
The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

author:Yanxi Entertainment

The urban management of Nanchang's Honggutan District performed well during a heavy rainstorm, not only did they go all out to rescue the flood, but also found time to save the flooded shared bicycles. This move changed people's stereotype of being strict and impersonal to the chengguan, and showed their warm-hearted side.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

On a thunderstorm night, Honggutan District of Nanchang City ushered in a sudden rainstorm, which not only tested the city's drainage system, but also tested the mentality and coping ability of every citizen. In such an emergency, the urban management of Honggutan District has shown an extraordinary sense of responsibility. Instead of choosing a haven from the wind, they rushed to the front line where the storm was most intense, in order to protect the safety and order of the city.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

This time, they did much more than that. While making every effort to eliminate the hidden danger of waterlogging, this group of urban management team members, who are meticulous in urban management on weekdays, also paid special attention to the shared bicycles that suffered losses due to heavy rains. Yes, those shared motorcycles that were washed away by the flood and scattered everywhere became another "rescue object" in their busyness. Although this act was not publicized, it deeply touched the hearts of the citizens.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

Why does Honggutan City Management devote so much effort to these shared bicycles at such a tense rescue moment? Is there a hidden philosophy of urban management that we don't know about? What kind of changes will their actions bring to the city?

In fact, the urban management team members of Honggutan are well aware that bicycle sharing plays an indispensable role in the daily lives of citizens. Bike-sharing damaged in heavy rainstorms will undoubtedly bring inconvenience to the normal life of citizens. In addition to the rescue, the urban management team members did not forget to rescue these bicycles from the water, clean them up one by one, repair them, and properly resettle them, which is the embodiment of their serious and responsible attitude towards urban management.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

Behind this action, it reflects the deep understanding and practice of Honggutan Urban Management for the concept of urban management. In their view, urban management is not only as simple as maintaining order and enforcing rules, but also an important part of paying attention to citizens' lives and improving the quality of the city. Every detail, every little service, may directly affect the life satisfaction and happiness of citizens.

And this just explains why, during this rainstorm, the Honggutan City Management will give special care to the damaged shared bicycles. They understand that these bicycles are not only a means of transportation, but also a link between citizens and urban life. Rescuing and repairing these bicycles in a timely manner can not only reduce the inconvenience of citizens, but also contribute to the city's return to normalcy as soon as possible in the process of post-disaster reconstruction.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

It is worth mentioning that this mode of action of Honggutan City Management is not the first time that it has been shown in front of the public. In the daily urban management, they have been adhering to the concept of "people-oriented", constantly exploring innovative management methods, and striving to ensure the urban order at the same time, better serve the citizens. Whether it is the establishment of convenient service points or the implementation of the "Internet + urban management" intelligent management model, they are trying to respond to the needs of citizens with practical actions and improve the quality and efficiency of urban management.

The city management has no time to check the electric car! It's about making every effort to rescue shared electric vehicles! Netizens were very moved

The "bike-sharing rescue operation" in this rainstorm is just one example of the many warm actions of Honggutan Chengguan.

In the days to come, Honggutan City Management will continue to protect every corner of the city with their practical actions to ensure the tranquility and happiness of citizens.

Let us pay our highest respect to the members of the urban management team of Honggutan. Thank you for escorting the city in the wind and rain and bringing more warmth and hope to the lives of citizens. Your actions will always be remembered in our hearts.

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