
Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

author:Big goo game game

The Monster Hunter series is definitely the top work in action games, and has always had a group of loyal fans, since the release of the high-definition "Monster Hunter: World", more players have understood and loved such a top fighting game, and the sales of the game have also jumped from the previous million level to the 10 million level.

And the average game time of Monster Hunter players is also much higher than most other games, take the latest two games, "Monster Hunter: World" and "Monster Hunter: Rise", players with more than 200 hours of gameplay abound, and even heavy players with more than 1000 hours are common, which is an incredible thing in the eyes of many other players of single-player games.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

However, even though the game has so many fans and a high reputation, there are still many new players who choose to give up after trying it, and I even have several friends around me who can't even play for two hours, and may be beaten out of confidence in the first battle, and they will complain to me that monster hunting is not as fun as the legend says, and they don't feel fun.

So is Monster Hunter so fun to say this game?,If it's really so fun, why are so many players unable to hold on at the beginning.,From my personal experience,I think Monster Hunter is a game that is very different from ordinary ARPG games.,If players can easily indulge in thousands of hours on its airwaves, it's not a problem.,If not, then maybe the first battle can be dissuaded.。

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

In my opinion, the most serious dissuasion factor in Monster Hunter is its combat mechanics, and I was almost dissuaded by its combat when I played it for the first time. Because in most other ARPG games, basically one button corresponds to a light attack, one key corresponds to a heavy attack and that's it, at most there is one more tumbling or jumping button, which can be easily used by any player.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

But in the monster hunt, it is much more cumbersome, take the melee weapon greatsword as an example, when entering the battle, you must first pull the weapon out of the back and enter the state of holding the weapon, in this state, the character will move very slowly, and the attack speed is also very slow, and the overall will give people a particularly bulky feeling.

At the beginning of the game, the quest monsters are relatively sensitive small enemies, which causes novices to be dizzy by these enemies jumping up and down, and their own attacks can't hit the enemy. What's worse is that if you want to run, you have to put away the weapon before you can run, and it takes time to collect the weapon, which is several more steps than the average ARPG game in terms of operation, and it is a nightmare experience for novices who are new to it.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

In addition to the more cumbersome operation required for combat, there is also a big reason that the player can't see the monster's health bar, which means that if you just play, you don't know what stage the monster has been beaten by yourself, and how long it will take to die. Even in many previous titles in the series, attack damage is not even displayed, and the player can only judge the progress of the hunt by whether the monster is lame or not, and whether it is faltering when walking.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

These extremely hardcore settings were not a big problem in the past, and players at that time were generally more patient and had more free time, so they could calm down and study slowly. But for players who are used to playing fast-paced games these days, this set of settings will only hit their confidence and speed up their abandonment, so Capcom has also added damage numbers to the latest monster hunts, eliminating supplies like cold drinks and hot drinks that are needed for specific maps to make it easier for new players to get started with the game.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

And in other games, even if you don't adapt to the gameplay so quickly in the early stage, players will also take the development of the game's plot as the motivation to support themselves to play, but almost all the content of Monster Hunter is in the battle with all kinds of huge monsters and dragons, and the plot and the like can only be said to be better than that, and it is definitely not attractive, so the plot is easy to retain the player's elements in the monster hunt.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

Based on the above characteristics, when a newcomer with no action game foundation is unfamiliar with weapons when he first plays Monster Hunter, he may struggle to win before the end of the 50-minute hunting countdown due to his unfamiliarity with the weapons that lead to being beaten by the simplest boss in the first battle. At the same time, the plot is really not attractive, and it is understandable to choose to give up in this situation, because the game at this time is really not refreshing for him.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

But here's the magic of Monster Hunter, and while its complex difficulty will dissuade many players, once you're familiar with its gameplay, the difference between it and most other ARPGs that barely have much depth in the combat section becomes apparent.

There are no career options in the Monster Hunter series, there are only 14 weapons for players to choose from, each weapon has a unique gameplay and moves, and there are a variety of advanced moves that can replace the original moves, and the player's equipment and orb matching in the later stage also have to revolve around the characteristics of the weapon they choose, it can be said that each weapon represents a profession and the gameplay is very different from each other.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

This is also the key reason why many players can indulge in thousands of hours, because it takes hundreds of hours to master a weapon alone, just like my choice of greatsword, which is currently 130 hours, and it can only be said to be a beginner, if you want to master all weapons, it will take at least thousands of hours, and each weapon has a different gameplay and is very interesting, so once you can accept the mechanics of monster hunting, then congratulations, there will be hundreds of hours of refreshing hunting that await you.

Why do many players feel that "Monster Hunter" can't be played, and the difficulty dissuades too many people

No game can be made to be liked by everyone, even the latest two works of up to 23 million and 15 million sales of the Monster Hunter series still have a large number of players who don't like to play, so even if you see a lot of people on the forum saying that Monster Hunt can't be played, you can only say that Monster Hunt is not the type he likes, but it doesn't affect the fact that Monster Hunt is a good game, I believe that as long as it is a player who likes action games, Monster Hunter can definitely meet his needs.