
A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

author:Roadside flowers

In America's metropolises, an uneasy atmosphere is creeping in.

A recent warning from Hillel Verder, a top tech consultant from Israel, who publicly called on Jews to leave the United States, shocked social media.

The influential figure in the tech world asks a troubling question: Are Jews in America safe?

A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

Hillel Furd, an Israeli technology consultant who grew up in New York and lives between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, has lived a life that spans two countries and two cultures.

But lately, his views have been particularly sharp, as his brother Ali was assassinated in the West Bank by a 17-year-old Palestinian youth.

The incident exacerbated his concerns about the global security of Jews.

A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

The unease on the streets of New York and Los Angeles, as well as his own experience of wearing a hat over his Jewish hat in Times Square, made him feel increasingly unsafe in the Jewish community in the United States.

In an interview, Verder recalled a scene on the streets of New York where a 24-year-old asked the Zionists to identify themselves, which he likened to "Europe in the '30s."

A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

This vehemently statement quickly attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Furder reinforces his point with the story of his grandmother, a Auschwitz survivor, who argues that the threats facing American Jews today bear a striking resemblance to the dark times of past history.

His words were filled with grief and anger at a series of violent attacks in his hometown of New York.

A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

In the face of this situation, Verder is not just issuing a warning, he is trying to arouse people's alarm.

His voice echoed through social media and news reports, sparking a debate about Jewish community security, immigration, and cultural identity. His strong statements and direct appeals have led many to reassess their living conditions in the United States.

A well-known Israeli science and technology adviser appealed: Jews, leave the United States now, you are no longer safe

The influence of the tech advisor should not be underestimated, and his warnings became the focus of discussion in the Jewish community and the wider public.

His personal experiences and family history add weight to his remarks, giving the event a global resonance.

Although his advice may seem extreme, it is intended to serve as a reminder of potential risks.

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