
Bacon bacon steamed bacon eight beans three kinds of bacon flavor steamed spicy flavor is rich and delicious

author:Meal Creation Classroom

Bacon and bacon steamed bacon eight beans

Bacon bacon steamed bacon eight beans three kinds of bacon flavor steamed spicy flavor is rich and delicious

raw material:

250 grams of bacon, 250 grams of fish, 150 grams of duck, 50 grams of oil peppers, 150 grams of eight beans, 15 grams of steamed tempeh.


Salad oil 750 g, dried pepper 10 g, chicken essence 6 g, cooking wine 10 g, green onion 2 g.


1: Wash the bacon and duck, steam on high heat for 50 minutes and cut into 0.2 cm thick slices.

2: Remove the scales of the wax fish, cut into 2.5 cm square pieces, soak in warm water for 30 minutes, drain.

3: Heat the oil in a pan until it is 70% hot, fry the fish over low heat until the skin is crispy, pour into a colander and drain the oil, and put it into the steaming bowl together with the meat and duck. Leave the oil in the pot to heat 50%, simmer the eight beans on medium heat until golden brown, put the dried pepper and simmer on high heat, pour into the steaming bowl and sprinkle chicken essence and cooking wine, steam on high heat for 40 minutes, take out and put the buckle into the dish.

4: Heat the oil to 60%, add the oil pepper and black tempeh and stir-fry for 1 minute, pour into the plate and sprinkle the green onion on the table.

Features: three kinds of wax flavor steaming, bacon oil penetrates into fish, duck, beans, spicy and delicious.

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