
"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo used "chicken soup" to make a trip for graduates: always believe in the power of perseverance, and temper the cultivation of life all the way

author:Cover News

On June 21, Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology held the graduation ceremony of the class of 2024 at the Yibin Campus and the Libaihe Campus at the same time. At the ceremony, the two campuses presented awards to the winners of the President's Special Award, the representatives of outstanding graduates and the winners of outstanding master's theses, and issued letters of appointment to the directors of the Class of 2024 Alumni Association.

The graduation season of the new year is coming, and the parting words of the "Internet celebrity principal", who are loved by the students, still bring surprises and laughter to the graduates. He encouraged nearly 12,000 graduates to "experience the world alone in the future, and it will be too late to go through it if you hesitate and stay", "always believe in the power of perseverance, and sharpen your life's cultivation along the way".

"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo used "chicken soup" to make a trip for graduates: always believe in the power of perseverance, and temper the cultivation of life all the way

Graduation ceremony of Yibin Campus of Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology

Memories grow

Both the alma mater and the students are "rushing forward together and towards the clouds"

"Time is silent, amazing growth. When I arrived at the graduation stop, I finally realized that it was time to say goodbye to this place where I had complained thousands of times, but I didn't allow others to scold me! At the graduation ceremony, Tuo Xianguo and the students recalled the past years, ridiculed "the admission letter with his own cartoon principal image is said to be very handsome", recalled the "bus to spring", and recalled the "opening ceremony of the school" due to the epidemic.

In the "Chicken Soup" of the "Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo, the growth of the alma mater started from the third-line construction to the "international integration", and the middle experienced the process of "school-local integration" to develop the twin cities, "integration of industry and education" to gather resources, "integration of research and learning" innovation fission, and "military-civilian integration" to serve the overall situation.

"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo used "chicken soup" to make a trip for graduates: always believe in the power of perseverance, and temper the cultivation of life all the way

"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony

The growth of the alma mater has made many people change from "disgusting the soil and being poor" a few years ago to "pushing and planting grass", and deservedly become an "Internet celebrity school" and "someone else's university", and become "the first school on the Yangtze River" and the closest university to zero kilometers away from the Yangtze River.

Even if it is affectionate, even if it is reluctant, even if it has to say goodbye, but growth, let students understand that "their alma mater is worth it, and mountains and seas can go". Tuo Xianguo said, "Year after year, we are rushing between the mountains and seas, rushing forward and towards the clouds with Sichuan Qinghua!" ”

"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo used "chicken soup" to make a trip for graduates: always believe in the power of perseverance, and temper the cultivation of life all the way

Graduation Ceremony of Li Baihe Campus of Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology

Start anew

Message to students "To break into society, we must adhere to our inner choice"

In his speech, he encouraged the students to "go in the same direction with the times, walk with the trend, how to start from the new and move towards the quality, you are born at the right time, in your prime, and you should live up to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the great cause!" Sichuan Qinghua people, please gather and prepare to go on the expedition! ”

is about to break into the society, what kind of "broken thoughts" will Tuo Xianguo give to the graduates this year, so that they can "have light in their hearts, a road under their feet, and a strong way forward" when they encounter confusion in life? "First insist on inner choice, then insist on sober self, and finally insist on innovation to win."

Tuo Xianguo sent a message to students, although there are many opportunities for young people, but there are also many young people. In the era of innovation, adjustment and change are everywhere, no matter what kind of profession and track you enter, you must be full of exploration and curiosity about the surroundings, boldly question, innovate and create, and strive to be a professional "werewolf" and professional "ceiling" in your field.

He also cited the example of Chang'e-6's successful landing on the moon's back to the South Pole, and hoped that the students would maintain the "three states" of self-cultivation, courage and responsibility, determination to endure hardships, self-confidence and shine, "only then can you find the moon and treasures". "In the face of the rapid development of AI, the rapid upgrading of technical models, and the updating of knowledge, don't pretend to understand or be a passerby, take the initiative to cultivate yourself to become a talent, unify life, work, and learning, and contribute enthusiasm, talent, and value to the motherland and the world."

Tuo Xianguo said that it is necessary to establish lofty ambitions and correct "bitter optimism", to jump out of the comfort zone, to do hard work, to work hard, to dare and be willing to go to the motherland's needs and urgent and dangerous posts to hone, to take root and joints in hardships and hardships, to grow and blossom in the wind and rain experience, to taste the ripe sweetness in self-seeking hardships, and to let the moon illuminate your windowsill. "Students, please believe that the long river of life is not smooth sailing, still water flows deeply, only by taking responsibility all the way, constantly enduring hardships, and being confident and strong, can you feel the magnificence of the mountains and rivers, reach the mountains and seas in your heart, and put the shining stars along the way, all of them shine in your bags when you come in, and illuminate the distance you want to go."

"Internet celebrity principal" Tuo Xianguo used "chicken soup" to make a trip for graduates: always believe in the power of perseverance, and temper the cultivation of life all the way

Graduation Ceremony of Li Baihe Campus of Sichuan University of Light Chemical Technology

Go to quality

After ten years of meeting with the students, I will return to my alma mater to see the "Time Mailbox"

He reminded the graduates that "life is short, hurry up and struggle", "say goodbye to the university, I hope you are diligent and practical, content and motivated, don't sink in 'staying up late to eat chicken, late night emo', eat less 'electronic mustard', less brush 'cool drama and cool text', go to exercise more self-discipline, secrete endorphins, train your body for struggle, accumulate energy, don't complain that the balance is small, the days are very hard, life is very tired, and the weight is only gaining weight on the scale. ”

Tuo Xianguo encouraged students to "be a wave that is not vulgar, has ideals and souls", embraces the new era, does not be afraid of the former waves and strong opponents in the workplace, dares to hide strength, does not show the edge, but also makes good use of talents, appropriately emerges, and is not afraid to try new things and "hard work", so that each task is worthy of their own payment, and constantly add the "gold content" of high-quality life. "Students, please don't forget the original ideal, the most true vow, when the spring breeze is proud or frustrated, you can go to the depths of your heart to see what your ideal looks like, continue to keep your soul interesting, interested and hopeful, walk the road close to the light, walk well, and finally smile and say to yourself: This is what my ideal looks like."

He invited the students to return to school next year to celebrate the 60th birthday of their alma mater. Make an appointment with the students to write a card to yourself in ten years and put it in the school's "time mailbox", "Do this little thing as meaningful as your first love!" When the school celebrates its 70th anniversary, "You and I came as promised, found these brocade books, and saw if you gave up on those unattainable dreams, and saw if the moon climbed up to illuminate your windowsill!" ”

"The defense has been broken, classmates, it's not time to separate, and I have begun to look forward to it, the boy is far away from here, and the road ahead is vast and broad." Tuo Xianguo said, when you say goodbye, I hope you will savor the "three glasses of wine" of your alma mater - the first cup, the "Dream Fulfillment" youth inspirational wine, and I hope you will go through the trials and tribulations of the years and embrace the hot and hot dream; The second cup, "Sailing a Thousand Miles" Struggle Wine, I hope you will go through thousands of sails to cross, and you will still not be greasy and can chase the wind when you return; The third cup, "Glorious Years" celebration wine, may you visit the mellow fragrance of the years, and brew a better life and career!

In the end, he reluctantly said goodbye to the students: "The mountains and rivers are far and wide, and the stars are thousands of miles." Finally, we are going to say goodbye and congratulate you again, all of the Class of 2024! I wish all the dear students to start a new journey and have flowers all the way in the name of graduation! Compared with the big red and purple, rich and expensive, we hope that you will be safe and happy in your life, go to a place where there is a clear breeze and bright moon and fireworks in the world, become your own YYDS, and enjoy a happy life that belongs to each of you! Students, let's go! ”


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