
Teach and train people to successfully transform the first person! Changsha a Sun Yat-sen University master's degree unemployed Kaimo became the industry leader

author:Interesting to teach

In Changsha, Hunan Province, a highly educated Mo master was on fire, and a fluent English was discovered. It is understood that this master graduated from Hunan College of Arts and Sciences with a bachelor's degree, and was admitted to Sun Yat-sen University to study international economic law as a graduate student, and he majored in English at level eight, and in his freshman year, he once passed the english level six.

Teach and train people to successfully transform the first person! Changsha a Sun Yat-sen University master's degree unemployed Kaimo became the industry leader

This master's name is Du Yang, how can such a highly educated person go to the mo? It turned out that he used to work in a publishing house, and later went to the sea to engage in English education and training, and the "double reduction" landed and he was unemployed. Unemployed at the age of 38, a little embarrassed, civil servants, public institutions and state-owned enterprises, have exceeded the age of 35 years, can not pass the exam! Private companies are not very good at finding jobs anymore.

Once, when sending his children to school, he happened to be asked by others, "Do you send someone?" A flash of inspiration, open the motorcycle bar, face is really not important not to make money. With the mentality of trying it out, he began his career as a motorcycle. He has lived and studied in Changsha for more than ten years and is particularly familiar with Changsha! Because of the good English, for some special tourists, you can also do translation, and then usually have nothing to do, you can also be a tour guide, and opened a live video broadcast, and soon became the leader of the master of Mo.

Teach and train people to successfully transform the first person! Changsha a Sun Yat-sen University master's degree unemployed Kaimo became the industry leader

Du Yang's experience is the experience of many education and training people under the landing of "double subtraction" in these months. With the recent closure, runaway and closure of large chain educational institutions such as elite education and light education, large educational institutions such as 51talk will begin to lay off employees on a large scale, and more and more education and training people will begin to re-employ.

Some people may feel that Du Yangyangmo's is inconsistent with his academic qualifications. But only those who have been beaten by society know that there is no money in the pocket, but it is more cruel than not being able to wipe the face and pull down the face.

Teach and train people to successfully transform the first person! Changsha a Sun Yat-sen University master's degree unemployed Kaimo became the industry leader

However, his experience also illustrates a social reality, that is, unemployment in middle age. At present, the vast majority of enterprises and institutions do not recruit employees over the age of 35, even if he has a dazzling academic background and work experience. What for people who are unemployed at this age? What many people think of as decent work has actually left them. Sometimes it's good to be able to eat a mixed meal.

Moreover, the occupation is only different in division of labor, and there is no distinction between high and low. Graduate students may not be a way out. Kaimo's current education level is well known to be relatively low, if a person with a brain like Du Yang enters this industry, can it inject another force into this industry, so that the industry of Mo is more standardized, more social significance and value?

At the same time, he also took a selfie hoping to take the road of online live broadcasting, people are alive, which road can go through who is not sure.

Some authors for the sake of traffic, in order to brush eyeballs, said that Du Yang was humiliated, and he was really ashamed.

Teach and train people to successfully transform the first person! Changsha a Sun Yat-sen University master's degree unemployed Kaimo became the industry leader

Du Yang's approach is actually one of the examples of successful transformation of education and training, life is not easy, middle-aged unemployment and employment is difficult, but some people stand on the side and say cool words, ridiculous, sad, lamentable.

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