
The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

author:Ash Culture

Approaching summer, since the opening of the epidemic, everyone wants to go out to play, but do not know where to play, then you can move your eyes to the western Gansu Zhangye colorful Danxia, the scenery is very beautiful, want to travel and do not know where to go friends can refer to it, you can go to play with family and friends during the holidays.

Colorful Danxia Scenic Area is located in Linze County and Sunan County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, with a total area of 50 square kilometers.

Colorful Danxia Scenic Area is a national 5A-level tourist scenic spot and a global geopark, and is one of the "Seven Most Beautiful Danxia in China", "Dangerous and Picturesque - China's Six Most Beautiful Strange Landforms" and "One of the World's Top Ten Magical Geographical Wonders", and the 3rd World President's Conference selected the preferred tourist destination in 2023.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Main attractions

There are 7 observation decks in the Colorful Danxia Scenic Area, including the Colorful Sea of Clouds, Colorful Immortal Edge, Colorful Splendid Embroidery, Colorful Rainbow Xia, Best Photography Spot, Colorful River Platform, and Vientiane Turin Valley. Climbing the Range Rover, thin-bedded mudstone, sandy mudstone and shale are intertwined, and the colors of purple red, gray-green, yellow-green, gray-black and other colors are intertwined, and the combination is orderly, rich in rhythm and layering. Shenlong playing fire, spirit monkey watching the sea, monks worshiping Buddha, large scallops, colorful screens, sleeping beauty and other attractions. The colorful Danxia Scenic Area integrates nature and unique cultural landscapes, reflecting the unique ruggedness and majesty of the west, magnificent and dangerous, and thousands of meteorological conditions.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia
The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Colorful cloud sea terrace

The Colorful Sea of Clouds Observation Deck is mainly viewed from afar, achieving the effect of overlooking, reflecting a magnificent scene of colorful flood waves. On the observation deck, you can see large scallops, colorful flying sky, monks worshiping Buddha, spirit monkeys watching the sea and other attractions.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Colorful Kasumigae

The colorful and colorful scenery of Rainbow Xiatai is as colorful and gorgeous as a rainbow falling on the hills, and the colors are particularly gorgeous against the background of the sunset, and have become a popular check-in point in the scenic spot.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Colorful Ao Hetai

The whole mountain of Colorful Ao Hetai is undulating, the color fluctuates, there is a feeling of seeing the mountains and small, especially in the morning fog or above the sea of clouds, like a mirage, and like the Xian Shan Qiong Pavilion, this landscape makes all passers-by marvel, like bleached and dyed colorful wedding dresses.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Colorful splendid stage

Because different color bands of the mountain are spread along the mountain, the mountain peak seems to be dressed in a colorful brocade clothes, evenly distributed, smooth lines, like brocade embroidery, so the observation deck is called "colorful splendid platform".

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Reed furrow

Reed Gou is a canyon in the colorful Danxia scenic area. The canyon is full of rocks and shapes, with steep walls and towering peaks.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

Vientiane Tulin Valley

Vientiane Tulin Valley brings people a majestic, dangerous, strange and secluded feeling. In particular, magical landscapes such as the secret realm of Buddha Country, the golden cicada ask, and the sphinx are scattered.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

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The second stop of the recommended tourist attractions in the west is over, and friends who want to travel to the western region should not miss it~

In addition, the 2023 Western Culture and Tourism Expo will also be held on July 28, and interested friends can visit when the exhibition is held.

The second recommended stop of Western tourist attractions --- colorful Zhang Danxia

If you want to know the relevant information, friends who consult in detail can send a private message in the background~

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