
The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

author:Enthusiastic idlers

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I don't know when Na Ying became the eldest sister in the Chinese music scene. She wants to have works and fame. Many variety shows such as directors have sent her olive oil!

It turns out that Na Ying has been debuting for many years, and his works have accompanied the growth of generations. She is also a frequent guest at CCTV's Spring Festival Gala. Her reputation should be good!

But who would have thought that with the appearance of Dao Lang's "Rakshasa Sea City", she became the target of national attacks.

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

There are more than 1 million fans in the comment area of the account and more than 8 million comments, of which more than 90% are complaints about her.

At first glance, it all has to do with Na Ying's suppression of Dao Lang. As a highly influential singer in the Chinese music scene, Na Ying is understandable in commenting on Dao Lang's work.

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

It is obviously unfair to use his position to say that Dao Lang's works, no matter how high the sales, have no aesthetic characteristics and are only suitable for farmers, after all, Dao Lang is among the "Top Ten Influential Singers". Year" missed!

But think about it, just because you "insulted" Dao Lang, Na Ying became a rat crossing the street who called and hit people?

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

Should it be ridiculed by hundreds of millions of netizens?

Of course not!

Na Ying is not liked by everyone, not only because she suppresses Dao Lang, but also because of her arrogance!

Na Ying said in an interview: Only Han Hong can compare with herself in the current music scene. I think everyone knows I have this power.

It's good that a singer has confidence, but overconfidence can easily be spoiled, and his open mouth is the best proof of this!

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

People with higher achievements should be low-key and modest, but Na Ying does the opposite!

After the interview, Han Hong also responded to this. She first confirmed Na Ying's singing skills, saying that Na Ying's singing skills were indeed good, but the next sentence immediately made Na Ying speechless. Han Hong said that you sing well, but in terms of social responsibility such as charity, you are far from the top.

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

Anyone who knows Han Hong knows that she has an opinion about Chinese stars!

Han Hong, who is keen on philanthropy, said: I never think that Chinese stars are real stars, because I think in addition to money, international big stars are concerned, such as Celine Dion, Audrey Hepburn and other international big stars have a sense of social responsibility, we stars appear in nightclubs and sports cars when they have money!

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

In the past ten years, when there was a disaster, there was Han Hong. As a famous singer, she did not put her mind on creation, but devoted all her energy, financial resources, material resources, and manpower to public welfare undertakings. Wealth is exhausted! From the perspective of ordinary people, stars like Han Hong are what they really like and should follow!

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

The singing skills are good, but the charity and social responsibility rankings are not high. This is Han Hong's evaluation of Na Ying. When I first heard this, I felt that Han Hong underestimated Na Ying. Now it seems that she is right! If Na Ying can spend her time doing charity variety shows like Han Hong, maybe her reputation will be much better!

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

Therefore, Na Ying's current situation is not caused by Dao Lang's new song, but her virtues are not worthy of it, and her own virtues are not worthy of the fame and fortune she now has. This also confirms what artists often say: artists, it should be that you have not studied art, you should learn to be a person first. If you are not a good person, no matter how high your artistic achievements are, it will be in vain!

The original Han Hong commented on Na Ying and his works, just 16 words, but the words are beautiful!

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