
Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

author:Bright Net

Haikou City Flood Control and Wind Prevention and Drought Prevention Headquarters issued the "Notice on Activating the "Six Stops" Measures for Typhoon Prevention in the City" on the 16th: Affected by Typhoon "Teli", the city will have heavy rain, heavy rain, local exceptionally heavy rain, superimposed storm surge and sea water topping, the risk of urban waterlogging is greater, and will be accompanied by winds of level 12 and above. After research, it was decided that from 12 o'clock on July 17, "six stops" measures such as "suspension of classes, suspension of work, suspension of operation, suspension of flights, suspension of parks, and suspension of business" will be launched throughout the city.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

According to the "Haikou Release," on July 16, Ding Hui, deputy secretary of the Haikou Municipal CPC Committee and mayor, Wang Yanping, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Haikou Municipal People's Congress, Guo Yanhong, chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, and other leaders of four sets of municipal teams went to the front line to inspect the defense work of Typhoon "Taili."

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According to the Ministry of Emergency Management, this year's No. 4 typhoon "Telly" will make landfall in South China on the 17th. According to the development trend of typhoon, the National Defense General upgraded the emergency response to flood prevention and typhoon prevention to level 3 at 17:00 on the 16th.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

The meteorological department predicted that typhoon "Teli" will make landfall on the coast from Taishan in Guangdong to Wenchang in Hainan on the night of the 17th. Affected by it, from the 16th to the 19th, there was a heavy precipitation process in some parts of Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places, among which there were exceptionally heavy rainstorms along the southwestern coast of Guangxi, the southern coast of Guangxi and the central and northern parts of Hainan Island.

The National Defense General has decided to launch a four-level emergency response to flood prevention and typhoon prevention in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan at 13:00 on the 15th, and sent a working group to Guangdong to assist and guide local typhoon prevention work.

At 16 o'clock on the 15th, the Ministry of Water Resources launched a four-level emergency response to flood defense in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou and Yunnan Provinces (autonomous regions), and sent two working groups to Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places to assist in defense work.

Influenced by "Telly", in addition to Haikou,

There are also many places where sailings are suspended, operations are suspended, and scenic spots are temporarily suspended:


95 typhoons, 12 thunderstorms and gales in Guangdong,

Nine rainstorm warnings are in effect

According to @Guangdong weather news at 6:32, affected by the spiral cloud belt around Typhoon "Taili", during the work and school hours on Monday, the rainfall in the central and southern parts was active, and the local wind and rain were rapid.

As of 6:22, there are 95 typhoons, 12 thunderstorms and winds, and 9 rainstorm warnings in Guangdong Province, please pay attention to travel safety, do not risk wading in the water when the rain is heavy, do not stay and wait in low-lying places, stay away from outdoor electrified equipment, large trees, simple structures, etc.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

Affected by Typhoon "Teli", at 5 pm on the 16th, Guangzhou suffered violent stormy weather. Photo: Guangzhou Daily New Flower City reporter Su Junjie

According to the Regulations of Guangdong Province on the Prevention of Meteorological Disasters, when the meteorological department issues a typhoon yellow, orange, red or rainstorm red warning signal, it can be regarded as a school suspension signal, and during its effective period, nurseries, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and secondary vocational schools shall suspend classes.

When the orange rainstorm warning is in effect, students can delay school, and students on their way to and from school should take shelter in the nearest safe place.

Guangdong upgraded its windproof emergency response to Level II

In view of the continued strengthening of this year's No. 4 typhoon "Teli", it is expected to make landfall along the coast from Taishan in Guangdong Province to Wenchang in Hainan Province from the evening of July 17 to the morning of July 18 with typhoon or strong typhoon magnitude (12-14).

According to the "Guangdong Provincial Emergency Plan for Flood Control, Drought and Wind Prevention and Freeze Prevention" and the relevant regulations of the Provincial General Department of Flood Control, the General Headquarters of Flood Prevention and Drought and Wind Prevention of Guangdong Province decided to upgrade the level III. emergency response to level II emergency response to wind prevention at 15:00 on July 16.


Guangdong has heavy rain to heavy rain, local heavy rain

Many places announced the suspension of classes

The meteorological department of Guangdong Province said that affected by Typhoon "Teli", from the 17th to the 18th, Guangdong had a precipitation process from heavy rain to heavy rain and local heavy rain.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

According to @Guangdong weather news, it is expected that from the 17th to the 18th, there will be heavy rain to heavy rain in coastal cities and counties in western Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta; There are 9~12 level gales on the land and sea surface in the north-central part of the South China Sea and the coastal land and sea surface in the central and western part of Guangdong Province; The sea area passed by the center of the typhoon had a strong wind of 13~14.

◆According to CCTV news client news, on July 16, affected by Typhoon "Teli", Yangjiang City and Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province issued typhoon yellow warnings at 9 and 10 o'clock on the same day, and local primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, and nurseries suspended classes and stopped open-air collective activities.

◆Zhongshan Emergency Management Bureau, Zhongshan Meteorological Bureau, Zhongshan Education and Sports Bureau, Zhongshan Health Bureau issued a reminder on the 16th: the yellow typhoon warning signal has taken effect at 15:27 on July 16, 2023, please do a good job in various defense work; The city's primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, and childcare institutions are suspended, and all kinds of childcare centers and education and training centers are implemented by reference.

According to @Zhongshan Weather at 18:29 on the 16th, the yellow typhoon warning will continue to be in effect on the 17th. According to the "Guidelines for Emergency Response to Meteorological Disasters in Primary and Secondary Schools, Kindergartens and Nursery Institutions in Zhongshan City", when the yellow warning signal for typhoons is issued, it is a signal of school suspension.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

◆According to @Shenzhen Weather at 23:01 on the 16th, Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory upgraded the blue typhoon warning for Yantian District, Dapeng New Area, Pearl River Estuary, Shenzhen Bay, Dapeng Bay and Daya Bay to yellow at 23:00 on July 16, 2023, and it is expected that the maximum gust in the above areas can reach 10 levels due to the influence of "Teli", and the signal may last until the afternoon of the 17th. The city entered a typhoon defense state.

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed


The Guangxi Meteorological Bureau decided to immediately enter the major meteorological disaster (typhoon) level III. emergency response state at 9:00 on July 16.

Weizhou Island Tourism Area Management Committee introduced on the 16th that due to the influence of tropical depression, there will be winds above level 11 on the sea surface of Beibu Gulf from the 17th to the 18th, and the Beihai to Weizhou Island route will no longer transport tourists to the island on the 16th, and the whole line will be suspended for two days from the 17th.

The relevant person in charge of the Weizhou Island Tourism Area Management Committee reminds that tourists who have purchased ferry tickets to and from Beihai and Weizhou Island during the suspension period can apply for refunds with zero handling fee according to the original channel. Tourists who plan to leave the island are advised to purchase a ferry ticket 16 days in advance to avoid delaying the trip; If you plan to visit the island, it is recommended to make arrangements after the 18th, depending on the weather and flight conditions.

Can it relieve the high temperature in South China?

It is expected that from the 16th to the 19th, affected by typhoons and peripheral circulation, the cumulative rainfall in southern Guangdong, Hainan Island, southern Guangxi and other places will be more than 100 mm, and the local area can reach 250 to 450 mm. The heaviest rainfall occurs on the 17th and 18th. Rainfall is accompanied by strong convective weather such as lightning, short-term heavy rainfall and local mine storms and strong winds. From the 16th, the high temperature in the south will be significantly weakened under the influence of the typhoon.

The arrival of "Teli" is beneficial to alleviate the high temperature and reservoir water storage in the early stage of South China, but the intensity of landfall is strong, and the risk of disaster is high, and it is recommended that relevant departments and the public in Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi make preparations for typhoon defense in advance.

What is the impact of Typhoon Teri on Xiamen?

Affected by the peripheral circulation of Typhoon Terly

Yesterday afternoon

Most of the area outside Xiamen Island

Precipitation occurred

Heavy to heavy rainfall occurred in the north

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

Xiamen Meteorological Observatory forecast

Influenced by the periphery of "Terly"

Three days for the next three days

Our city has many showers or thunderstorms

Temperatures have cooled down

The maximum daytime temperature is around 30°C

Urgent! Classes are suspended, work stops, operations are suspended, flights are suspended, parks are suspended, and businesses are closed

From the 20th

As the typhoon goes away

The city returns to sunny and hot weather

It is expected that there will be a high temperature weather process from the 22nd to the 23rd

Remind members of the public to pay attention to heat prevention and cooling

Comprehensive: China News Network, China News Service, Guangzhou Daily, CCTV News Client, Southern Daily Client, Guangdong Release, Hainan Special Zone News, "Haikou Release" WeChat public account, Xiamen Meteorology

Source: Straits Herald