
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

author:Viewpoint information

Xiaoman is one of the twenty-four solar terms, the second solar term in summer. The meaning is that the grains of the summer ripening crop begin to fill up, but they are not yet ripe, but they are only small full, not yet full. At this time, the climate is hot, and for children, it is a period of vigorous metabolism.

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

Beauty Food Light Wisdom Food

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

After Xiaoman, the weather is getting hot, the diet should be hot, light, refreshing, you can eat more loofah, radish, watermelon and other vegetables and fruits, but also learn to self-adjust the mood to keep calm and calm.

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

▪ Coix seed can strengthen the spleen and dampness, clear heat and detoxify, and is a natural medicine to dehumidify heat.

▪ Tangerine peel has the effect of strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, can enhance appetite, promote digestion, relieve qi stagnation and vomiting.

▪ This tea is suitable for children with loss of appetite, spleen and stomach discord, and indigestion. ▪ Anti-moisture and heat removal: The evil of humid heat can easily affect the spleen and stomach, and children will feel loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability and other discomforts, so dehumidification and heat is the focus of food at this time.

▪ Promote appetite: humid and hot weather weakens the baby's spleen and stomach function, easy to have no appetite, loss of appetite, pay attention to eat less frequent meals in the diet, choose easily digestible refreshing, soft rotten food, and properly seasoned to promote appetite.

▪ It is advisable to eat bitter vegetables: "Little Man's Day Bitter Vegetable Show". Bitter vegetables, bitter melon, lettuce, lettuce, andrographis, artemisia and other bitter vegetables, generally have the effect of dispelling heat and eliminating troubles, clearing the heart, cooling blood and detoxification, etc.

Eat beautifully, enjoy food

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

• Student recipe selection is formulated by Zhengzhou Nutrition Association.

• Supplier of the week: Henan Yuxianlian Industrial Co., Ltd., which was voted by the school's preferred supplier group.

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

Supplier qualifications

Eat with peace of mind

Tips for parents to accompany meals

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

Leaders accompany meals

Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)
Xincheng Road Primary School Weekly Recipes Early Know(2023.5.22-2022.5.26)

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Editor: Zhang Yu

Reviewed: Ma Zhaojun