
June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Yesterday was Children's Day, my son's school was closed for half a day, and I was thinking about how to arrange it. Unexpectedly, he and a few good classmates agreed to go to the movies.

The children chose Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid"!

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

As soon as I asked the reason, it turned out that they discussed it and felt that Doraemon, Pigman, these are familiar faces and have no novelty, and "Sky City" was let go in school, so I finally decided to watch "The Little Mermaid".

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Originally, the animated movies produced by Disney, no matter what theme they were filmed, the quality and word of mouth did not need to worry much!

However, this version of "The Little Mermaid" is definitely an exception, and it has been ridiculed by the overwhelming crowd since four years ago when black female singer Harley Bailey was selected to play The Little Mermaid Ariel!

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Probably the little mermaid with red hair and blue eyes in people's impression is the existence of "white skin and beauty".

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

But the new version of Ariel looks like this: dark skin and dirty braids, the moment it surfaces, that feeling...

The negative reviews on the Internet are piles and piles again.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

I'm really curious why Disney wants to try to exclude the public and take an unusual path, even if Hollywood now has a hard and fast rule of zzzq (no less than 50% of people of color in film and television works, to reflect cultural diversity), but among black actresses, beauty is also a big pick!

I went to the cinema together in the "children's viewing group" to see if the film was as bad as everyone said.

But after reading it, I found that the previous film reviews were too extreme, not only was it not unbearable, but it could even interpret things that had not been seen in previous princess movies.

Today, I will not blow or black, and objectively talk to you about the plot and casting controversy, and whether it is suitable for taking children to watch.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

The attendance of "The Little Mermaid" is simply ...


Let's take a look at the plot first, basically restoring the classic animated version of 1989, and the story has not changed significantly.

Ariel is the king's most doting youngest daughter, but unlike her sisters, she is infinitely curious about the human world and does not like to listen to the king's father's teachings.

Later, he disobeyed his father's order, fell in love with the human prince, and fell into the witch's trap step by step. In the end, he and the prince work together to defeat the bad witch, and their love and bravery win the understanding and respect of their respective clansmen, and usher in a happy ending.

Famous scenes are restored many times in the movie. For example, the Little Mermaid sings on the reef, and the waves stir behind her;

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Ariel wanted to go to the human world, and Sebastin the crab grabbed her and sang "Under the Sea", wanting to evoke her nostalgia for the ocean.

All the sea creatures dance along, which is more beautiful than the animation;

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky
June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

The romantic scene of the Little Mermaid and the Prince boating on the lake is also recreated, with the small fish spitting out the fountain and fireflies flying by the boat. Every scene lives up to the Disney name.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky
June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

But the new version of "The Little Mermaid" is not an unchanging copy of the animated version, it has made several adaptations to make the original plot and characters more rich and three-dimensional.

In the old animated version, Ariel fell hopelessly in love with the prince after saving him, just because the prince is "handsome and dashing", in today's words, the appearance party, somewhat "love brain";

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

But in live-action movies, the love line is fleshed out. Ariel and the prince have similar circumstances, such as they both yearn for the outside world, but the strong heads of the king's parents are carved out of a mold, and they feel that the risk is too high and they are not allowed to realize their dreams.

Their love is based on sympathy for each other, not just "love at first sight" at the right eye.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

The prince's personality is also richer, he has traveled to many countries, and he is interested in the sea, which also adds credibility to his love with mermaids.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Another major change is that the hero who killed the villain Ursula was changed from Prince to Ariel. The Little Mermaid, or the female character of fairy tales, no longer has to passively wait for salvation, they can save themselves themselves.

Female characters are injected into the core of the new era and become extraordinarily powerful!

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky
June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky


To my great surprise, after watching the movie, I asked my son what he thought of this movie? Will the image of the little mermaid become black not get used to it, but he didn't care at all, and said to me, "Although it is not very good-looking, I think this black mermaid is energetic and full of positive energy!" ”

I immediately took out my phone and pulled Ariel's actor Hailey Bailey, what is the background. At a glance, I realized that in fact, the director's persistence is for a reason.

In the original animation of "The Little Mermaid", in addition to being beautiful, Ariel also has excellent qualities such as bravery, innocence, and agility, as well as a particularly moving singing voice.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Ariel's voice was taken away by the witch Ursula

And it just so happens that Bailey is also very talented in music:

When she was 8 years old, her father taught her and her sister to learn music;

11 years old, opened his own music channel on YouTube with his sister;

12 years old, became popular by covering Beyoncé's songs;

At the age of 15, he signed to Beyoncé to the same record label;

At the age of 18, Bailey and her sister were nominated for two Grammy Awards; Then on stage Super Bowl, Grammys live singing...

She has also used her singing voice to win a large number of teenage fans, and her popularity is particularly strong. It is said that the director is Bailey, who was found on the Grammy scene.

In the face of controversy, the director supported Bailey:

"I am very aware that Halle possesses a rare combination of spirit, heart, youth, innocence and connotation, coupled with her beautiful singing voice, all the inner qualities necessary to play this iconic character."

Personally, after being washed by Bailey's singing voice and dancing a few times, and then looking at the dark-skinned mermaid, the sense of violation is not so strong.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky
June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky


May see here, there will still be many people who feel that this little mermaid who is not "beautiful" enough, really can't accept it, it's too ruining childhood.

But is Andersen's original Little Mermaid book, beauty (which refers only to the beauty of appearance), the heart of the whole story?

Of course not, everyone must remember that the Little Mermaid that Hans Christian Andersen said was brave, she saved the prince of the sunken ship despite the wind and waves;

The Little Mermaid is kind, and it would rather sacrifice itself and turn into a bubble on the sea than hurt an innocent prince.

So just the beauty of appearances has never been a reason for us to like a princess, or a fairy tale.

And for children who are exposed to this story for the first time, skin color does not mean anything, because there are no presuppositions in their hearts and no prejudices.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Why does a princess have to be a beauty? Why can't a princess have the looks of an ordinary person, why can't she be ordinary?

Ordinary-looking girls are also worthy of the prince's affection and can also become heroes.

June 1st, my son actually wants to watch Disney's new version of "The Little Mermaid" sprayed into the sky

Perhaps Disney is also engaged in a very new exploration. The princess of the new era can be dark, brown, yellow... It could be you, it could be me, it could be anyone. Not because of origin, because of race, because of skin color, it is not worthy, not worthy.

Written at the end:

Although "The Little Mermaid" is not as bad as the Internet rumors, there are still a few points before watching the movie to help everyone clear the mine:

1. The rhythm of the whole film is slightly dragging, and it is easy to fall asleep watching it;

2. The movie is 3D and the color tone is darker when wearing glasses;

3. To be on the safe side, you can let the baby see the trailer first and ask the baby if she wants to watch it. If the child is also interested and does not express obvious disgust, then the weekend cinema can go!

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