
A'N'D Thai members broke out of the group! FB deleted the group name Agent personally revealed the truth

author:And looked at it again

The girl group A'N'D sang "I'm so lonely" became popular, composed of 8 people from the universe, Zhong Yu, Yuting, Lucia, Sunnee, Ariel, Anna, and Rena, the group has not had public activities for a long time, mainly based on their own filming, and once broke up a few days ago, when the agent immediately came out to deny, and now the member Sunnee has deleted the A'N'D group name on the Facebook page, causing speculation from the outside world to quit the group? In this regard, the broker also came forward to explain that it was a misunderstanding.

A'N'D Thai members broke out of the group! FB deleted the group name Agent personally revealed the truth

▲ A'N'D Thai member Sunnee broke out of the group, and the agent clarified that "it was a misunderstanding". (Photo/Photo from Sunnee Facebook)

Sunnee, whose real name is Yang Yunqing, was enrolled in a higher vocational school in Taiwan, and was photographed by a brokerage company, and officially debuted as an A'N'D member in 2014, with a unique neutral temperament that is loved by many fans. Unexpectedly, she recently changed the name of the Facebook page without warning, removed the original name of the group, and only left her own name "Yang Yunqing Sunnee", the sudden move, causing the outside world to speculate whether it is a precursor to quitting the group? At the same time, it also attracted a large number of fans to leave a message asking urgently, "Is changing the name meaning of withdrawing from the group" and "A.N.D. really disbanded?"

A'N'D Thai members broke out of the group! FB deleted the group name Agent personally revealed the truth

▲▼ Sunnee deleted the group name "A'N'D" of the Facebook name, causing speculation from the outside world. (Photo/Photo from Sunnee Facebook)

A'N'D Thai members broke out of the group! FB deleted the group name Agent personally revealed the truth

In response to this matter, the agent responded to the "ETtoday Starlight Cloud" that it was a misunderstanding, SpeXial also removed the group name, or there was an activity, "We did not want to leave the group, look carefully in fact, the content profile also has written A 'N'D, there will still be group form contact activities."

In fact, A'N'D officially debuted on November 19, 2014 with the release of the first solo song "Angel and Devil" by the 7-member group, and then joined the new group to become a 9-member group, after Tong Er unilaterally announced her withdrawal from the group, there were 8 people left to act, but the two Japanese twins Anna and Rena rarely participated in group activities, often appearing in a 6-member group.

A'N'D Thai members broke out of the group! FB deleted the group name Agent personally revealed the truth

In addition, a while ago, rumors of A'N'D dissolution broke out, and it was rumored that the member Ariel privately revealed the dissolution of the group to her classmates, to which the agent had previously denied that "it was just a joke with classmates, and some members of the group worked in the mainland, so at present, most of them are individual activities, and group planning is under discussion."

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