
School Girl Caught! The latest police disclosure!

June 26 is the 37th International Anti-Drug Day, and recently, a number of cases of school students being arrested for drugs have been revealed. 01

The woman applied for a job as a translator for an overseas company

Unexpectedly, a drug trafficking gang recruited people to smuggle drugs

At the beginning of this year, the 110 police service desk of the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau received a call for help from Ms. Hong, saying that her daughter had gone abroad to work as a translator and was suspected of being deceived and could not return to China. Under the reassurance of the police, Ms. Hong recounted what happened.

It turned out that a month ago, his daughter Xiaolu (pseudonym) found a recruitment advertisement for an overseas company in a WeChat group for exchange and translation, job seekers only need to hold a passport and have simple English communication skills, they can get the opportunity to play with pay, not only air tickets, accommodation and food are all-inclusive, after arriving at the designated destination, the company will also provide 200 US dollars for travel, and then bring a certain shortage of parts back to China for the company, you can get 2,000 yuan in compensation.

Faced with tempting conditions, Xiaolu contacted the information publisher and was immediately pulled into a "preparatory work group". There, she met Ami (not her real name), a current student who was also a job seeker.

According to the itinerary released by the company, after the two women who were not deeply involved in the world came to Hong Kong to meet with another woman, Fei Fei, they took a long-distance international flight abroad together and arrived at a remote homestay. In the next two days, Fei Fei avoided talking about the work arrangements of the two, and she was also evasive when she talked about the company's situation. Xiaolu remembered the tips of the domestic anti-drug propaganda video, and suspected that she might be deceived by criminals into smuggling drugs abroad, so she dialed her family's phone.

After a preliminary investigation, the people's police found that the incident was indeed suspected of being smuggled by a foreign drug trafficking gang recruiting people to smuggle drugs in China, and immediately intervened and contacted the local Chinese embassy. On the day of the call, Xiaolu and Ami took advantage of the supervisor's unpreparedness to take a tricycle together to the pick-up point agreed with their family. But at this time, Ami temporarily changed her mind and was reluctant to return to China. With the help of my local embassy, Xiaolu successfully returned to her home in China.

Knowing that Ami was still stranded, the police persuaded her to return through her family and teachers, clearly informed her of the legal risks, and asked her to return to China as soon as possible and not to bring anything other than her own luggage, and Ami also promised to return to China as soon as possible. But hearing the lobbying of Fei Fei and others, she hesitated again, thinking that it might indeed be the police and family members who "thought too much" as the other party said.

All the suspects were arrested

In the end, she took the suitcase arranged by the company and embarked on the journey back to China. Investigators found Aramco at the Hong Kong International Airport and seized a metal bearing containing 4 kilograms of cocaine in his carry-on suitcase.

School Girl Caught! The latest police disclosure!

It was initially ascertained that the overseas smuggling gang had published recruitment information through domestic agents and arranged for job seekers to leave the country and receive drugs. Fei Fei is the "overseer" of the smuggling operation, responsible for monitoring the daily life of the job seekers. At present, all the suspects involved in the domestic activities have been arrested.

The police reminded the general public, especially school students and translators, to remain vigilant in the face of information such as "get rich quick", "food and lodging" and "paid travel", and not to become a "tool" for the human body to hide drugs and carry drugs in bags because of credulity. Don't trust the high-paying information that you will be forced to go to certain countries and be forced to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as telecom fraud, online gambling, prostitution and even drug trafficking.


Sold by college students

Drug-containing e-cigarettes were imprisoned

E-cigarettes are favored by many young people because they are rich in technology, however, some criminals will also target e-cigarettes, hiding cats in e-cigarettes, and poisoning young people with "additive" e-cigarettes, so that smokers can't stop......


Guangzhou Liwan District People's Court

disclosed a drug trafficking case involving college students,

The college student is indicated

Sentenced for selling drug-containing e-cigarettes.

At 19:00 on October 31, 2023, Liang sold 2 e-cigarette cartridges containing etomidate to Huang, a college student, at a price of RMB 600. At about 23 o'clock on the same day, Huang sold one of the above-mentioned e-cigarette cartridges to Chen (handled in a separate case) at a price of 600 yuan.

The next day, Chen handed over one of the above-mentioned e-cigarette cartridges (net weight 1.08 grams, after testing, etomidate was detected, and the content was 13.0%) to Li in a hotel room and was seized.

In November 2023, Huang and Liang were successively arrested by the police, and the police seized 15 e-cigarette cartridge shells and other items at Liang's residence.

The Guangzhou Liwan District People's Court ruled in the first instance:

Defendants Liang and Huang committed the crime of drug trafficking,

Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from eight months to six months,

and fines,

Illegal gains are recovered and handed over to the state treasury.

Gui Huiyan, the economic magistrate of the Guangzhou Liwan District People's Court, pointed out that in recent years, new drug crimes have gradually risen, especially e-cigarettes containing the new drug etomidate, which have led many young people who pursue trendy fashion astray. Etomidate has been included in the narcotic drugs controlled by the state since October 1, 2023, and is a drug in the sense of criminal law.

Although college students are adults with full capacity for criminal responsibility, their psychological maturity is not high, their three views are not yet mature, they are not financially independent, their self-control is poor, their social experience is shallow, and they are easily lured to embark on the road of crime.

The younger generation, especially college students, should consciously raise their awareness of drug prevention and rejection in the process of daily friendship, and must not easily try e-cigarettes provided by others for the sake of temporary freshness, let alone sell e-cigarettes containing drugs for profit.


Buy "fairy water" online from overseas

University student sentenced for drug smuggling

June 22,

Wuhan Jiangxia District People's Court

It was disclosed through the WeChat public account

A "drug smuggling case of college student Liu Moumou".

Basic facts of the case: Defendant Liu XX is a student at a university in Jiangxia District, and in April 2022, he added Long XX's WeChat account through the Internet and paid him RMB 980 through Alipay to purchase 1 bottle of γ-hydroxybutyric acid liquid, with a net weight of 15.49 grams. Long then contacted the overseas seller, forged the outer packaging of the γ-hydroxybutyric acid liquid by postal courier and mailed it from Malaysia to the defendant Liu. In May 2022, the above-mentioned mail was seized by customs upon entry. Liu Moumou was arrested by public security officers in the university administration building.

Judgment result: After trial, the court held that the defendant Liu Moumou clearly knew that the liquid he purchased was contraband, and that he still provided a domestic delivery address for purchase when he was shipping from abroad, violating the state's drug control regulations on drug control and smuggling 15.49 grams of drug γ-hydroxybutyrate, and his behavior constituted the crime of drug smuggling.

Accordingly, defendant Liu XX was sentenced to six months' short-term detention and fined 2,000 yuan in accordance with law.

Don't buy or try drugs out of curiosity

γ-hydroxybutyric acid belongs to the first class of psychotropic drugs controlled by the mainland, which is a synthetic drug, which can cause temporary memory loss or coma when taken, and can lead to poisoning and even death in severe cases.

Smuggling, selling, transporting, or manufacturing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances that are controlled by the state and have no legal use such as medical treatment is generally smuggling, selling, transporting, or manufacturing