
This round of epidemic has affected 10 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, where is the source?

author:Bright Net

Since october 18, the Shaanxi Provincial Health Commission reported that 7 people in the same tour group had tested positive for nucleic acid, and as of October 21, the current round of local epidemics had affected 10 provinces, autonomous regions and cities such as Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Hunan, Beijing, Guizhou, Hebei, Hubei and Qinghai, and more than 50 positive cases of the new crown virus with clear associations had exceeded 50.

The reporter noted that according to the specific information of the official cases, a number of tour groups that have a history of living in Gansu and Inner Mongolia have become the key points of the spread of the epidemic in this round. The epidemic basically spread along tourist routes, restaurants and transportation have become "gathering points" for the epidemic, but although the transmission chain is relatively clear, the source of the epidemic is still unclear.

According to the announced trajectory of the case, the Tongnange Restaurant in Hubu Town, Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia, has become a "gathering point", and the 7-person tour group reported by Shaanxi, the Lanzhou tour group in Gansu, and the Wuzhong tour group in Ningxia all involve the restaurant. In addition, on October 19, 5 staff members of Tong Nan Ge Restaurant were confirmed.

However, from the Tong Nan Ge Restaurant, it is still difficult to clarify the source of the epidemic. It is worth noting that Zhang Mouxing, a Lanzhou tour group that has dined at TongnanGe Restaurant many times, visited the Ceke Port on October 13, which has aroused great concern. Ceke Port is located in the territory of Ejina Banner in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 77 kilometers away from Dalai Hubu Town, the capital of Ejin Naqi, and is the only international passage opened to the outside world by the Alxa League.

Ceke Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station WeChat public account "Ceke Border Inspection" issued an article in September to introduce that in the past few days, mongolia's new crown epidemic has continued to worsen and spread, and cross-border freight drivers have frequently tested positive nucleic acid samples at Ceke Port, and the risk of external prevention of the epidemic has suddenly increased.

On October 19, the reporter learned from the Social Affairs Bureau of the Ceke Port Economic Development Zone that the Ceke Port has been temporarily closed. "The ceke port and the Ejina banner are relatively close, and the flow of people and goods need to pass through the Ejina banner, and after the Ejina banner is sealed, we cannot carry out tourism, freight and other activities on our side." The staff member said that the main reason for the closure of the Ceke port was not that the Lanzhou tour group had visited the Ceke port, and the Ceke Port Economic Development Zone had not found positive cases in the nucleic acid test of all employees. According to the News of the WeChat public account "China Ceke" of the Administrative Committee of the Ceke Port Development Zone on October 21, the first round of nucleic acid testing in the Ceke Port Economic Development Zone has been completed, with a total of 3670 people and 75 environmental sampling tests, all of which are negative. The local government has urged 170 restaurants, supermarkets, hotels and 52 coal, commercial and logistics enterprises to carry out environmental disinfection and disinfection.

On October 21, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced at a press conference that the whole genome sequencing results of the laboratory of the Beijing Cd-making Center for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the newly confirmed cases in Beijing were infected with delta variant strains, and after preliminary comparison and analysis by experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the results showed that the virus homology with the recent cases reported in Gansu, Shaanxi and other places was high and belonged to the same chain of transmission. Zonghe

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Beijing Changping added 4 new confirmed cases

At 2 o'clock on October 22, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Changping District in Beijing reported that four cases of inner Mongolian tourist returnees to Beijing had tested positive for the new crown virus. On the same day, experts said at the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Beijing that these 4 cases have been identified as confirmed cases. From now on, the Hongfuyuan community in Qijia Town, Changping North, Beijing will be upgraded to a medium-risk area. CCTV News

There were 4 new confirmed cases in Inner Mongolia

On October 22, after epidemiological investigation and nucleic acid re-examination, and diagnosed by the clinical expert group of the autonomous region, Ejin Naqi confirmed 4 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia. Up to now, there are 23 confirmed cases in the flag, and all patients have been admitted to the designated hospital for treatment, and the vital signs are stable. The Ejin Banner COVID-19 Prevention and Control Headquarters has implemented epidemiological investigations into confirmed cases and carried out investigation, tracing and management of relevant contacts. People's Daily

Source: Yangtze Evening News

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