
Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (I)

author:The decieth of two
Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (I)

Tao Guang Yang pretended to be stupid

Gao Yang is Gao Huan's most unfortunate son, born in 526 AD, at that time was the trough of Gao Huan's life, the family was surrounded by four walls, Xiao Gao Huan was malnourished from childhood, resulting in very dark skin, high cheekbones, but the chin was very sharp, thin and out of phase, more unfortunately, Gao Yang also had a very serious skin disease, and his feet were still lame (scaled ankles). Compared with the tall, mighty and high appearance of other Gao brothers, Gao Yang appears extremely prominent, as if he is not a son of the Gao family.

What is even more unfortunate is that due to his unsightly appearance, Gao Yang lost the favor of his mother Lou Zhaojun, and the eldest son Gao Cheng and the youngest son Gao Ji were Lou Zhaojun's heart meat, but the weakest Gao Yang was disliked by his own mother.

Perhaps due to inferiority, compared to the Gao family's children's ability to test the character and talent of several sons, so they called several sons over, gave them a mess, let them unravel, the Gao family brothers slowly twitched the thread, trying to unravel, But Gao Yang drew a knife out of the sheath and cut the hemp ball in half, and the thread was naturally sorted out. Gao Huan was very satisfied with Gao Yang's handling, and knew that Gao Yang did not play cards according to common sense, and there would be great achievements in the future.

Eloquent and lively, Gao Yang has always been silently hiding aside, silent and taciturn.

As Gao Huan's career began to take off, it also opened

When they were teenagers, they were all assigned some troops, let them camp in the wilderness, and sent their men to pretend to be enemy troops in the middle of the night to sneak up on several children of the Gao family. Several of the Gao family's sons were panicked and overwhelmed, only Gao Huan immediately launched a charge against the enemy army, at that time it was Peng Le who was responsible for pretending to attack Gao Yang, Peng Le saw that Gao Yang actually rushed towards him, quickly got off his horse and knelt down, saying that this was just an exam question, Gao Yang still let Peng Le return to the camp to see Gao Huan, Gao Huan was overjoyed, and said to others, "Gao Yang's achievements may exceed mine!" ”

Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (I)

Gao Huan found Lu Jingyu of Fanyang to be Gao Yang's teacher, and also married Gao Yang to Li Zu'e, the daughter of the Li family of the Han family Zhao County, is a big beauty, Li Zu'e is very gentle, Gao Yang's two small feelings are very good, in the Gao family can often see a funny scene, Hanging a big nose Gao Yang every day after Li Zu'e's ass.

Gao Yang's performance big brother Gao Cheng looked in his eyes and often openly ridiculed Gao Yang: "Just such a slug that follows behind a woman's ass every day can be rich and expensive, and it is a ghost!" The sex ghost Gao Cheng often flirted with Li Zu'e, and also raped his beautiful sister-in-law many times, and Gao Yang silently endured. At that time, only his father Gao Huan and his teacher Lu Jingyu knew Gao Yang's talents, but his father Gao Huan was busy with military affairs and had no time to pay attention to his son.

Gao Yang's patience made Gao Cheng, who had seized real power early, slowly relax his vigilance against him, and no longer regarded him as a competitor, Gao Yang could grow up, and later slowly gainEd Gao Cheng's trust. In 535 of the second year of Tianping, Gao Yang was enfeoffed as the Official, The Great General of the Horse Riders, the Three Divisions of Yi Tong, the Grand Master of Zuo Guanglu, and the Founding Duke of Taiyuan County.

In 547, in the fifth year of Wuding, Gao Huan died, and Gao Cheng went to the old lair of Jinyang to mourn, leaving the capital Yecheng to Gao Yang, who became Shangshu Ling, Zhongshu Supervisor, and Governor of Gyeonggi. The two brothers, one in Jinyang and the other in Yecheng, worked closely together and survived the most dangerous change of storm.

Stand up for thunder and take power

In 549, in the seventh year of Wuding, Gao Cheng, who was proud of the spring breeze, was assassinated by his own cook, and Gao Yang, who was drinking in the courtyard next door at the time, heard about the chaos and was very calm, rushed to the Dongbai Hall where the crime was committed with his bodyguards, personally hacked the assassin Lan Jing, and commanded the bodyguards to hack Lan Jing's accomplices, and then blockaded Yecheng in the name of Gao Cheng, hunted down the remnants, controlled the secrets, gained the first-mover advantage, and naturally controlled the military and political power in his hands. Gao Yang commanded Ruoding and convinced the gao family's old ministers, so he went to Jinyang with their support, completely undertook the Gao family's private soldiers, and officially became the heir of the Gao family.

The first thing Gao Yang did after succeeding to the throne was to reorganize the Gao family's private soldiers placed around Jinyang, he selected several thousand people among the more than 100,000 private soldiers of the Gao family, and the selection index was that one person could single out a hundred people, because most of the selected people were Xianbei disciples, so these people were called "Hundred Bao Xianbei", Gao Yang took them as a guard, took them with him and became a pro-army, in Gao Yang's military career, Gao Yang took this army to charge the battlefield.

Gao Yang personally handled military affairs and government affairs, and the government affairs were lenient, and many maladministrations were reduced, and the appointment of personnel was adjusted, and the political situation in Eastern Wei began to stabilize. In the following year, in 550, the eighth year of Wuding, Gao Yang, who had successfully succeeded to the throne, allowed Yuan Shan to see the Zen throne, and Gao Yang founded Northern Qi and became the first emperor of Northern Qi, with the era name tianbao.

The first thing he did when he became emperor was to grant amnesty to his father and brother's old ministers, and first commended the old ministers Sun Teng, Wei Jing, Lou Zhao, Gao Ao Cao, Murong Shaozong, Wan Qiangan, Duan Rong, Liu Gui, Dou Tai, Liu Feng, Cai Jun, etc., and gave condolences to their wives and children, showing the Gao family's kindness to the heroes who died in the royal affairs.

Gao Yang's cousin Gao Yue was made the King of Qinghe, Gao Guiyan of the Gao Yang clan was the King of Pingqin, Gao Longzhi, the old minister of the Same Sect, Gao Longzhi, was the King of Pingyuan, the hero of the same clan, Gao Sizong, was the King of Shangluo, Gao Changbi was the King of Guangwu, Gao Pu was the King of Wuxing, Gao Ziyi was the King of Pingchang, Gao Xianguo was the King of Xiangle, Gao Rui was the King of Zhao County, and Gao Xiaoxu was the King of Yingcheng.

The next step was to reward meritorious old ministers, Hu Digan as the King of Zhangwu, Huo Lujin as the King of Xianyang, He Baren as the King of Anding, Han Rail as the King of Ande, Ke Zhuhun Daoyuan as the King of Fufeng, Peng Le as the King of Chen Liu, and Pan Xiangle as the King of Hedong.

Then there were his brothers, Gao Jun as the King of Yong'an, Gao Yan as the King of Pingyang, Gao Huan as the King of Pengcheng, Gao Yan as the King of Changshan, Gao Zhuo as the King of Shangdang, Gao Wei as the King of Xiangcheng, Gao Zhan as the King of Changguang, Gao Xiang as the King of Rencheng, Gao Xiang as the King of Gaoyang, Gao Ji as the King of Boling, Gao Ning as the King of Xinping, Gao Run as the King of Feng Yi, and Gao Qia as the King of Hanyang.

In the end, it was his own family, with the eldest son Gao Yin as the crown prince and his wife Li Zu'e as the empress.

Immediately after the end of the award, the adjustment of the central personnel appointment began. Si Di Gan was Dazai, Situ Peng Le was Tai Wei, Sikong Pan Xiangle was Situ, and Kaifu Yi was sikong with Sima Ziru. Gao Yue was a great general of the Hun Horse and a priest of Sizhou.

Due to the particular crisis in the situation in Northern Qi at that time, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was as dangerous as an egg, so Gao Yang asked the crown prince Gao Yin to enter the Liangfeng Hall and supervise the country.

Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (I)

The Southern Expedition and the Northern War opened up the territory and expanded the territory

When he heard that Gao Yang had just succeeded to the throne and deposed Eastern Wei himself as emperor, Yuwen Tai felt that the political situation in Northern Qi must be unstable and should be taken advantage of, so he gathered all his troops to go east into Shaanzhou to see if he could touch the fish in muddy waters, Gao Yang did not hesitate at all, gathered all his younger brothers to come to meet the battle, looking at the Northern Qi army's strict formation, Yuwen Tai issued a sigh: "Gao Huan has a good son, it seems that there is no cheap to occupy." So the troops withdrew. Gao Yang was also not sure of victory, so he watched Yuwen Tai withdraw his troops without pursuing.

The following year, in 551, gao yang tried to continue to stabilize the Northern Qi regime, Peng Le was killed by Gao Yang on charges of treason, and Sima Ziru was deposed by Gao Yang. It was also this year that Hou Jing was proclaimed emperor in Jianye, and the state name was Han.

From the third year of Tianbao in 552 AD, Gao Yang began his military career, when the Central Plains due to perennial conquests, the various nomadic tribes in the north began to stir, the first to go south to rob was Kumosi, so Gao Yang took his own "Hundred Bao Xianbei" north, against Kumosi is a slash, raw robbed more than 100,000 various livestock and tens of thousands of Kumosi prisoners of war, Gao Yang distributed cattle and sheep livestock to the soldiers who went out with him, and sold Kumosi prisoners of war as slaves and placed them in Hebei.

A big thing happened in the steppe that year, the leader of the newly rising steppe tribe Turks, Ashina Tumen, wanted to be the son-in-law of the Rouran Khan Anaru, but Anaji did not look up to the Turks who gave themselves iron slaves, and sent their men down to the Turks' territory to scold Ashina Tumen: "You lowly iron slaves, you also want to eat swan meat toads and marry our rouran princess, it is really blind to your dog's eyes." Anajie's act of riding on his neck and pulling made the already powerful Turkic leader Ashina Tumen furious, slashed the messenger of the dog fighting power, and sent an emissary to propose to Yuwen Tai to ask for the princess of Western Wei, how could Yuwen Tai not agree, anyway, it was not his own daughter, so he sent the Princess Yuan of Changle to the Turks quickly. Ashina Tumen, who became the son-in-law of Western Wei, took his family brothers to cut down the Rouran people, the Turks and the Rouran people cut each other in the north of Huaihuang, the Rouran people were slashed and defeated, Ana gem was cut down and collapsed, and ana gem who had cut a lifetime had never been cut so badly, so he committed suicide. Anaji's crown prince Anluochen took a part of the remnants to the south to join his relative Gao Yang. The Rouran who remained in the steppe elected Tiefa as the new khan to confront the Turks. Gao Yang received the remnants of Rouran.

Gao Yang sent Gao Yue as the main general, taking Pan Xiangle, Tai Xinshu and other generals to attack Southern Liang, which had become a pot of porridge. In April, he gave Gao Yang the Chuanguo Jade Seal stolen from Southern Liang. June Gao Yue class division. He himself remained on the northern frontier, inspected the northern frontier in October, and was under pressure from the newly rising Turks, so he built more than four hundred miles of the Great Wall from Huangliling to Sheganshu, building a total of thirty-six military strongholds.

In the fourth year of Tianbao, in 553 A.D., the Shanhu people rebelled and attacked Lishi, Gao Yang listened, this was repaid, and took people to dry the Shanhu people, the Shanhu people heard that Gao Yang came, and they scattered, so Gao Yang went back to Jinyang after a local pacification, and with time, Gao Yang began to have high internal affairs, first of all, to reorganize the financial system and issue a new currency "Changping Five Baht" money.

In February, Gao Yang sent The Old Father Dengzhu of the Rouran Khan Tiefa back to the steppe, with the intention of maintaining friendly relations with the Ruoran people, and soon the Tiefa was killed by the Khitans, so Dengzhu became the new Khan, and later Dengzhu was also killed by the Rouran nobles, and the Rouran people elected Kuti as the new Khan.

In September, another steppe tribe, the Khitan did not know what to think, and actually ran to the Border of Northern Qi in droves to rob them, Gao Yang personally led his troops north to face the Khitans, gao Yang personally took a big knife to lead the charge, cut the Khitan people to the ghost crying wolf howl, knelt on the ground and called daddy, took more than 100,000 prisoners, and robbed more than 100,000 heads of various livestock. He also led his troops to the territory of the Khitans, and returned with a full load of burning and looting. The captured Khitan captives were placed as slaves in various places. On this expedition, Gao Yang ran bare-chested, running day and night, going back and forth for thousands of miles, eating jerky and drinking cold water with his soldiers, and the soldiers admired Gao Yang and were willing to follow such a boss out to cut people.

In December, the Turkic Khan Yishiji attacked the remnants of Ruoran on the steppe, and the remnants of Ruoran could only take the whole clan to Northern Qi. Gao Yang led all the Rouran people to Anluochen, packed them up and placed them in Mayi, and let the Ruoran people in the middle of the Turks and Northern Qi as a strategic buffer. The Turks chased after the Rouran people and attacked the Territory of Northern Qi, Gao Yang personally led his men to the north to meet the battle, the two sides fought a big battle in Shuozhou, fought several battles, the Turks felt that there was no chance of victory, so they sent emissaries to make peace with Gao Yang, Gao Yang did not have the certainty of completely annihilating the Turks, but also let the Turks return to the grassland.

In 554 AD, in the spring of the fifth year of Northern Qi, Gao Yang went north to suppress the Shanhu people, Gao Yang personally led his troops to march from the Stone Road, Huo Lujin sent troops from Xianzhou Road, Gao Yan sent troops from Jinzhou Road, attacked in three ways, completely defeated the Shanhu people, cut off tens of thousands of heads, robbed more than 100,000 livestock, the Stone Building of the Shanhu people was completely pacified, the Stone Building of the Shilou was particularly dangerous, and the Shanhu people have always been entrenched here, because of the turmoil in the world, there has always been no way to take the Shanhu people. Since then, the Shanhu people from other places have submitted to Gao Yang, and the Shanhu Rebellion has been completely put down.

In March, Rouran's Anluochen couldn't stand this kind of life under the fence, so he fled back to the grassland with rouran's old part, Gao Yang took a look, this is to give the face no face, catch up with a fat beating, Anluochen returned to the grassland with the remnants, and integrated the old part of Rouran. Unexpectedly, AnLuochen had a grudge against Gao Yang, and just after returning to the grassland, he beckoned the old department to rush south into The Prefecture to burn and loot. Gao Yang, who had been in Jinyang, heard that the Rouran people had actually gone south, and immediately led his troops north to meet the battle, and the large blades of the two sides flew, and After the battle, Gao Yang won a great victory again. After the battle was won, Gao Yang began to arrange for the whole army to retreat to Jinyang, but as the emperor Gao Yang actually took the "Hundred Bao Xianbei" to personally serve the rear of the big army, at that time, a Rouran tribe of tens of thousands of people arrived late, and when he saw that there were still thousands of cavalry, he surrounded Gao Yang, Gao Yang looked at himself calmly, calmly commanded, and soon turned defeat into victory, pressed this Rouran tribe to the ground for a rub, taught them to be human, and it didn't take long for this Rouran tribe to collapse, and Gao Yang's arsonists chased and killed. The corpses of the Rouran people covered the road for more than twenty miles, and Gao Yang, who chased after the Rouran army, actually rushed to the old lair of Anluochen, and as soon as Anluochen saw that Gao Yang, the killing god, had come again, he immediately ran away, and Anluochen's wife and children were all captured alive by Gao Yang, and more than 30,000 Rouran's people were captured. Gao Yang once again sold all the Rouran captives into slavery.

Going back for a short rest, in May and June Gao Yang twice sent troops to cut the Rouran people, and the Rouran people were once again defeated, and the Rouran people could not stand the ravaged people, so they could only run away and avoid them far away. Gao Yang slashed and killed indiscriminately on the northern border, making all the nomadic tribes in the north shiver, and the tribes of Dried Beans, Khitans, Turks, and Sushen sent emissaries to gao Yang as gifts.

Solving the crisis in the north, Gao Yang set his sights on his neighbor Northern Zhou to the west, and asked Gao Yan, Gao Zhuo, Gao Yue, Duan Shao, and others to build bunkers in the southwest of Luoyang, such as The Evil City, the New City, the YanCheng City, and the Henan City, and in September Gao Yang personally went to Luoyang and sent a letter to Yuwen Tai, "I am waiting for you in Luoyang, come to fight a painful battle." Yuwen Tai, who was already dying of old age, looked at the fierce Gao Yang and chose to be patient. As soon as Gao Yang saw that Yuwen Tai had instigated him, he returned to Jinyang and inspected the northern border, at which point he began to plan to rebuild the Great Wall.

In 555 of the sixth year of Tianbao, Gao Yang sent Gao Yue south to remove Nanliang's stronghold north of the Yangtze River, and Northern Qi completely took the north of the Yangtze River into its pocket. Gao Yang himself led his troops north to continue to fight the Ruoran people, this time capturing more than 20,000 Rouran people as slaves, robbing more than 100,000 cattle and sheep, and the leader of a small tribe of the Ruoran people, Yu Jiulu Li Jiati, led hundreds of his men to surrender to Gao Yang, and Gao Yang mobilized 1.8 million people to build the Great Wall from Northern Xiakou in Youzhou to Hengzhou for more than 900 miles. The northern border was completely stabilized.

Crazy Gangster - Gao Yang (I)

Reform the internal affairs and restore national strength

The northern border finally subsided after Gao Yang slashed and killed and built the Great Wall, and the southern part took advantage of the civil strife in southern Liang to completely include the north of the Yangtze River, which was a year of full harvest, and the territory of Northern Qi also reached its peak. Under the leadership of Yuwen Hu, the Yuwen family in the external forces gradually moved toward stability, chen Baxian of the southern dynasty unified the south of the Yangtze River and also tended to be stable, and the Turkic unified grassland in the north was also like the sun in the sky, and the whole external zhang was in a stable state with no cheap to occupy, so Gao Yang decided to take a rest, immediately set his sights on the country, and began to cultivate internal skills and restore national strength.

Starting from the seventh year of Tianbao, Gao Yang carried out a series of reforms, and the content of the reform mainly revolved around the following six aspects:

1. Elite troops and simplified administration: Due to the complete chaos of northern Wei's ruling order since Erzhu Rong launched the Heyin Revolution, in order to win over the grass-headed kings in various places, officials have been indiscriminately issued, resulting in bloated administrative institutions, rampant corruption, and low efficiency. Gao Yang began to streamline his organization, merge prefectures and counties, and dismiss tens of thousands of civil servants at once, reducing a large part of Northern Qi's financial burden.

2, redefine the salary system: Since the founding of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the implementation of the salary system is still the tribal management model, but also a certain form of tax system, the salaries of officials are spent in local taxation, which leads to officials in the local levy of tyranny, Empress Feng Xiaowen reform, a short period of determination of the salary system, but soon there was a six-town uprising, this reform results were not retained, Gao Yang began to strictly implement the salary system, chaotic rule of officials was improved.

3. Revision of the Law: Gao Yang revised the Northern Qi Law on the basis of his brother Gao Cheng's revised "Lin Toe Ge", improving the judicial system of Northern Qi, and the laws of the Sui and Tang Dynasties followed the "Northern Qi Law", which greatly affected the subsequent East Asian criminal law system. After the law was introduced, Gao Yang also strictly enforced the law, and northern Qi appeared in the atmosphere of "criminal administration is still new, and officials obey the law".

4. In the revision of history, Gao Yang supported the revision of the Book of Wei, one of the twenty-four histories.

5. Reshaping the administrative system of Northern Qi: In the tenth year of Northern Qi Tianbao, which was also 559 AD, Gao Yang completed a major change of blood for the Northern Qi official system, and appointed a large number of shrewd and capable civilian warriors, who had both the descendants of the old nobles and the small officials who watched the warehouses, and the so-called eclectic demotion of talents, so that the administrative efficiency of Northern Qi reached the highest.

6. Military reform: In the Gao Huan era, a large number of Geshao ethnic tribes were gathered and placed around Jinyang, Shanxi, which was also an important reason why Gao Yang failed several times but quickly recovered, Gao Yang selected strong martial arts athletes on this basis, how to choose, choose those who can single out a hundred warriors, as their own guards, because most of these people are Xianbei disciples, so they are called "Hundred Bao Xianbei", Gao Yang every time he goes out on a campaign, he takes them. Due to the serious losses of the warriors of the Xianbei tribe who had been fighting for many years, Gao Yang also selected fierce warriors with high martial skills from among the sons of the Han people to expand the border army, known as "warriors". Although the number of troops was smaller than that of Gao Huan and Gao Cheng, its combat effectiveness was higher. It was this kind of reform that also enabled Gao Yang to fight the invincible hands of all the nomadic peoples in the north, suppress the southern liang in the south, and at the same time be able to resist the Northern Zhou.

7. Construction of the Great Wall: The northern repair of the Great Wall is also a major feature of the Northern Qi Gaoyang era. In order to prevent the pressure on the northern and southern lines, Gao Yang often guarded against southern Liang coveting when he was in the north; when he was in the southern expedition, he was worried about the sneak attack of Northern Hu. Therefore, from the second year of Tianbao (551), more than 200 kilometers of the Great Wall from Huangliling to Sheganshu began to be built. In the sixth year of Tianbao (555), it was more than 450 kilometers from Xiakou in Youzhou (present-day Juyongguan) in the east to the Great Wall in Hengzhou (present-day Zuoyun, Shanxi) in the west. In the seventh year of Tianbao (556), several sections of the Great Wall were connected to complete the Great Wall from the West River to the Bohai Sea. According to incomplete statistics, more than 1,500 kilometers of the Great Wall were built during the Gaoyang period, and a shushu office was set up every 5 kilometers, and prefectures and towns were set up in the pass in case of danger. Finally, in the eighth year of Tianbao (557), a heavy city was built inside the Great Wall, from Kugba in the west to Wulushu in the east, with a total length of more than 200 kilometers.

8. Economically, Northern Qi's agriculture, salt and iron industry, and porcelain manufacturing industry are quite developed, and they are the richest of the three countries that are established with the Chen Dynasty and western Wei. Gao Yang attaches great importance to ecological development, for example: "The edict limits the mid-winter and January fires, and he is not allowed to fire from time to time, damaging insects and plants." "At noon in the summer of April, the edicts were made to take shrimp, crabs, clams, and the like, and ordered them to stop, but to listen to the fishing." Ethyl unitary, public and private eagle harriers are also forbidden" and so on. In the later period of Gao Yang's reign, although he drank and had fun, he was not confused in major matters, and often pardoned the world, and if he encountered a disaster, he would reduce the taxes of the affected areas.

To be continued.

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