life can also help to control the disease, so life outside of treatment is also very important, and patients must pay attention to it.

Epilepsy sufferers look at it! Knowing this, you can better control your condition!

Drug treatment should be symptomatic

Practice has proved that epilepsy is not incurable, as long as the patient undergoes a detailed specialist examination and takes anti-epileptic drugs under the guidance of a doctor, the disease can be controlled, thereby reducing seizures.

However, patients need to pay attention to the fact that once they start receiving medication, they must follow the doctor's arrangement, take anti-epileptic drugs regularly and quantitatively, and never increase or decrease anti-epileptic drugs without authorization. Because many cases of treatment failure are mostly caused by patients violating doctor's orders.

Epilepsy sufferers look at it! Knowing this, you can better control your condition!

Be regular in your daily life

In order to better control the condition, patients should not only take anti-epileptic drugs on time and in accordance with the doctor's instructions, but also actively avoid the related factors that induce epilepsy.

For example, quit smoking and drinking, don't stay up late, watch TV and computers and mobile phones for a long time, and don't go to noisy and exciting places such as bars and nightclubs, as well as experience exciting entertainment such as bungee jumping and roller coasters.

These may be the triggers of seizures, so it is necessary to avoid these triggers in order to achieve a satisfactory treatment effect.

Epilepsy sufferers look at it! Knowing this, you can better control your condition!

Social activities are to be attended

In addition, patients need to actively participate in social activities, popularize relevant epilepsy knowledge, help themselves and other patients build up the confidence and courage to overcome the disease, and also be able to let others understand epilepsy and eliminate misunderstandings.

As long as patients approach epilepsy with an optimistic and open-minded attitude, they will be able to have the right attitude towards life, which will improve their quality of life and better control the disease.

Epilepsy sufferers look at it! Knowing this, you can better control your condition!