
Control dropouts to improve quality, campus construction to promote development - Jingyang District East Street Primary School accepts the supervision of education and teaching by the District Education Bureau

author:Deyang hot spot

Sichuan News Network News (Yan Xun) On the morning of March 31, Zhou Mian, supervisor of the Supervision Office of the Jingyang District Education Bureau, went to the East Street Primary School in Jingyang District to supervise education and teaching such as dropout control and campus culture construction.

Control dropouts to improve quality, campus construction to promote development - Jingyang District East Street Primary School accepts the supervision of education and teaching by the District Education Bureau

Accompanied by the person in charge of the school, Inspector Zhou Mian visited the art workshop, bicycle parking area, table tennis sports area, and flag platform cultural construction, and listened to the construction measures of the school's teachers and students. Inspector Zhou fully recognized the work carried out by the school, he believes that although the East Street Primary School covers a small area and has little space to use, the school has planning and innovation, and the school leadership team is united and cooperative, dares to think and dare to do, which improves the satisfaction and reputation of parents and society with school education.

Control dropouts to improve quality, campus construction to promote development - Jingyang District East Street Primary School accepts the supervision of education and teaching by the District Education Bureau

Inspector Zhou carefully consulted the school's dropout control and protection materials, exchanged information with the relevant staff of the school on the development of the school's dropout control and protection work, and fully affirmed that the school continued to ensure that the completion rate of this work reached 100%. He also conducted a door-to-door lecture and learned about the development of the school's teaching routine. He said that in recent years, East Street Primary School has conscientiously implemented the work requirements of the District Education Bureau, focused on the core work of education and teaching, and worked hard to carry out campus culture construction, improve the quality of school operation, and made practical results.

The person in charge of the school said that under the leadership of the District Education Bureau, the school will continue to deepen the reform of education and teaching, strive to innovate the development ideas of the school, actively promote the construction of a safe, civilized and scholarly campus, further improve the quality of school education and teaching, and improve the efficiency of running the school.

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