
The first of the "Three Greats of Lingnan" - Qu Dajun

author:The view of Shanwan in the big tide

Qu Dajun (1630-1696), also known as Weng Shan,No.7 Pond,also known as Vegetable Garden,was a native of Panyu, Guangdong (present-day Guangzhou, Guangdong Province). The remnants, poets and scholars of the Ming Dynasty are the first of the "Three Greats of Lingnan" in the poetry circle of the early Qing Dynasty.

In 1646, the Qing army captured Guangzhou, and the following year, the 18-year-old Qu Dajun participated in the anti-Qing struggle and was defeated in the same year. Later, he went to Zhaoqing and presented the "Six Canons of Zhongxing" to the Yongli Emperor of the Southern Ming Dynasty. Later, he cut his hair and became a monk, and named his residence "Death Temple" to show that he was not used by the Qing court. However, he still had the ambition to recover, ran in all directions, plotted to respond to the counterattack of Zheng Chenggong's water division, and afterwards went to Qin, Jin, Yan, Qi and other places to contact the Zhishi, and it was also customary to be obedient. Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and once joined his army. There are poems everywhere in life, hanging on to the ancient when there are many feelings, and expressing the indignation and indomitable aspirations of the country. Qu Yuan, the ancestor of the poem, followed by Li Bai and Du Fu, was sometimes passionate and unrestrained, sometimes depressed and vigorous, and changeable and eclectic. Together with Chen Gongyin and Liang Peilan, he is called "Lingnan Three Greats".

Qu Dajun's main works include "Guangdong Xinyu", which introduces the local folk customs and crops in Guangdong, which is a high-value Qing Dynasty notebook and is considered to be "Guangdong Waizhi". Other works include "Weng Shan Poetry Outside", "Weng Shan Wen Wai", "Weng Shan Yi Wai", and "Cheng Ren Lu of the Four Dynasties of the Emperor and Ming Dynasty". Many of his poems had a clear anti-Qing stance, the Qing government listed his books as banned, his bones were slaughtered, and two of his grandsons were beheaded by the Qing court.

The first of the "Three Greats of Lingnan" - Qu Dajun

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