
Huang Xiaowei met with Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanesugi

author:Zaozhuang women

On June 28, Huang Xiaowei, vice president and first secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, and vice chairman of the State Council Working Committee on Women and Children, met with Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanesugi in Beijing.

Huang Xiaowei met with Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanesugi

Huang Xiaowei said that China and Japan are important neighbors of each other, and President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held a meeting in San Francisco last November to reaffirm the positioning of the bilateral relationship of comprehensively promoting strategic and mutually beneficial relations, providing important political guidance for the development of bilateral relations. Women of the two countries should implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, deepen exchanges and mutual learning, make new contributions to the improvement and development of China-Japan relations, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Last year, President Xi Jinping personally attended the opening session of the 13th National Congress of Chinese Women, had a collective conversation with the members of the new leadership group of the All-China Women's Federation and delivered an important speech, made a series of important expositions on the work of women, children, and the Women's Federation, and the building of family education and family style, and personally drew and led the cause of Chinese women to achieve historic achievements. She introduced the "Spring Bud Project" won the UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education and the main work of the All-China Women's Federation, and presented "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Discourse on Women, Children and the Work of the Women's Federation", "Xi Jinping's Exposition on Focusing on the Construction of Family Education and Family Style" and "Xi Jinping Walks into People's Homes" to Ambassador Jinshan Xianzhi.

Kenji Kanesugi spoke highly of the achievements of Chinese women's causes, appreciated the important role played by the All-China Women's Federation in enhancing mutual understanding between women of the two countries, and expressed the willingness of the Japanese Embassy in China to actively support the close exchanges and expansion of exchanges between Japanese and Chinese women, and promote the building of constructive and stable Japan-China relations that meet the requirements of the new era.

Huang Xiaowei met with Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanesugi

Lin Yi, vice president of the All-China Women's Federation and secretary of the Secretariat, and Akira Yokoji, chief minister of the Japanese Embassy in China, attended the meeting.

Source: Women's Voice of the All-China Women's Federation

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Huang Xiaowei met with Japanese Ambassador to China Kenji Kanesugi

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