
Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

author:Paper Airplane No. 5 Entertainment
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Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Text: No. 6 Paper Airplane Entertainment

Edited |

Heck, recently, the vane of the entertainment industry has changed again, and our group of melon-eating people have to keep up with the rhythm, this time let's talk about the eldest sister with a loud singing voice and a kind heart, Han Hong.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Speaking of which, Mr. Han Hong's Tibetan home is simply a model of low-key luxury and connotation, Tibetan decoration style, you can feel a strong cultural atmosphere as soon as you enter the door, which is called a refinement.

Especially the charms on her body, colorful, especially the dzi hanging around her neck, I heard that it is priceless, not ordinary people can have.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

It's not just decorations, there may be a story behind each one.

When it comes to Han Hong's story, we have to mention her bumpy childhood.

The father who beat the child was gone, and the mother later formed another family, and Han Hong was raised by her grandmother.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Such an experience has to leave some traces in anyone's heart, but Han Hong was stunned to transform this difficulty into a driving force for growth, and the tenacity and independence make people have to admire.

Speaking of Han Hong, we can't fail to mention her charity, which is a well-known "great benevolent".

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

It is said that she has adopted more than 200 orphans, which is a shocking number, not to mention that she has also invested a lot of her hard-earned money in public welfare.

This spirit of selfless dedication is simply a realistic version of the living Bodhisattva, which is not only moving, but also a little distressed.

After all, it takes a lot of love and courage to do these things!

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

remembers that once she directly nibbled yak meat raw in the live broadcast, which also caused a wave of heated discussions at that time.

A month later, Han Hong came out to explain in person, saying that this is to respect the traditional eating habits of the Tibetan people, and at the same time remind fans not to blindly imitate, after all, everyone's physique and living habits are different.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

This move not only reflects the respect for culture, but also shows the sense of responsibility as a public figure, which is really emotionally intelligent and caring.

In addition to charity, Han Hong's attitude towards life is also enviable.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

She is versatile, loves to play and laugh, has a unique perspective on food, and feels that as long as she is there, the atmosphere will never be cold.

That positive and shared attitude towards life is like a beam of light that illuminates the people around you and makes everyone happy.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Of course, there are many people who are popular, and Han Hong is no exception.

As a public figure, her every move is in the spotlight, and she will inevitably suffer from doubts and controversies.

But Han Hong has proved with practical actions that whether it is her music or charity, she is transmitting positive energy and showing the sense of responsibility and responsibility that an artist should have.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Her story is like a bright color of this era, telling us that no matter how complicated the world is, there are always people who are silently doing good deeds and warming the world with love.

In the end, our group of melon-eating people, looking at the various deeds of Teacher Han Hong, the admiration in our hearts arose.

Really, if everyone could learn a little bit from her, how wonderful this society would be.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Therefore, no matter how controversial the outside world is, we still have to look at it rationally, learn more from others' shining points, and less groundless speculation and criticism.

After all, a person like Han Hong, who is both talented and has great love, deserves more support and understanding from us.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

I hope that in the future, more people will be infected by Han Hong's spirit and join the ranks of charity, so that the world will become warmer because of our existence.

Speaking of which, Teacher Han Hong is not an ordinary star, he is from an authentic artistic family, his father is a funny cross talk actor, and his mother is a Tibetan singer who can sing and dance.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

This gene is like a musical note, Han Hong has formed an indissoluble bond with music since she was a child, she began to hum a little song at the age of three, and dared to go on stage at the age of five to steal her mother's limelight.

It's a pity that fate sometimes likes to joke, when Han Hong was six years old, her father, the pillar of the family, suddenly left, and her mother was so busy with work that she had no time to take care of her.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Nine-year-old Xiao Han Hong was sent to Beijing to live with her grandmother and uncle.

At that time, the days were hard, in order to support her, grandma sold popsicles in the summer and sweet potatoes in the winter, Han Hong, she was locked in the house every day, like a bird, singing from morning to night, that singing, it is estimated that the neighbors have to praise "It will become a big thing in the future".

In a flash, Han Hong joined the army's performance team, which officially started her musical career.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Don't look at the fact that people are now a big name, they also started from the most basic practice, songwriting, music theory, and everything is not left behind, which led to those classic tracks later, such as "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau", the high pitch soared, it was simply a soul detergent, and the whole person was refreshed after listening to it.

Han Hong's songs, each song is sung into the hearts of the people, and the song "It's Dawn", the story behind it can make people cry.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

The family went out to play, but they encountered a cable car accident, and the parents desperately protected the child, but they themselves ...... When Han Hong sang this song, she was full of emotion and heart-wrenching, and she deserved to win countless awards.

There is also the song "Heavenly Road", which sings about the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which is not only a song, it is simply a hymn, and later it entered the primary school textbook and became a teaching material for educating the next generation.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

has been thriving in her career, and Han Hong has not forgotten her roots, let alone giving back to the society.

At the time of the Wenchuan earthquake, people didn't say a word, and rushed to the front line with their own loving rescue team.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Later, he simply set up his own charitable foundation, and took the medical team to travel all over the mountains and rivers of the motherland, and there were many more children in the orphanage, and the money donated was also countless.

Han Hong's life, like her songs, is full of ups and downs, both loss and gain, bitterness and sweetness.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

But no matter what, she used her own experience to tell us that no matter how low the starting point is, no matter how many difficulties we encounter, as long as we have love, dreams, and persistence in our hearts, one day, we will be able to shine in our own field.

Han Hong is beautiful and successful! is so thin that his face can't hold his clothes, and netizens say that they can't recognize it because they have changed too much

Moreover, more importantly, after success, you can not forget your original intention and repay the society, such a star is a real idol, and it is worthy of a thumbs up from us who eat melons and praise sincerely.

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