
4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

author:Skinhead Commander
4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

Fish are not smooth sailing under the water, but also face the nuisance of parasites

We anglers know that wild fish are very delicious, but parasites can occur on both fish and ourselves.

Human parasites are parasites that host humans. It can be divided into two categories: internal parasites and external parasites.

Internal parasite refers to: parasitize insects, nematodes, trematodes and tapeworms that live inside the human body. For example, common ascariasis, pinworm disease, tapeworm disease and so on.

External parasites refer to: insects, arthropods, etc. that live on the outside of the human body. For example, common ticks, mites, bed bugs, suckers, lice and fleas, many people have mites on their faces.

In fact, there are many parasites in our lives, and some of them can be contacted in ordinary times, such as: when fishing a bald head ago, crucian carp was caught, and some crucian carp had parasites.

When there was no epidemic a few years ago, the bald head was fishing in a big river, the weather was good that day, the fish was very good, and I caught a few large plate crucian carp, and when the fish was taken off the hook, it was placed in the fish protection.

When the rod was collected in the evening, it was found that there was a red silk thread on the tail of the crucian carp, which was a parasite that entered the tail of the crucian carp, and it was depressed at that time, but it was a pity for these big crucian carp.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

The red line on the crucian carp's tail, I believe all anglers know what it is

One hand grasps the head of the crucian carp, the other hand pulls this red parasite, some can pull out, some can not pull out, so what are these parasites in the crucian carp? In fact, there are 4 common parasites in the fish, and today we will talk about this topic.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > common fish parasites</h1>

Although fish live in the water, they are not carefree and also face various dangers, especially parasite parasites, of which red worms, tongue tapeworms, fish monsters, and capillaries are more common.

1) Red worms

Red worms, also known as water earthworms, red silk worms, and red nematodes, are aquatic organisms in the link animals, and their body color is bright red or blue-gray.

They live on the banks of river basins, or in the silt at the bottom of rivers, densely distributed in the silt surface, fixed in silt at one end of the body, protruding silt at the other end, trembling on the surface of the silt, and after being frightened, they will retract back into the silt.

When we fish, we can find that in the shallow water of the river, there are red filamentous bugs, half of them in the silt, half of them sticking out of the silt and trembling, this is the red worm, that is, the water earthworm.

Identifying red worms: In some fat ponds, or at the edge of water with thicker silt, there are many such red worms, and sometimes the water bodies change color.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

Red worms on crucian carp

2) Tongue tapeworm

Commonly known as "noodle worms", the adult worm parasitizes in the intestines of water birds, and fish is its second intermediate host.

The stomachs of fish infected with this type of parasite are very large, and the abdomen has far exceeded the expansion of the fish during spawning, and even they will destroy the abdominal cavity of the fish and drill out of the fish.1

Schizocephalus tongue tapeworms usually parasitize the abdominal cavity of crucian carp, carp, silver carp, bighead carp and other fish, and have been found in crucian carp and carp when bald fishing.

Identification of tongue tapeworm: The belly of an infected fish is large, abnormally large, much larger than the belly of the egg-laying period, because its belly is propped up by the tongue tapeworm.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

After crucian carp is infected with noodle worms, the abdomen becomes significantly larger

3) Fish monsters

Fish monster disease is a parasitic fish disease in the body cavity behind the base of the pectoral fin of fish, which is relatively rare, and the bald head has only been touched twice.

The fish monster parasitizes the body cavity behind the base of the fish's pectoral fin, and has a hole to communicate with the outside world. Crucian carp, carp, etc., are its hosts.

The parts that are parasitized by fish monsters are easy to become inflamed, congested, affecting the development of fish gonads, and when the fish body is relatively small, it is easy to cause the death of fish.

In larger waters such as reservoirs, lakes, and rivers, it is more common, and fish that generally do not have intermediate hosts infected with such parasites on small water surfaces are relatively rare.

Identify fish monsters: they parasitize the undermarried fin of the fish, the parasitic part is red, swollen and inflamed, and the fish can be distinguished at a glance after being caught.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

The area where the fish monster worm infects the crucian carp, as well as the appearance of the fish monster worm

4) Capillary worms

Capillaries, also known as clematis, hair snakes, copper wire snakes, tencel, etc., are a linear parasite.

Capillaries belong to the phylum Nematodes, Clematis, Clematis, and Clematis.

Capillaries are very vigorous, adults are able to live freely in seawater or fresh water, and larvae parasitize arthropods.

Capillaries are widely distributed in the southern provinces and around the world, and adults inhabit rivers, ponds and ditches.

Identifying capillaries: Capillaries are more difficult to identify because the fish body has no trauma, the fish belly is not large, and it will only be found when killing the fish.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

This one looks at more clearly

These 4 kinds of parasites are more common, in addition to the third kind of bald fishing encounter less, the other several will be encountered every year, especially in the water with relatively fat water quality, so how do parasites enter the fish?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >2. How do parasites enter the fish body? </h1>

The types of parasites are different, and the way they enter the fish body is also different, but many of them enter the fish body in the form of food.

1) How do red worms enter the fish body?

It is relatively simple for red worms to enter the fish body, and we all know that fish survive in the fry stage by plankton and underwater organisms in the water.

There are a large number of red worms underwater, red worms are one of the important food sources for fish, at this time can not help but ask, fish eat red worms, how do red worms enter the fish body?

In fact, it is very simple, in the winter due to the decrease in water temperature, the fish activity is greatly reduced, and even in the deep water area is motionless.

When they are motionless or swimming slowly in deep water, they give these red worms a chance, and the red worms will seize the opportunity to drill through the fins and enter the fish body.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

In winter, the low water temperature of the fish has poor swimming ability, giving the red worm an opportunity

2) How does the tongue tapeworm enter the fish body?

The first host of the tongue tapeworm is the waterbird, the waterbird fishing in the water, its excrement also enters the water, the excrement contains the eggs of the tongue tapeworm.

The eggs of the tongue tapeworm hatch in the water to form hook bulbs, which swim freely in the water, are swallowed by a slender dart water flea, and develop into protocospines in their bodies, which are preyed upon by fish and enter the fish body.

After being infected with tongue tapeworm, fish are preyed upon by waterbirds, which re-enter the waterbirds and then follow the waterbirds to spread.

I have to admire their way of survival, their way of surviving and boarding, is perfect! Nature is wonderful, and every creature grows in its own peculiar way.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

Waterbirds are the first hosts of noodle worms

3) How do fish monsters enter the fish body?

Fish monsters are special, they find their own hosts, and the larvae often parasitize in the chest cavity of carp and crucian carp.

Juvenile fish monsters penetrate the fish body from the pectoral fin of the fish into the body cavity, and the juvenile lives in the fish body cavity.

After entering the body cavity of the fish, the fish's own defense function will secrete a bag-like film, which separates the larvae of the fish monster from its own body cavity.

Juvenile fish monsters survive outside the bag membrane, with their heads facing inward and their tails facing outwards, sucking on fish nutrients.

After the fish monster worm grows up, due to the enlargement of the body, the infection of the fin part of the fish is inflamed and red, and it can even be clearly seen that the fish monster worm exposes a little body.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

Note: The fish monster worm is probably in the position of the circle, the fish is not infected, in order to prevent some people from being disgusted, we know the approximate location of the infection

4) How do capillaries enter the fish body?

It is relatively simple for capillaries to enter the fish body, which has the range of activity of the worms.

Adult capillaries live in ponds, streams, ditches and other water bodies, and after laying eggs, the larvae in the eggs hatch into insects, crickets, cockroaches, beetles and so on.

In the insect body, the juvenile worm is developed, the insect enters the water, and the juvenile leaves the host to develop into an adult worm in the water.

When insects enter the water body, they are easily preyed upon by fish, and after being preyed by fish, they also enter the body of the fish.

Mature clematis do not need a host and can live alone in water or wetlands, but immature clematis need to find a "host" for themselves to mature.

The eggs enter the host with the food chain, slowly suck out the nutrients in the host' body, and manipulate the host to find a suitable place for their ovulation (that is, water) to "dive and commit suicide", and the host comes out of the host after death and reproduces.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

Capillaries, also known as clematis

The composition of a biological chain requires many organisms, each organism has its own way of survival, although they are all parasitic, but perhaps it is only the host of other organisms, not only in and out, there is no endless demand.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > three, can parasite fish be edible? </h1>

Can parasite fish be edible? Some can be eaten after heating, and their common feature is that they are not tolerant to high temperatures, but pay attention to hygiene and prevent cross-infection.

1) The harm of red worms is small

Experts believe that the red worm will parasitize the fish body, eating will not have direct harm to the human body, but because of its own bacteria and its excrement can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms.

And the red worm is not resistant to high temperature, when the water temperature is too high, there will be death, and in the case of lack of oxygen, there will be a large number of deaths.

The harm of red worms is relatively small, many friends who breed goldfish often buy water earthworms to breed goldfish, and this water earthworm is also a red worm.

2) Tongue tapeworm is less harmful

Tongue tapeworm commonly known as: "noodle worm" experts believe that there is no cross-harm to the human body, therefore, as long as the fish's internal organs, fish scales and parasites are removed, cooked and eaten thoroughly, it is still no problem.

Bald head encountered this noodle worm twice when fishing a few years ago, it was spring, at that time I just thought that the fish belly was weird, when I killed the fish, I found that the stomach was full of noodle worms.

Later, when fishing, some fish have large bellies and are obviously not spawning, so they are thrown into the nearby garbage can to prevent infection with other fish.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

External parasites are easy to tell if there is one or not

3), fish monsters and insects are less harmful

Experts believe that the fish monster insect can not directly parasitize the human body, and it is not recommended to eat, because the fish that have been parasitic by it may be infected with wounds and bacteria, and the fish monster insect is a kind of Traditional Chinese medicine in ancient times.

Fish monster worm may not be encountered by many anglers, it is a white bug, the bug and the picture is basically the same, because when the bald head caught it, it was pulled out and thrown away, without looking closely.

There are not many parasitic fish with fish monsters, and they have not been encountered for several years.

4), capillary nematodes are harmful

Capillaries are also called clematis, this parasite can not only parasitize the fish body, but also parasitize the human body!

Clematis can parasitize humans by contacting or drinking raw water, insects, fish, and snails or foods containing larvae.

When anglers encounter fish with clematis, it is best not to eat them, even after cooking at high temperatures, to prevent cross-infection.

Although some parasites are harmless and some are harmful, but for our own health, fish infected with parasites should not be eaten, because even if they can be cooked, there is no guarantee that there is no cross-infection, after all, the body is the most important, if you are reluctant to throw it away, try to pay attention to hygiene.

4 kinds of common "parasites" in fish, 3 kinds of harmless, one can parasitize the human body one, common fish parasite two, how do parasites enter the fish body? Can parasite fish be eaten?

The parasites inside the fish body are not easily distinguished

Comprehensive: Parasites are not uncommon when fishing, and anglers who often fish can encounter them as long as they are careful, so can they eliminate these parasites?

Bald head to check a lot of information, unfortunately! Can not be eliminated, can only be reduced, but there is a premise, the premise is that the breeding environment more prevention, wild fish, can only rely on their own luck!

When fishing, when encountering fish with parasites, try not to release them, throw them into the trash if you have conditions, and bury them deeply if you have no conditions to prevent other animals from being infected.

This is the bald head of the fish body parasite understanding, the wrong place brothers more point out, the bald head one by one correction, hope to inspire you, everyone feels useful words can be collected, like, forward more attention to the headline number "Skinhead Fish Commander" Thank you.

References: "Seconds to understand the encyclopedia", "Popular Science China, Science Encyclopedia"

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