
Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

author:Qinghe reads and raises children

Recently, I learned a new word "disenchantment".

What is "disenchantment"? It is the process of fading the halo of certain things and discovering the truth.

The term originates from Max Weber's theory of "disenchantment of the world", which refers to the dissolution of the mysteriousness, sacredness, and allure of science and knowledge.

Although it was the first time I had seen this term, looking back on our lives, we suddenly found that this phenomenon has been around for a long time.

Looking at the people around me, I always feel that other people's lives are happy and smooth sailing, but my own life is full of chicken feathers;

For work, I always feel that other people's work is less and more money; As for my own work, there is little money and more things, and it is not meaningful;

Especially when looking at children, I always think that other people's children are self-disciplined and motivated, but my own children always love to contradict them......

Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

Why is this so?

A closer look reveals that:

The reason why we have so many prejudices is because we add filters to other people's lives, so that they have a mysterious or sacred aura, so they will look so glamorous.

What's more, what we see is only a corner of other people's lives, and it is largely inaccurate to measure the whole in terms of a corner.

In the final analysis, the most important reason is: to compare your own daily life with other people's highlight moments.

The trouble of comparison is also born from this. How can we better "disenchant"?

Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

01. Enhance self-awareness

In life, we will always be influenced by the world and the community.

always think that what everyone pursues is good; What everyone agrees on must be good.

But the book "The Rabble" tells us:

"As soon as people are in the group, their IQ is seriously reduced, and in order to gain recognition, individuals are willing to abandon right and wrong, and exchange IQ for a sense of belonging that makes people feel safe."

Our sense of self is largely influenced by a variety of factors, such as cues, secular standards, leadership authority, ......

When we realize this, we must remain independent and sober in our future affairs:

The worldly standard of happiness, is it really happiness? Is this really what I want?

Leader's words, must be right? Why did he say that?

What is the real meaning of work?


In case of trouble, ask a few more whys, so that you can see the essence of things and see the truth of things.

Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

02. Expand sources of information

Many times, our ideas and opinions are limited because our cognition is relatively one-sided.

Mark Twain said, "If the only tool you have on you is a hammer, then you will see all problems as nails." ”

Keeping open, expanding our sources of information as much as possible, seeing more of the world, and increasing our experience, we can better understand the world.

Also, be exposed to different perspectives and voices to get the most complete picture of things possible.

Just like reading a book, about a point of knowledge, we have to listen to the advice of the book, and we also have to look at the ideas of that book.

"If you listen to both, you will be clear, and if you listen partially, you will be dark." If life is the superposition of countless multiple-choice questions, so much reference to some information and listen to some suggestions, we may make better choices.

As the saying goes, "Listen to the majority, refer to the opinions of the few, and ultimately make your own decisions".

Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

03. Learn to think critically

The most important thing about "disenchantment" is to stay sober and learn to think critically.

The ancients said: "It is better to believe in books than to have no books." ”

Reading is not to make our brains a racetrack for other people's thoughts, but to learn to think, to learn to think critically: good, stay, absorb; If it's not good, throw it away.

In the era of self-media, the information we come into contact with in our lives can be described as dazzling and endless:

This information comes from all directions, both reported by professional media organizations and shared by ordinary netizens;

There is both rigorous academic discussion and light-hearted entertaining gossip.

However, the authenticity and accuracy of this information need to be carefully identified.

There is information that provides us with valuable knowledge and insights; There is also some information, which is very likely to be pandering to the bottom, or even one-sided and wrong.

Only by knowing how to think critically and being good at discernment can we really learn what is useful to us.

Cognitive upgrading: Learn to dispel charm and use your mind and energy in the right place

Write at the end:

Some people say: "This world is a huge grass platform, and many people are not as powerful as we think; A lot of things are easier than we think. ”

Don't give people and things at will, add filters; If we don't set limits on ourselves and increase resistance, we will have more confidence and courage to face challenges.

When we can jump out of the coercion of "charm" and use our thoughts and energy in the right place, we can avoid detours, and live a relaxed and unrestrained life.

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