
The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

author:Ice City Summer Capital
The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

Since the Ministry of Education issued the "Action to Promote the Joint Construction of the Belt and Road" Education, the educational circles of China and Russia have been in close communication, mutual learning and frequent cooperation. On July 9, 2021, the second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum on "Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment" was held in Harbin, which was jointly sponsored by Heilongjiang Dragon Media Education Group, Russian Far Eastern Federal University, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Chifeng City Weng Niu Te Banner Wudan No. 2 Middle School, Russia Pacific State Medical University, Dragon Media International High School, organized by Dragon Media Russian College, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Chifeng City Health School, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region No. 2 Geological Middle School, is an important result of frequent exchanges between China and Russia.

Present at the summit were: Ji Yujia, Director of the Eurasian Division of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Harbin Municipal People's Government, Cui Na, Director of the Fourth-Level Section, Dong Jinlong, Chairman of Heilongjiang Dragon Media Education Group, Евгений Евгениевиы Власов Vice President (remote video participant), Director of the Foreign Affairs Division of The National Medical University of the Pacific Забава Егор (remote video participant), President Cuiying of Wudan Erzhonggu in Inner Mongolia, President Zhao Ziliang of Chifeng Health School, Wang Zhijun, vice principal of Inner Mongolia No. 2 Geological Middle School, Sun Wenming, principal of Inner Mongolia Manzhouli Yuanfang Middle School, Wei Jinghai, general supervisor of Hengshui Qiqihar Foreign Chinese School, Feng Yafei, director of the teaching and research department of Heilongjiang Teacher Development College, Zhang Min, head of the New Media Center of Harbin Radio and Television Station, Professor Xu Kai and Professor Qi Wenhai of Heilongjiang University, Chang Yan, dean of Dragon Media Russian College, and Cui Zhiguo, dean of foreign affairs, as well as experts and scholars from education circles from all over the country.

The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

Mr. Dong Jinlong, Chairman of Heilongjiang Dragon Media Education Group, presided over the forum and delivered a welcome speech. He pointed out that far eastern federal university and Pacific State Medical University are the most important strategic partners of Dragon Media Education Group in Russia. In 2019, the Sino-Russian International School affiliated to the Far Eastern Federal University was built in Vladivostok, Russia, and in 2021, the Dragon Media International High School was also settled in Bin County, Harbin, and the two schools created by the Dragon Media and the Far Eastern Federal University provided more opportunities for Chinese and Russian students to study abroad, realizing the possibility of studying abroad after graduating from junior high school. The educational cooperation between Dragon Media and Russian universities has developed in depth and exchanges have become increasingly close. Through the collision of wisdom and the exchange of ideas between experts from the two countries, it will surely effectively promote the rapid development of Chinese and Russian education, promote the educational cooperation between the two sides to reach a new peak, and play a good radiation role in the education and talent training along the "Belt and Road" between China and Russia.

The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

Vice-Chancellor of the Russian Far Eastern Federal University Евгений Евгениевич Власов spoke on behalf of far eastern federal university. He introduced: Far Eastern Federal University has a history of more than 120 years, is one of the ten federal universities in Russia, a university directly under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, one of the most prestigious universities in Russia, one of the best university campuses in the world, and also a top 500 university in the world. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit and the Pacific Rim University Alliance Federation have been successfully held, and the annual Eastern Economic Forum has also been held at far eastern federal university, where President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and Russian President Vladimir Putin have met cordially. In the past few years, the Far Eastern Federal University and the Russian Academy of Dragon Media have worked closely together, the Russian Academy of Dragon Media has sent a group of outstanding Chinese students to the Far Eastern Federal University, the two universities jointly founded the Sino-Russian International School affiliated to the Far Eastern Federal University, and the Chinese Entrance Examination Base of the Far Eastern Federal University has also set up dragon media, and in the future, the Far Eastern Federal University will further strengthen cooperation with the Russian College of Dragon Media, hoping that Chinese students will enter the Far Eastern Federal University for further study through the Russian preparatory study at the Russian College of Dragon Media. The doors of far eastern federal universities are always open to Chinese students.

The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

President Cuiying of Inner Mongolia Wudan Erzhonggu talked freely about his feelings in cooperation with the Russian Academy of Dragon Media and the Far Eastern Federal University for several years, and hoped that Chinese students studying abroad would be able to shoulder the transformation of China from a big country to a strong country and shoulder the burden of national rejuvenation when they returned to China in the future.

Zhao Ziliang, president of Chifeng Health School in Inner Mongolia, introduced the situation of Chifeng Health School at the meeting, and expressed his deep recognition of the cooperation with Dragon Media Russian College, Far Eastern Federal University and Pacific State Medical University. This will provide chifeng health school students with more internship and study abroad opportunities in nursing, clinical medicine and stomatology.

The Sino-Russian Education Wisdom Empowerment | the official opening of the Second Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum

The principals of major high schools and domestic experts and scholars attending the meeting all spoke freely at the meeting and contributed ideas for Sino-Russian education. After the conference, a series of teaching and research activities were also held, starting from grammar, speaking, audio-visual speaking and other forms, making full use of modern teaching methods, and showing a full and wonderful Russian lesson for the students present and the experts involved in teaching and research activities. The experts and scholars attending the meeting gave high praise to the open class, and the situational teaching and immersion teaching effect was very good, which fully mobilized the enthusiasm of students and exchanged teaching methods with teachers.

This Sino-Russian Principals Summit Forum will comprehensively promote the in-depth cooperation between China and Russia in inter-school exchanges, talent training, resource co-construction and sharing, cultivate more high-quality and compound talents, and contribute to the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy and the common prosperity of China and Russia. #爱上美好龙江 #

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