
The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

author:Forget about the mountain people
The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

Guangzhou Street in 1871

Among the famous events of the early Qing Dynasty, the most profound influence on culture was the literal prison. One of them is Qu Dajun, one of the "three masters" in the Lingnan poetry circle. After the fall of Guangzhou, Qu Dajun's father ordered him: "We must be clean and self-righteous, and do not become an official in the Qing court." Qu Dajun followed his father's teachings, and in order to maintain his loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, he chose to work as a farmer at home.

Qu Dajun (1630-1696), originally known as Shao Long, also known as Shao Long, no. non-chi, also known as Saoyu, also known as Weng Shan, Meson, No. Caipu, Han, Guangdong Panyu people. A famous scholar and poet in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, together with Chen Gongyin and Liang Peilan, was called "Lingnan Three Greats", and had the reputation of "Guangdong Xu Xiake".

In the autumn of 1660 (the seventeenth year of Shunzhi), Qu Dajun visited Nanjing and traveled with Zhu Yizun to Shanyin to participate in the anti-Qing activities of the Qi brothers.

In 1662, Wei Wei, Qian Zhanbai, Qian Yizeng, Pan Tingcong, and others were killed in Hangzhou, and Qi Bansun sent Ningguta, most of whom avoided Tonglu.

In 1673 (the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty), Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, rebelled against the Qing Dynasty under the banner of growing his hair and restoring clothes, and Qu Dajun went to Gui to participate in his affairs, and was appointed as the deputy director of the Guangxi Prefecture to supervise Sun Yanlingjun. Not long after, because he understood Wu Sangui's intention to fight for hegemony and divide the territory in the name of anti-Qing, he resigned and returned to Guangdong.

In 1674 (the thirteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty), after Taiwan was returned to the Qing court, Qu had stopped his anti-Qing activities and shifted his focus to the collection and compilation of Guangdong literature, fangwu, and palm history, and compiled them into the Guangdong Anthology and the Guangdong Anthology. What people admired at the time was that he disregarded the prohibition of the Qing court and wrote the "Records of the Four Dynasties of the Emperor and Ming Dynasty", which sang praises for the anti-Qing heroes in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, which caused great repercussions among the remnants of the late Ming Dynasty.

His "Guangdong Xinyu", which describes Guangdong's astronomical, geographical, mineral deposits, grasses and trees, animals, culture, ethnic groups, customs and other aspects, is considered to be a Guangdong geoscience letter with high historical value. Qu Dajun's poetry creation style is bright, and he is one of the "three masters" in the Lingnan poetry circle, which has a great influence on the modern Lingnan poetry style. Most of the poems in his later years showed the feelings of the anti-Qing struggle.

The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

Qu Dajun is seated

On June 27, 1696 (the thirty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty), he died of illness in his hometown. After his death, because of his "Records of Chengren of the Four Dynasties of the Emperor and Ming Dynasty", he was reported to have anti-Qing sentiments, and the Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors respectively ordered a thorough investigation and burning of the book.

After the revival of the country was hopeless, Qu Dajun wrote a large number of works in his later years with words. Since Qu Dajun's position was anti-Qing and restorative, there is no doubt that his books were banned at that time. Qu Dajun died at the age of sixty-seven, and after his death, the Qing court exhumed his body and slaughtered him, and beheaded his two grandsons. There is no difficulty in life, and after death, it is also sad to suffer disasters in life.

If the books written by Qu Dajun in his later years can be preserved, there will be more posterity to study the deeds of the Ming emperors and the people's livelihood in the context of the Ming Dynasty at that time. Although the book was written, it could not be tolerated by the Qing government, and it escaped the disaster before his death, but after his death, he was doubly insulted and flogged. While retaining his own atmosphere, he harmed himself, and also caused the whole family to suffer a disaster, and his descendants could not be spared. But the song can be wept, how not to make people regret. It is such a great historical and cultural celebrity that has a great influence on the poetry style of Lingnan in modern times. In order to commemorate his outstanding contributions, his descendants built the tomb of Qu Dajun and was listed as a cultural relics protection unit in Guangzhou.

Qu Dajun Tomb is located in the foothills of Baozhugang, Sixian Village, Xinzuo Town, Panyu City, Guangdong Province, covering an area of square meters, with memorial buildings such as Qu Dajun's Tomb, Eight Springs Pavilion, and Sixian Pavilion. In 1985, the People's Government of Panyu County, Guangzhou City, specially allocated funds for repairs, and built a "Sixian Pavilion" on the right side of the tomb, with a statue of Qu Dajun carved inside. The original tomb is not sealed or a tree, and the latter is built in a semi-spherical shape. There are also tombs of his father, mother, son and daughter-in-law in the tomb area.

The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

From an early age, Qu Dajun was strictly disciplined by his father Qu Yiyu, and the "First Examination of the Four Pines of the Gong of The Foot", which wrote about his childhood reading experience: "The Inspector of the Gong of the Foot of the Foot is strict ("The Foot of the Foot" is Qu Yiyu's number), and the daily recitation does not ask what the book is, and will be explained by thousands of words. ”

Qu Yiyu has created an environment full of books for his son's growth environment. Occasionally, when there was some loose money, he took it to buy books, and he said to his son, "I will take books as a field, and I will leave it behind; my family may not have a field, and I must not have no books." ”

The young Qu Dajun did not live up to his father's teachings, and when he was young, he had the ability to "recite from the past", and he was even more kind and early-sighted. Even if he is talented, he is a hard read, and there is no pride and complacency. According to the "Qu Family Tree", he took advantage of the light used by his mother Huang to weave cloth every night and immersed himself in reading. "Read thirty new books, get up in the morning and recite them in front of your father, without leaving a word."

In 1656 (the thirteenth year of Shunzhi), Qu Dajun began to travel all over the world in the name of Huayuan, traveling to Wuyue, Youyan, Qilu, Jingchu, Qin and Jin, traveling north to Guanzhong and Shanxi, joining the Jiji to Nanjing' Gurudwara Tomb, and then going to Beijing, climbing Jingshan to find Chongzhen's death crying, and associating with Gu Yanwu, Li Yindu, Zhu Yizun and so on. He also went east out of ShanhaiGuan, paying attention to the dangers and obstacles of the mountains and rivers, and plotting to resume business. He wrote songs such as "Out of the Plug" and "Plugged Up Song" in Liaodong Province. After returning to Guannei, he actively wandered between Qi, Lu, Wu, and Yue, and secretly contacted Zheng Chenggong with Wei Qi and Qi Bansun at Huiji, and zhang Huangyan led his army up the river, Kewu Lake, Huihui, Ning, and Xiazhou Counties for more than thirty years.

When he was young, he studied hard and was talented, and was destined to become a generation of literary masters. The travel experience of middle age makes his poetry have a sense of atmosphere and vicissitudes; in experiencing the twists and turns of life, he still maintains the unyielding arrogance in his heart, and he pours this spirit into literary works. Unfortunately, most of the works have been burned, and there are many books and materials to verify history, which is a great pity.

The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

Qu Dajun characters

One of his masterpieces, "Guangdong Xinyu", records the astronomical geography, economic customs, and character customs of Guangdong, which combines the strengths of various historical records, has detailed descriptions, rich content, has high historical value and academic value, and has become a work of legend, which has always been highly evaluated, and contemporary scholars have praised it as "Guangdong Encyclopedia". Although it is not a special scientific and technological treatise, some scholars have calculated that its length involving scientific and technological issues accounts for 68% of the whole book, 100,000 words belong to agriculture, and 2/3 are records on the national economy and people's livelihood, which comprehensively reflects the economic development of Guangdong in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Some scholars also specifically discuss Qu Dajun's research on natural sciences, believing that he pays attention to scientific practice, focuses on comprehensive research and philosophical generalization, and embodies simple dialectical thought. Qu Dajun established a historiography of the classics centered on social and economic life, and "took poetry as history" and played a pioneering role in the transition from feudal traditional historiography to modern historiography.

One of the poems in the "Guangzhou Bamboo Branch Words" reads: "The foreign ship is an official and businessman, and the cross door opens to the second ocean." Five silks and eight silks are wide satin, and the silver money is piled up in thirteen rows. ”

Not only is the local color strong, but it is also the earliest written record of the Thirteen Elements of Guangzhou, and it is still the main historical basis for historians to study the origin and change of the Thirteen Elements. Qu Dajun, who "corrected history with poetry," left a valuable historical and cultural wealth to future generations in this regard.

Throughout his life, Qu Dajun trekked through the mountains and rivers to contact the heroes and hope to restore China. "Sixty-six years... Dangers and obstacles are difficult, and it is necessary to taste its suffering" "Born to be self-righteous". Therefore, to write poetry, it is mainly to write about this experience and feelings.

For example, "Nongshu Qingming Works": "The old country and the mountains dreamed of the disciples, and the Chinese characters sank";

"Sending guests in the Bauhinia Pass Road": "Thousands of miles of sad winds follow the plug, three years of bright moonshine homesickness";

"Yong Huai": "Today there is mourning and chaos, and the sun and the moon are upside down." ...... Mountain ghosts are full of charms, driving forward from two wolves. Faithful to the Lord, nine deaths and no harm.".

They are all passionate, full of unfulfilled ambitions. Wang Ying's "Preface to the Three Great Poems of Lingnan" was rated as follows: "Like a thousand ravines rushing to the waves, a thousand miles, a release without rest, and a flow without exhaustion." Among them, there are many dragon gods and monsters, not the shallow water of Ruoping Lake, but fish turtles. ”

The Qing Dynasty poet Qu Dajun, the past and present life of a generation of literati

Collection of Works by Heihiro

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