
Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

author:Shell knee 2464
Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

Nowadays, calligraphy is either extremely beautiful, and it is written by people who really have calligraphy skills. Either it's ugly to the extreme, and that's what some powerful or famous person wrote. is particularly disgusting people, such as a certain brother who often shows off his own words, so that many people don't even want to listen to his songs.

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

According to the Internet, the brush words of the chairman of a city calligraphy association. It's really great at first glance, this should be the "withered branches and barren grass"! Although we laymen can't understand it, they must have a very high reputation in their circle! This chair is really not something that casual people can sit on. In the era of mobile phone network, as the chairman of the calligraphy association, it is very good to be able to draw Chinese characters like this, and in a few years, people who can write with a brush are very rare.

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

This should be for hairy crabs! I wanted to write "a box of eight", but I made a mistake and wrote it as "one in eight knowledge"! However, the foundation of this calligraphy is to be both physical and spiritual. What is calligraphy, that is, there is no definite law. Good calligraphy is good if it gives the viewer a sense of beauty, but if you don't know anyone, that's a different matter.

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

It takes decades of training and accumulation to be able to achieve mastery, return to the basics, and can be called a classic. It's just that some ordinary people don't know how to appreciate it. Besides, people are not uncommon for us to appreciate, and a lot of rich people are rushing to hide the master's ink treasure.

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

Netizens ridiculed: "When I was a child, I often wrote this kind of character when I was in school, and the teacher criticized me, punished me for standing, and didn't let me go home, and now it seems that I have the potential to be a calligrapher when I was a child!" "Ugly to the point of being ugly is infinite beauty, and like the clothing fashion industry, this is a mainstream aesthetic view of innovation nowadays.

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

I really don't know how to express it, in today's society, many calligraphers are demons. Teenagers across the country are following suit. They scribble, and so do the students. This little good thing in China is about to be ruined by these people. Why are there always ugly books, strange books, and demon books now? And to say that these ugly things are art? Where does this lead the art of calligraphy? Food for thought! #书法艺术##国家治理丑书怪书##中国文化##字体作画见过吗#

Withered branches and grass? Where does the brush charm of the chairman of a calligraphy association lead the art of calligraphy?

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