
Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

author:The screen is cloudy and deep

"Oh my God, how can Han Hong lose weight like this!"

What has Han Hong experienced recently, the whole person has lost a lot of weight, and the reappearance of the whole person has made netizens start to worry, the whole person's eyes are dull, the eyeballs are also bulging outward, and the mental state of the whole person has an indescribable strangeness.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

And she is still eating raw meat, which makes people worry, eating raw meat for a long time is very likely to get diseases such as "liver echinococcosis", so eating raw meat every day, is there really no problem with the body?

Behind Han Hong's sudden weight loss, netizens couldn't recognize it, she was so thin that her clothes couldn't hold up, could it be that Han Hong did this to bring goods live broadcast.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

Just when everyone was concerned about Han Hong's health, some careful netizens found that Han Hong was wearing a ring on her ring finger, could it be that Han Hong had already found her other half?

Some netizens actually asked below, asking Han Hong if she wanted the child over, and invisibly released a "big melon", how many things did Han Hong still hide from us?

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

In fact, those who know Han Hong know that Han Hong has always been busy with her career and public welfare, and has never planned to get married.

Many friends around Han Hong also advised her not to just focus on her career, but also to think about whether she should find a other half, otherwise when she is old and has no children and no daughters, she will not even have a lovely person around her, and she should regret it at that time.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

In fact, there is another reason why Han Hong has no one to accompany her, that is, because of her figure and appearance, when it comes to Han Hong, I believe that such a picture will definitely appear in everyone's minds, with a round face, not very tall, and a particularly amiable smile.

And Han Hong, as an old-timer in the Chinese music scene, has been this image for decades since her debut, and because her personality is relatively strong and her status in the music world is relatively high, it is estimated that no one dares to chase her.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

It is said that some people have made jokes about Han Hong's figure, and some netizens posted a photo of Jackie Chan before on the Internet, with the copywriting that is almost going to make people laugh to death, to the effect that Jackie Chan is a global kung fu star, Han Hong is a powerful singer in the mainland, and now Jackie Chan is happy, Han Hong is still alone, and even compared the two to a golden boy and girl, guessing why they broke up.

But a sentence in the comment below completely made netizens uncontrollable, some netizens commented that this is not Sammo Hung, a picture of Jackie Chan and his eldest brother Sammo Hung was ridiculed by netizens as Jackie Chan and Han Hong as golden boys and girls.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

It turned out that it was because Han Hong's figure was too similar to Sammo Hung, so she was ridiculed, even if Han Hong knew about it, she was not angry, because she knew that netizens had no malice, not to mention that her figure was already a little fat, even if she was joked about by everyone, it was nothing.

Even if people are a little fat, but what people do, few people in the entire entertainment industry can do it, just doing charity for decades, who can do it?

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

I don't know if you still have an impression, but in order to raise funds for the people in the disaster area, Han Hong cried and knelt down for everyone, hoping that everyone would show their love and stand with the people in the disaster area through thick and thin.

At this moment, whether Han Hong is fat or thin, a star or a commoner, her image is as tall as a giant, after all, spiritual beauty is far more important than external beauty.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

But what I never expected was that after Han Hong showed her face in the live broadcast on social platforms, it quickly attracted the onlookers of netizens, and many careful netizens found that Han Hong had lost a lot of weight.

Not only is the face smaller, but even the eyes that used to smile have become prominent, anyway, the whole person looks particularly decadent, and even the dark circles under the eyes have come out, as if he has a serious illness.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

In the video, Han Hong is wearing a jujube red loose short-sleeved shirt and a red peaked cap on her head, looking a lot younger.

And the background behind her directly exposed her strength, the log cabinet behind Han Hong was full of patterns, and it looked like it was worth a lot, I don't know if this is in the hotel or in her room.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

Secondly, the porcelain in the room is also quite Tibetan-style, and at a glance, any piece can be sold for a good price, but Han Hong's next actions once again refreshed people's three views.

There were several pots of meat in front of Han Hong, fans thought it was all pots of beef jerky, Han Hong explained that this was yak meat, but it was raw meat, Han Hong was using a knife to cut raw meat and eat it.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

In other words, ordinary people definitely don't dare to eat like this, we ordinary people eat meat or are used to eating cooked meat, raw meat is absolutely unaccustomed, raw meat is not to say eat, smell it and feel fishy, and there are many parasites in raw meat.

If you eat undercooked meat, you can have diarrhea and get infected with parasites.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

And if there is a problem with the body's metabolism, raw meat is absolutely not to be touched, many outsiders go to some Tibetan areas or mountainous areas, will try raw meat, some of them may get "liver hydatid" this disease.

As long as you have this disease, you have to have a liver surgery, so most people still don't try raw beef.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

But Han Hong thinks it doesn't matter, because she is a Tibetan and has had this habit since she was a child, this is their local way of eating, cutting a small piece of raw yak meat, dipping it in chili noodles and eating it, which has a unique flavor.

may be worried that fans won't believe it, Han Hong said while cutting off a piece of raw meat with a knife, and put it directly in his mouth after dipping it in the seasoning, and the fans in front of the screen who watched it were also shocked.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

In fact, there is no need to worry, the Tibetan side has the habit of eating raw beef all year round, and the climate and environment of the Tibetan people are different from ours, so their body structure has also changed over time.

But then someone noticed that Han Hong actually wore a ring on her ring finger, could it be that something good happened, you must know that Han Hong had been chasing her best friend Hao Lei to have a child some time ago, and now she is wearing a wedding ring.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

But if Han Hong has something good, I believe it will definitely be announced to everyone, she herself is also very anxious, I heard on the show that her best friend gave birth to two sons, Han Hong said that she would let Hao Lei share one of her sons, and promised that she would treat the child as her own son.

That's why fans will ask Han Hong at the bottom of the video if she wants the child over, jokes are jokes, or hope that Han Hong can find a wishful husband to accompany her.

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

Sources of information:

Upstream news "Han Hongtan went home to eat raw yak meat video: it's delicious"

Han Hong is abnormally thin, and her eyes are dull and eat raw meat! The wedding ring is eye-catching, netizens: Is the child coming?

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