
Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

author:Summer rain makes bamboo spots

Yin Guohua (1908–1938 CE), courtesy name Ziwen, was a native of Datun Village, Lufu Subdistrict, Shilin County, Kunming, Yunnan Province. In the fourteenth year of the Republic of China (1925), he joined the army after graduating from middle school and successively served as a second lieutenant, a lieutenant, and a captain. In the eighteenth year of the Republic of China (1929), he served as the commander of the special service company of the 98th Division of the Dian Army, and was soon promoted to the commander of the special service battalion. In the 26th year of the Republic of China (1937), he went out with the 60th Army to resist the Japanese.

In late April of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Sixty Army was ordered to go to the Lunan region of Shandong To urgently support the Taierzhuang battlefield. At about 8:00 a.m. on April 22, Yin Guohua's battalion, as the vanguard of the Sixty Army, had just arrived at Chen Wafang Village (Present-day Chen Wafang Village, Xinglou Town, Pizhou City, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province), where it encountered a search team of the Segu Detachment of the Japanese Isoya Division. As soon as the battalion commander Yin Guohua saw that the plains were all over and there was no danger to defend, he ordered the troops to immediately enter the village and build a position to prepare for battle, while leading a sharp knife platoon to attack the enemy's search team bravely, eliminating this small group of enemies and retaking Chen Wafang. At this time, a large group of Japanese troops rushed to surround Chen Wafang and launched a crazy attack on the village under the cover of tanks and artillery. Rushing to the front were more than 10 tanks. Because yunnan has more mountains, it is not very accustomed to fighting in the plains, not to mention that most officers and men are still seeing tanks for the first time. In the face of the arrival of this "behemoth," the soldiers first strafed with machine guns, but they could not even hurt the fur, and some soldiers threw out grenades, and after the explosion, the tanks still "rumbled" forward, and the officers and men fell in pieces. Yin Guohua commanded the fighters to use the group as a combat unit, each surrounding a tank, and using flesh and blood and spear stabbing to meet the crazy Japanese tanks. They tied the grenades into bundles, and when the tanks came to them, they shoved the cluster grenades under the tanks, and some simply rolled under the tanks with the grenades and died with the steel monster. After a loud bang, several tanks were blown up. Yin Guohua, as a pioneer soldier, heroically killed the enemy and issued an order to the officers and men of the whole battalion: "My battalion must coexist and die with the position, and if I am unfortunate enough to die, the commander of the sixth company will act as the battalion commander and lead the whole battalion to attack the enemy. Encouraged by Yin Guohua, the officers and men of the whole battalion held the determination to "martyr the country with their bodies", relying on houses and courtyards to calmly fight with the enemy, they used cluster grenades to blow up Japanese tanks, fight with the enemy's white blades rushing from all sides, and fight house by house. From the morning to the evening, without taking a step back, Yin Guohua, who was only 30 years old, and more than 500 officers and men of the battalion were martyred, and only the signal soldier Chen Liangming (whose place of origin is unknown) survived.

On April 29, the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the Yunnan Daily reported with a large headline in the banner: "Sacrificing his life for the country, Yin Yingchang's spirit does not die; he died on the battlefield in battle, which is enough to wish for his life; the mighty spirit will last forever, and it can be increased with the sun and the moon." And published Yin Guohua's letter to his wife in full.

Yin Guohua fell in love with his wife and had two daughters and a son, when his youngest son was only a few months old. In the spring of the 27th year of the Republic of China (1938), the troops came to Xinyang, Henan (present-day Xinyang, Henan Province) to rest and stand by. On the night of April 7, Yin Guohua's feelings of missing his family suddenly came to life, and he wrote a family letter to his wife: "Yun Ou Ai Mei: After arriving in Xinyang, I sent three letters, did I receive them?" Recently, Jiansheng (his youngest son) has been learning to speak. ...... Can the two girls also write and study books recently? Although they still love to learn well, but also the environment allows them, otherwise, such as children in war zones, who have time to flee, can they study again. I hope you will take them to the same photo in the future. Although our country has lost a lot of land, instead of reducing the strength of the war of resistance, it has become stronger and stronger, and it has only been awakened by the bombardment of the enemy's aircraft and artillery... Yun Ou, at home, should be frugal to maintain the family, with a penny of money to have a penny, at the same time, save a penny, donate to the country, that is, increase a resistance force. This war is a critical juncture in the life and death of our nation, and it must not be ignored. Our troops are here ready for reinforcements, ready to make contact with the enemy, and as for me, life and death have long been out of the question. I am very excited to have the opportunity to deal with the enemy this time, for the survival of our country, I am willing to fight with the Japanese devils to the end, even if unfortunately killed in battle, it is also my long-cherished wish. After I arrived in Xinyang, I sent out three letters, and I have not yet received a reply from you. Next time, I wish you a happy mother and son. Brother Wen Hand Qi. April 7 in Xinyang. ”

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Statue of Yin Guohua

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Yin Guohua's letter to his wife

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Yunnan Daily, April 29, 1938, 27th Year of the Republic of China

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

It is located in Xinglou Town, Pizhou City, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province - Chen Wafang Village

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Located in Daizhuang Town, Pizhou City, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the memorial axis of the Memorial Garden of the Yuwangshan Anti-Japanese Resistance Battle Site points to Chen Wafang Village, the site of the first firefight in the Battle of Yuwangshan

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Party History Gallery, Shuanglong Square, Shilin County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province—— Statue of Yin Guohua (first from the right)

Modern celebrity of Yunnan - Yin Guohua

Located in Shuanglong Square, Shilin County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province- Shilin Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower

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