
Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

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Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

The scene of the "Yaomiao Film Lab" activity

On October 15, 1905, the "Yaomiao Film Lab" with Yaomiao as the producer and general director was held in the ancient city of Datong As a blockbuster event of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week. Yaomiao Film Lab conducts in-depth research on Jackie Chan, the two protagonists of Jackie Chan International Action Movie Week, and Chinese kung fu films, triggering industry thinking, enhancing national cultural self-confidence, and exploring a new development path for Chinese kung fu movies.

At the event on the same day, Wang Tiemei, member of the Standing Committee of the Datong Municipal Party Committee and minister of propaganda, Yin Li, vice chairman and director of the China Filmmakers Association, Huang Jianxin, director, Tang Jili, director, Hu Mei, vice chairman of the China Television Artists Association and national first-class director of China Film Group, Dong Ruifeng, director of the program department of the Film Channel Program Center, Li Wei, chief producer of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week and chairman of the 1905 (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd., Lin Lining, deputy director of the film creation department of the movie channel, Chen Hu, action actor and director, and Zhang Lanxin, actor, Actor Qu Jingjing, Director of China Xia Yan Film Society and National First-class Screenwriter Yang Jinsong, Professor Suo Yabin of Communication University of China, Associate Professor Ye Hang of China Film Culture Research Institute of Beijing Film Academy, Ah Lang, Editor-in-Chief, Writer and Film Critic of "Watching Movies", Director Zhao Chunliang and other guests participated in the topic discussion in the laboratory as researchers. Wang Tiemei and Dong Ruifeng delivered speeches respectively.

In her speech, Wang Tiemei stressed that the Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, which has been successfully held in Datong for two consecutive years, not only brings excellent action movies and Chinese cultural feasts to the people of Datong, but also attracts global attention to focus on Datong, showing the world The profound historical heritage and unique urban charm of Datong. She said: "Film art is an important carrier to show national culture and condense the national spirit, and Mr. Jackie Chan's action films convey the spirit of the Chinese nation with distinct cultural imprints and unique artistic styles, enhancing the cohesion of Chinese people around the world." ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Wang Tiemei, member of the Standing Committee of the Datong Municipal Party Committee and minister of propaganda

Dong Ruifeng delivered a speech on behalf of Cao Yin, Director of the Movie Channel Program Center: "In the face of the new crown epidemic test, the Chinese film industry has taken the lead in resuming work in the world and has achieved world-renowned results. Film is a hard indicator of comprehensive national strength and national cultural soft power, and an important carrier of cultural inheritance and mutual learning among civilizations. In his view, the Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, initiated by Mr. Jackie Chan in 2015, "has always insisted on meeting friends with martial arts and cultural people, effectively promoting Chinese culture to go out, fully embodying the cultural self-confidence and national self-confidence of the Chinese, greatly enhancing the popularity and influence of Chinese action movies in the world, and has become a well-known brand in the international action film industry and a grand festival of world action filmmakers, winning more attention and respect for action filmmakers." ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Dong Ruifeng, director of the program department of the Movie Channel Program Center

Breaking the conventional truth-seeking exploration Laboratory researchers asked Jackie Chan "old"?

As a flagship figure in Chinese action movies, Mr. Jackie Chan is now 67 years old. In the hearts of fans, he is the "big brother" who dares to fight and fight together with his brothers. People often say he has a pure heart, but he titled his autobiography "Growing Old Before You Grow Up." In the face of the ever-changing film technology and the screen works he dedicates to the audience year after year, people always have to worry, is Jackie Chan also "old"? Movie fans are even more curious, in the era of the film market constantly innovating, is action movies also "old"? Director Tang Jili, who has worked with Jackie Chan for 30 years, said that none of the action stars in the world are like Jackie Chan, and they are still so active at this age. When he was young, he relied on beating and jumping, but now he has begun to pay attention to the richness of the role and the inheritance of the next generation of actors: "The young action actors he brought out of the family class and taught him were actually many, many, and he had a huge influence in the world. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Directed by Tang Jili

"A lot of people will pay attention to the actress and her age. Today's topic talks about action actors and age, which is a very sharp question. Li Wei, chief producer of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week, started from a female perspective when talking about this topic, but also connected the history of action film development: "From the perspective of action film history, director Hu Jinquan embodies a chivalrous spirit, and Jackie Chan's films are civilian optimism and indomitable heroic spirit. This is particularly valuable, not afraid of opponents, not afraid of the field, not afraid of heaven and earth, and of course not afraid of time. So it can be said that Jackie Chan is old, but Jackie Chan's screen image will not be old. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Li Wei, chief producer of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week and chairman of 1905 (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd

In the eyes of many filmmakers who have cooperated with Jackie Chan and are familiar with him, Jackie Chan has always maintained a childlike heart. Zhang Lanxin said that he is still innovating and still has a sense of freshness about everything. Director Huang Jianxin, who is the same age as Jackie Chan, said that what Jackie Chan brings is the dual charm of spirit and action, and the limits shown by the audience make the audience have an image association with him as "immortal", and even become a belief. Qu Jingjing used the experience of filming to argue this topic, saying that Jackie Chan's film style and action style are unique, and when shooting other scenes, as long as the action choreography is this style, everyone will feel "hello, Jackie Chan style". Jackie Chan does not exist old, he is a timeless style.

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Actor Zhang Lanxin

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Actor Qu Jingjing

Action director Chen Hu saw a deep meaning from this question, discussing whether Jackie Chan is "old", in fact, he is discussing whether action movies are old or not. In his view, today's movies have a lot of time to prepare, and the machines and technical conditions are supporting filmmakers, "so in fact, movies are not so afraid of getting old." ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Action director Chen Hu

How should Chinese action movies collide with the new era of action? In director Yin Li's view, each film has the tone of each film. Audiences want to see spectacle in action movies, to see feelings that transcend personal experience. Chinese action movies and kung fu movies convey to the world the tradition, kindness, diligence, forbearance of Chinese, and the spirit of shooting when it is time to shoot. "Technology has brought more possibilities to this genre. How to continue to convey this kernel to the audience is the essence of our discussion today. Director Yin Li's opinion points out the core of the problem that the laboratory researchers want to study.

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Director Yin Li

Director Huang Jianxin took "Changjin Lake" as an example, and Xu Ke and Lin Chaoxian, two directors from Hong Kong, China, used their experience in action movies to complete the role shaping in war movies. He said: "You can see that the path of Chinese action movies is getting wider and wider, getting better and better. Therefore, the promotion of Jackie Chan has a role. That's what the industry is talking about. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Director Huang Jianxin

Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, who is the next "dragon" to influence the world?

In recent years, the overseas export of Chinese films has gradually diversified, and now in overseas markets, Chinese culture and Chinese films are becoming more and more familiar to the public. Jackie Chan movies have made the world see the benchmark of the era of Chinese action movies, but in addition to Jackie Chan movies, what other Chinese action movie genres are outstanding? After Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, who will be the next "dragon" to influence the world? This is a question that researchers in the second half of the "Yao miao film lab" collectively explore.

In director Hu Mei's view, Jackie Chan films are "pan-action films", which are nutrients drawn from opera and many traditional Chinese cultures. When she herself filmed "Into Beijing", she considered whether overseas audiences could accept it, and in her view, this film is also an evolved Jackie Chan action movie.

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Director Hu Mei

"After the high integration of Eastern and Western cultures, cultural inheritance and translation have been carried out, and it can be said that the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is the most typical." Dong Ruifeng, director of the program department of the Movie Channel Program Center, said that many of the successful action movies overseas present the martial arts world imagined by overseas audiences, but Jackie Chan's films are still the most popular: "Before the epidemic, the movie channel would go to the national television stations of three African countries every year to hold a Chinese film exhibition week, and each time it would take Jackie Chan's movies with it. We will find that his films are still the most popular, no matter how far away from China, the kind of madness of the audience is unimaginable. ”

"Gu Hongming said in "The Spirit of Chinese" that the three characteristics of Chinese character and Chinese civilization are deep, broad and simple, in addition to sensitivity." Lin Lining, deputy director of the film creation department of the movie channel, said that the reason why Jackie Chan's films can go overseas is to reflect the spirit of Chinese: "I personally feel that the roles created by Jackie Chan films are very typical representatives. Mr. Jackie Chan himself also knows the unity of action, and he himself, as Mr. Gu Hongming said, has the heart of a child and the thought of adulthood, and lives a life of the soul. He is legendary, he is the king of action, but the real spiritual direction behind the action is politeness and gentleness, for the sake of others, and taking care of other people's emotions. The great righteousness of Spring and Autumn will always be passed on. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Lin Lining, deputy director of the film creation department of the Movie Channel

After Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, who can inherit this spirit of Chinese and become the next "dragon" to influence the world? Many researchers at yaomiao film laboratory have also given different answers. Ye Hang believes that Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan have both gone out of their own way, and it is the times that have shaped different kung fu superstars: "The different public psychology caused by the climate of the times, or the aesthetic orientation of the public, will greatly affect the birth of stars, so I can't predict." But I'm looking forward to the new era coming out of Chinese action stars. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Ye Hang, associate professor of the China Film Culture Research Institute of the Beijing Film Academy

"Unlike other actors overseas, how deeply do you cultivate your calligraphy, how much traditional Chinese culture do you have, and how much chinese opera have you studied?" Director Hu Mei appealed that the young generation should pay attention to traditional Chinese culture in order to have the birth of the next "dragon": "In fact, I think we should put forward such an initiative in Yaomiao Laboratory today, hoping that our young generation, our current actors and stars, you should pay attention to traditional Chinese culture, to inherit the heroic spirit left by Bruce Lee and Mr. Jackie Chan, you also have to pay, always have to pay a little price, how much to learn." ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

In Ah Lang's view, it is not difficult for kung fu to spread around the world, and it is not difficult for the action movie itself, but if you want to give birth to another "dragon", Ah Lang said: "Where the real art of this thing lies, we need to have a kung fu soil after the intervention of the literati." Yang Jinsong calls action movies "the text of the horns", because the charm of the actors gives the film a great blessing: "The genre film is the director's text, and he is also a corner film, which is the text of our stars, so how our various types of work creations become a screw in the comprehensive artistic expression genre film, and then there are some new character shaping, and the touching power of the vivid story can impress more audiences." ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

"Watching a Movie" editor-in-chief, writer and film critic Ah Lang

"Why there is only one Jackie Chan in the world at present, there is no second one, because I think jackie Chan's big brother's artistic virtue, the spirit of daring to fight hard in movies, as long as you pay will definitely have good results." Zhao Chunliang, a young director who once participated in Jackie Chan's "Plan A", lamented that young filmmakers should learn from him.

Suo Yabin believes that to find the next "dragon", what is needed is the exploration and development of action movies themselves: "Many of Xu Ke's films, such as the "Huang Feihong" series, have a kind of tension, this tension is a Chinese film feature, including Jackie Chan movies are both like heroes, but also the combination of the big brother next door, this subtle tension can echo the traditional Chinese Confucian concept of moderation, chinese film development to a certain extent attaches more importance to the local, action movies to a certain extent stopped, so how to seek new changes, That's what we're going to think about next. ”

Yaomiao Film Lab Datong Opens Topic Filmmakers Discuss Chinese Kung Fu Movies

Professor Suo Yabin of communication university of China

At the end of each discussion, the experimental assistant collected the experimental report sheet of each researcher separately, and it was sealed by Yao Miao for a more accurate experimental report to be sorted out later. Inherit the good, strive for the present, constantly innovate, and not fear the future. Chinese action movies will always breathe and share the same destiny with China's development, and future action filmmakers will also work hand in hand and continue to move forward. As a unique genre created by Chinese films for the world, kung fu movies are also an important business card for the export of Chinese culture, which will bring the beauty of China's spirit and the beauty of action to the world.

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