
Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

author:There is a cafeteria

Tomorrow is the Nine-Nine Chongyang Festival, about the origin of "Chongyang", derived from the "Yang for the Nine" in the "I Ching", at the beginning of the ninth month of September, the moon and the day are nine, so the "two nine phase weight" is called "heavy nine", and because the two yang numbers are called "Chongyang", this is the origin of the name of the "Chongyang" festival.

The ancients had many customs popular during the Chongyang Festival, and the Han Dynasty's "Xijing Miscellaneous Records" once recorded: "On the ninth day of September, Pei Zhu, eating fluffy bait, drinking chrysanthemum wine, clouds make people live longer." "It is said that on the day of the Nine-Nine Chongyang, you need to insert the cocoon, eat the bait, the bait is the Chongyang cake, and the other is to drink a little chrysanthemum wine, doing these will make people live longer."

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

In addition, on the day of Chongyang is also a good time for autumn travel, the ancients will "March 3" and "September 9" as the correspondence, they are the best time to enjoy the scenery in the spring and autumn. Chongyang Festival is a traditional festival with a thousand years of history, passed down to this day, we must leave a good old tradition combined with new folklore, and a meaningful Chongyang Festival is the most important.

In the old tradition of Chongyang Festival, we pay attention to "eating 5 things and avoiding 2 things", and then we will take a look at what is "eating 5 things and avoiding 2 things".

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="38" > flower cake</h1>

Flower cake is the seasonal food of chongyang festival, from the Song Dynasty to the present, because it is only eaten in Chongyang, also known as Chongyang cake, every time Chongyang is approaching, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai will be specially made flower cakes for sale, flower cakes are also known as Chongyang cakes, because of the Chongyang Festival to eat and named, Chongyang Festival coincides with the bloom of osmanthus flowers, in order to be beautiful and delicious, people will make Chongyang cakes colorful and sprinkle osmanthus flowers.

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="56" > crab</h1>

Autumn wind crab foot itch, every autumn solstice, the old gourmets wait for the hairy crab finally listed, from the beginning of the Autumn Festival to the Chongyang Festival, has completed the maturity, it is the time of the cream full of yellow fat, in the autumn high and refreshing Chongyang Festival, holding crab drinking chrysanthemum is the ancient literati favorite thing to do, to this day is still not outdated.

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

Southerners who eat hairy crabs are more exquisite than northerners, and even prepare a set of eight crab pieces for crab to completely dismantle crabs without wasting a little crab meat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="58" > chrysanthemum wine</h1>

In ancient times, people must drink chrysanthemum wine during the Chongyang Festival, and chrysanthemum wine is regarded as the "auspicious wine" that Chongyang must drink and pray for disaster relief. As early as Qu Yuan's pen, there was already a sentence of "Autumn Chrysanthemum falling into the Ying", that is, taking chrysanthemum petals. Ming Dynasty Gao Lian's "Zunsheng Eight Notes" wrote chrysanthemum wine, at that time was a very popular drink, chrysanthemum wine with glutinous rice, wine koji brewed wine, ancient called longevity wine, on the day of the Nine-Nine Chongyang, people enjoy such a festival at the same time and drink chrysanthemum wine brewed from chrysanthemums, smell chrysanthemums, eat crabs and flower cakes, etc., is also a major enjoyment in the festival.

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="60" > lamb noodles</h1>

The most important Chinese for dietary therapy, eating mutton in autumn and winter is just needed for supplementation, Zhejiang Huzhou, Tonglu area popular braised lamb noodles, with braised lamb soup sauce fishing noodles, delicious extreme, eating lamb noodles is not only in the south, in the north is also in demand, and because of "sheep", "yang" and homophony, Chongyang festival to eat mutton naturally becomes a custom in China's Jiangbei and Saiwai.

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="62" > chrysanthemum cake</h1>

Chongyang Festival on this day to eat chrysanthemum cake in Guangdong is more popular, chrysanthemum cake is one of the famous cakes in Meizhou, chrysanthemum cake in Meizhou has a history of more than 100 years, popular in the local "rice will be full, chrysanthemum cake is exquisite" the saying, Meizhou chrysanthemum cake fragrant soft glutinous, the entrance is melted. You can also try to make this seasonal chrysanthemum cake at home.

Tomorrow Chongyang Festival, remember "eat 5 things taboo 2 things", the old tradition is not lost, conform to the festival of the whole family ankang flower cake crab chrysanthemum wine lamb noodle chrysanthemum cake

Prepare 20-30 white chrysanthemums, 200 grams of horseshoe powder, 1 fresh chrysanthemum flower (chopped), and rock sugar to taste. Boil the chrysanthemums in water for about 10 minutes (wrap the chrysanthemums in gauze to avoid the trouble of slag), when the color is pale yellow, do not cook for too long, otherwise it will be slightly bitter. Remove the chrysanthemums and add them to the rock sugar to taste, the sweetness is slightly sweeter than normal, because adding horseshoe powder solution will have a dilutive effect.

Add the freshly chopped chrysanthemums. Dissolve the horseshoe powder in an appropriate amount of water, pour chrysanthemum water on high heat and steam for about 15-20 minutes, becoming completely transparent and cooked, hot or cold food. You can also add small pieces of preserved fruits such as raisins, red and green silk, apricot meat, goji berries or spread lemon slices to the paste to enhance the flavor.

In addition to the necessary diet on Chongyang Festival, there are three things that are taboo on chongyang festival in the old tradition:

1, can not send chrysanthemums, because chrysanthemums are sacrificial flowers, so it is not appropriate to send chrysanthemums;

2. The blessing on the day of Chongyang Festival should say "good health" or "family peace", not "Happy Holidays";