
The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

author:Red Star News

As the conflict on the Israeli-Lebanese interim border continues, Israel continues to signal that preparations for war are underway, and the United States is deploying additional troops closer to Israel and Lebanon.

The American amphibious assault ship USS Wasp entered the Mediterranean

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

The U.S. Navy announced on the 27th that on June 26, the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, carrying personnel from the U.S. Marine Corps expedition, crossed the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean. According to US media analysis, the decision to deploy the "Wasp" to the eastern Mediterranean may be related to the background of the recent escalation of tensions between Lebanon and Israel, and is intended to prepare for the implementation of "military-assisted evacuation and other tasks."

US press: The United States is preparing for a possible evacuation

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

According to NBC, fearing an escalation of cross-border fighting between Lebanon and Israel, the United States has increased its military strength to ensure that it has the ability to evacuate American citizens, and although there is no official announcement, the White House is ready for such a possibility.

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

NBC reporter

In order to show that they always have a backup plan, but also to show concern about a possible escalation, the U.S. military has mobilized the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp and a number of related vessels, the key being that the ship is carrying 2,000 Marines who are part of the Marine Corps Expeditionary Force and have the ability to assist in the evacuation of U.S. citizens in Lebanon.

The USS Wasp's amphibious assault ship's F-35 fighter jets can take off and land vertically at short distances, and can rely on smaller ships to carry out air raid missions.

Expert: The Wasp can be used for sea and air space control to ensure the safety of evacuees

The U.S. military's temporary dock in Gaza has been dismantled and criticized as a "model project"

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

At the same time, a military facility previously deployed by the US military on the coast of Gaza in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is in an awkward position.

The Associated Press quoted U.S. officials as saying on the 28th local time that due to weather conditions, the temporary dock built by the U.S. military to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip has been dismantled and may not be rebuilt. Previously, the U.S. government's $320 million floating dock was criticized as a "model project" that failed to achieve the task of receiving humanitarian relief materials advertised by the U.S. side.

The US military spent hundreds of millions of dollars in only 10 days

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

According to Al Jazeera, the floating dock built by the US military, which took two months to build, was commissioned on May 17, with two warships docked about 9 kilometers from the coast providing support to help humanitarian supplies enter the Gaza Strip by sea. To protect the pier, the US military was also armed with machine guns and armored vehicles, and an air defense system was installed on the east side of the pier. The terminal was supposed to be able to handle 150 trucks a day when it was fully operational, but it was flooded by waves eight days after it was opened.

The New York Times revealed that the terminal has only been in operation for about 10 days since it officially opened, and the rest of the time is either being renovated or relocated. The cumulative amount of relief received at the terminal is a drop in the bucket compared to what the entire Gaza Strip needs.

Prime Minister of the Lebanese caretaker government: Lebanon is in a state of war

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

The Israel Defense Forces said on the 28th that the sky attacked a number of Lebanese Allah armed military facilities in southern Lebanon, including an air defense facility. Over the past few months, the facility has been used several times to launch surface-to-air missiles at Israeli warplanes.

Lebanese Allah forces said on the same day that they had fired rockets at several Israeli military bases and launched drone attacks on Israeli military camps. Air defense sirens have been sounded in a wide area in northern Israel.

On the 29th local time, Najib Mikati, prime minister of the Lebanese caretaker government, said in Tyre City, southern Lebanon, that the threat from Israel that Lebanon is witnessing is a kind of psychological warfare, and Lebanon is indeed in a state of war, with many civilians and non-civilians killed, and many villages destroyed because of Israel. Mikati said that the psychological warfare is currently escalating, but Lebanon will overcome the difficult phase it is currently in.

Defense Minister: Do not want to go to war with Allah in Lebanon But preparations are underway

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

On the 28th, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said during an inspection of air defense forces that Israel does not want to go to war with Allah in Lebanon, but is preparing for it. Earlier this week, Gallant had just concluded a visit to the United States and revealed that the United States and Israel had made progress on "multiple issues" such as arms supplies, and he also said that the Israeli army could bring Lebanon back to the "Stone Age".

US press: Allah is capable of wreaking havoc on the "Iron Dome" system

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

CNN reporter

I don't think Allah can completely destroy the Iron Dome system, but it can certainly cause great damage to the Iron Dome. Recently, we saw videos released by Allah showing them destroying an "Iron Dome" battery. Another video shows a similar projectile shooting down the so-called "drone dome", or anti-drone system. It is clear that Allah has the ability to wreak havoc on Israel's critical defenses. While the jury is still out on whether it will be completely destroyed, it is enough to expose large swathes of northern Israel's population to threat.

US press: The United States will soon deliver a batch of 500-pound bombs to Israel

The United States urgently dispatched warships to deploy in the Mediterranean

According to the U.S. Exios news website, the U.S. government expects to deliver a batch of 500-pound bombs to Israel soon. Previously, a batch of bomb deliveries was put on hold due to fears of Israeli military operations in Rafah. The Israeli side now says it will need these bombs if the conflict on the Lebanese-Israeli temporary border escalates into a full-scale war.

In recent days, many countries, including Russia, China, Canada, the Netherlands, the United States and Ireland, have issued warnings asking citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon or leave Lebanon as soon as possible.

Expert: If we launch an all-depth air attack and ground operations, a full-scale war may break out

Source: CCTV4 "Asia Today"

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