
Yin Guohua, a veteran of Houjie Street: Always listen to the party and always follow the party

author:Dongguan Daily i Dongguan
Yin Guohua, a veteran of Houjie Street: Always listen to the party and always follow the party

■ Yin Guohua Xie Chaojun photo

"I went to the battlefield shortly after I first joined the army, and I can't forget that moment of life and death on the battlefield, the scene of our soldiers rising up and heroically killing the enemy..." In the Houjie Huangang community, 63-year-old Yin Guohua is a veteran who participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

Yin Guohua said that today's happiness is not easy to come by, and we must always listen to the party and always follow the party. He earnestly exhorted his juniors: "Study the history of the Party, listen to the Party, be grateful to the Party, work well, and serve the people." ”

In 1977, Yin Guohua, who had just turned 19, resolutely joined the army to serve the country and served in an artillery unit in Henan. During his time in the army, he always set strict demands on himself, insisted on hard training, and joined the Communist Party of China in 1978. Soon after, Yin Guohua followed his troops to the frontier and participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.

Yin Guohua's battlefield career began as a telephone soldier. At the time, telephone lines were the lifeblood of communication between the rear command and the forward forces. Although Yin Guohua received relevant training when he was in the army, he really went to the front line and found that he had learned very little. Yin Guohua's telephone class has a total of 7 people, responsible for the erection of 10 kilometers of telephone lines. "Wherever the team hits, the communication equipment will be racked." Yin Guohua said that the soldiers in the telephone squad each had to carry 60 kilograms of wires and follow the front-line army to set up telephone lines. "We sometimes have to brave enemy fire to travel around the battlefield to repair and connect telephone lines that have been blown off by artillery fire to ensure that the telephones are unblocked." Yin Guohua said.

What made Yin Guohua most memorable was the battle that took place in LangShan. In order to obtain accurate information, our army's forward reconnaissance detachment lurked to the enemy's stronghold. Yin Guohua alone shouldered the task of delivering supplies to the reconnaissance team. In order to avoid the enemy patrol, he took advantage of the dark every time to move, "At that time, I could only walk the paddy fields and mountain trails, and did not dare to light the lights, and the original 7-kilometer journey would take an hour more." ”

Yin Guohua, a veteran of Houjie Street: Always listen to the party and always follow the party

After the forward reconnaissance detachment obtained the accurate position of the enemy's bunkers, our army concentrated its artillery fire on Langshan, laying an important foundation for victory in the Langshan Campaign. Because of his heroic performance on the battlefield, Yin Guohua was awarded the "Third Class Meritorious Service".

In 1981, Yin Guohua retired from the army and returned to his hometown, and was later arranged to work in the family planning brigade and the agricultural fish pond. After returning to the local work, he still strictly demanded himself, adhered to his original intention, did not change his true colors, and never made any demands on the organization.

"To be able to live a good life now is all given by the Communist Party, and we cannot cause trouble to the organization." As a 43-year-old party member, Yin Guohua knows that today's happiness is not easy to come by. He said that his military career has become the proudest thing in his heart in his life, and no matter where he is, he must always maintain the true color of a soldier. "As a veteran, we must always listen to the party, always follow the party, and encourage young people to learn party history and be grateful to the party, so that the red gene and revolutionary torch can be passed on from generation to generation."

Text: Dong Qingru

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