
The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

author:1905 Movie Network
The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Jackie Chan emotionally sang "Hard to Say Goodbye"

On the night of October 16, 1905, accompanied by a song that triggered a chorus of "Difficult to Say Goodbye", the filmmaker Jackie Chan waved his hand affectionately to the people of Datong, "hometown", announcing the complete end of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week. At the same moment, the live broadcast room of the movie channel, which is located on an eight-meter high platform opposite YongtaiMen, also ended the three-day panoramic live broadcast of the media with excellent results.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

The total number of live broadcast views exceeded 100 million, the total number of Weibo-related topics read exceeded 1.2 billion times, the number of hot topics on the whole platform exceeded 38, and the number of short video plays exceeded 1 billion... From the in-depth exploration of the entrance ceremony and the front and back of the closing ceremony, to the "We Work Together" public welfare belt to promote Shanxi's good things, to the innovative and exploratory Yaomiao Film Lab and the "Script Game • Big Challenge" activity summit forum, the film channel media live broadcast team handed over a panoramic, immersive and combined eye-catching report card.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Host Lan Yu and filmmaker Wang Yaoqing

Fearless low temperature, kung fu and public welfare hand in hand "Jin"

"This time it's really a realistic version of the 'Ice Sculpture Company.'" At the end of the curtain, Xu Linglin, the director of rong media live broadcast, was full of emotions. From the host group in front of the camera to the director group behind the scenes and various technical workers, the film channel live broadcast team with all the down work clothes and body has continuously "fought" with the low temperature falling to minus 8 degrees Celsius.

Affected by the epidemic, the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week was postponed from the midsummer season of previous years to the golden autumn. But no one expected that Datong's "winter" would come so unexpectedly. According to Xu Linglin, the reason why the live broadcast room was built on an eight-meter high platform outside the ancient city wall during the preliminary preparation was because its perspective overlooking the entire ancient city of Datong could make the cultural genes and scientific and technological means of kung fu movies have a chemical effect with the unique historical heritage of Datong.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

"But this fully open space also brings great difficulties to our live broadcast." In addition to the "physical damage" of low temperatures to personnel, the stability of high-altitude equipment technology and the difficulty of controlling natural factors such as high winds and sunlight also bring great tests to the high-quality output of live images. "It feels like we're struggling with nature and trying to do everything we can to make the picture more perfect."

In the view of another live broadcast director, Song He, the biggest challenge of this live broadcast is not the low temperature, but the temporary addition of key content that almost does not reserve preparation time. Just when the activity was finalized, many places in Shanxi were hit by torrential rains and suffered serious floods. With Mr. Jackie Chan's concern for the people in the disaster area, the film channel media live broadcast team launched the public welfare assistance plan for the first time, and finally launched the "Let's Work Together" public welfare live broadcast with Taobao Live.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

On the 15th and 16th for two consecutive nights, the movie channel anchor group joined hands with 18 Taobao anchors to boost the good things in Datong and other disaster-stricken areas in Shanxi by means of live broadcasting with goods, and effectively drove the sales of characteristic agricultural products in the disaster areas with good results. In the main live broadcast room led by the movie channel anchor group and filmmaker Zhang Lanxin, Zhang Yinglong, director of the Agricultural Office of the Datong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Datong Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced Datong Huanghua, Huanghua, millet, apricot and other products. According to Taobao's official statistics, on the night of the 15th alone, Ed chi aided the Shanxi flood disaster public welfare link to raise nearly 500,000 yuan.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Movie channel hosts Guo Wei, Li Dan, Roman and Kanazawa joined hands with filmmaker Zhang Lanxin to bring goods for Datong specialties

There is light on the screen, kung fu skills are majestic and exciting; there is love in the world, and public welfare and charity warm people's hearts. Despite the recent successful experience of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Public Welfare Relay live broadcast, the confident movie channel people have not slackened off, completing the selection of good things and the design of various public welfare links in a short period of time and efficiently, only to bring the most practical help to this land with special constraints. "Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has been held in Datong for three consecutive years, and we also have the same hometown-like feelings as Jackie Chan and Shanxi, and we can make some contributions to our family, how worth it."

I am a strong country, innovative exploration and look forward to the future of the industry

Unlike the past five editions that have focused on new action films, the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week has shifted its attention back to Chinese classic action films and selected the "Top Ten Classic Action Movies in Chinese" to revitalize the development of contemporary Chinese action films through a re-examination of classics.

With senior hosting experience in professional film programs, Yao Miao, the host of the movie channel, also has a special affection for Chinese action movie classics. During this year's Film Week, she launched the "Yaomiao Film Lab" as a producer, general director and host, and gathered more than ten filmmakers, scholars and film critics such as Yin Li, Huang Jianxin, Tang Jili and Hu Mei to discuss the issue of Chinese kung fu films in depth through the forum.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Yao Miao Film Lab

The original intention that inspired Yao Miao to open this "laboratory" was the three films released during the postponement of the film week due to the impact of the epidemic - the documentary "Dragon tiger martial artist" focusing on kung fu filmmakers, the Hong Kong-made police gangster action film "Fury And Serious Cases" and the war-themed action film "Chosin Lake". "Chinese action movies, which lack successors, are facing a dilemma, but at the same time, the expectations of Chinese audiences also show the huge market for this genre, and our 'laboratory' hopes to explore the possibility of combining action movies in the new era with other genres, and also hopes to find a new successor to Chinese action movies."

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Yao Miao

Is 67-year-old Jackie Chan old? How do Chinese action movies collide with a new era of action? Who is the next "dragon" to influence the world? In Datong Zhenlou Square, which has a unique historical heritage meaning, many sharp topics aroused heated discussion among the guests, and the online voice was stimulated through the live broadcast of the film channel. "Since it's called 'Lab', what we are looking forward to is a kind of honesty in exploring the truth, and it is very fortunate that the guests have come up with this attitude." It is reported that these highly inspiring discussions will also be broadcast in the form of special programs through the "Today Film Review" column of the movie channel.

The world of light and shadow, the sword and light sword and shadow are heroic; the game situation, the pen is shocking. In addition to the topic of action movies, the "Script Game Challenge" event specially created by 1905 Movie Network for this jackie Chan International Action Film Week also explores the future possibilities of this emerging industry with the innovative model of combining summit forums and live experience. From the prospect of script game IP entering the film and television industry chain, to the examination of industry chaos, and then to the possibility of "script game + X" extension, the summit forum meticulously and orderly revealed the "yesterday, today and tomorrow" of the script game industry; VR experience, smell tracking... The diversified offline reality experience is also the ability to intuitively output the landing possibilities of various prospect topics with the power of science and technology.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

The scene of the "Script Game Challenge" event summit forum

According to Li Wei, chief producer of the 6th Jackie Chan International Action Film Week and chairman of 1905 Film Network, most of the script game works exhibited this time are created by young authors of the "post-90s", including "Mulan From the Army", which is close to the local folk stories of Datong, and other works have an excellent inheritance of traditional Chinese cultural IP. The innovative development of emerging industries under the inheritance is also highly consistent with the concept of from classic to new life advocated by this film week.

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

Script game technology experience area

The day after the curtain ended, the official Weibo of Jackie Chan International Action Movie Week continued to receive enthusiastic interactive messages from netizens. It is difficult to say goodbye, not only Jackie Chan's reluctance to Datong, but also the gratitude of the film channel's media live broadcast team for this enthusiasm. Breaking through the test of the epidemic and disaster, more exciting next Jackie Chan International Action Movie Week, we will meet again in the next year!

The movie channel integrates the media live broadcast panorama to present the 6th Jackie Chan Action Movie Week

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