
Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

author:Trendider Jesse 2Z5Y

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In preparation for the Paris Olympics, the Chinese table tennis team is in turmoil, and various focal points continue to emerge. Compared with the past, this year's preparation is obviously more intense and full of variables. Let's dive into all this and see what kind of ups and downs the Chinese table tennis team is experiencing.

First of all, we want to focus on Sun Yingsha, who is now the mentor of the rest of the team.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

This is a profound shift, and she will use her experience and wisdom to guide the rest of the team, including Qiu Yike. Qiu Yike no longer only focuses on her own affairs, but temporarily puts it down and serves as the on-the-spot guide of Sun Yingsha's junior sister Qu Man. The purpose of this decision is clear, to help Quman fight Sun Yingsha, which will help Sun Yingsha understand her shortcomings more clearly.

At the same time, Wang Manyu is also actively preparing for the competition, and she finally has a professional physical coach to train with all her strength.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

She showed satisfaction with her performance in recent interviews, and her form is gradually recovering. This has undoubtedly added confidence and motivation to her in the upcoming competition.

However, Chen Meng's situation is somewhat special, and her cooperation with the new head coach Zhong Jinyong is not smooth. Whether in the arena or in his usual training, Zhong Jinyong did not give Chen Meng much help. Perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that Liu Guoliang recently announced a new change in Guoping.

Whether it is Sun Yingsha, Wang Manyu or Chen Meng, everyone has experienced different challenges and dilemmas in the process of preparing for the Olympic Games.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

However, despite the difficulties, everyone is working tirelessly to pursue the goal of breaking through themselves.

The Chinese table tennis team is involved in change internally, but do not ignore the individual efforts and dedication of each player. Everyone is working hard for their dreams and deserves our respect and attention.

It is precisely because of such a dynamic Chinese table tennis team that we are full of expectations and confidence in the Paris Olympic Games. Everyone plays a key role in this team, and their fighting spirit is an example that we should learn from and revere.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

The Chinese table tennis team preparing for the Paris Olympics is working tirelessly every day, and all players are striving for personal breakthroughs. Whether it is Sun Yingsha, Wang Manyu or Chen Meng, their stories inspire us and bring us more expectations and tension. Let's look forward to the arrival of the Paris Olympics and cheer for the Chinese table tennis team!

Ma Lin, the coach of the Chinese table tennis team, has recently attracted much attention, especially with Chen Meng. Some people think that his preference for Chen Meng may be due to personal interests, hoping to show his status and strength through her achievements.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

However, we hope that he will uphold fairness and impartiality in his coaching process, providing better guidance and support for the development of the whole team and the development of young players.

Mr. Liu's recent decision has attracted widespread attention, announcing a change of coach and shelving Chen Meng and Zhong Jinyong's plans. This decision may be controversial, but in competitive sports, the overall interests of the team always take precedence over the individual. Liu Guoliang's responsibility is to make the best decision for the benefit of the team as a whole, and this decision is clearly made in pursuit of better results.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

Ma Lin's preference for Chen Meng has aroused attention and discussion from the outside world. However, as a coach, his decisions and arrangements should be based on the interests of the entire team and the national team. We expect him to remain impartial, fair and open at all times, and to provide equal opportunities and development space for young players.

Liu Guoliang's decision shows that he values the interests of the team as a whole. The balance between teamwork and individual achievement is an important issue in competitive sports, and everyone should understand that only in an atmosphere of tacit understanding and collaboration can teams achieve greater breakthroughs.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

Sun Xun became Chen Meng's head coach, which is a remarkable change. Despite his age no longer young, Sun Xun's experience and companionship

The ability to practice is highly respected. His promotion is undoubtedly a big news for Guoping. As an athlete born in 1980, Sun Xun, Liu Guozheng and others are important members of a group of national teams. After retiring, he did not hesitate to devote himself to his coaching career and has been working hard silently. During his work as a coach of the second national table tennis team, he trained countless young athletes and gradually grew into outstanding players.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

Sun Xun has made great contributions to the cause of table tennis in China with his solid knowledge and love for table tennis.

For Chen Meng, choosing Sun Xun as the head coach was undoubtedly a wise decision. Chen Meng, as a young player of National Table Tennis, has solid skills and good strength, but he still faces the dilemma of breakthrough. She needs a coach who can guide her in training and give her enough guidance. Sun Xun's rich experience and sparring ability can undoubtedly meet her needs. Through personal guidance and companionship, he will help Chen Meng discover a way to break through in training, so that she can further improve her strength.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

Sun Xun's promotion fully demonstrated his ability and potential. He will lead Chen Meng to meet new challenges and let her go further and better on the road of table tennis. For Guoping, the addition of a coach like Sun Xun is undoubtedly an important supplement and hope. We have reason to believe that Sun Xun will help the national table tennis team members create more brilliance in the arena with his maturity and outstanding performance.

The Chinese table tennis team preparing for the Paris Olympics continues to usher in new challenges and opportunities. Whether it is Sun Yingsha, Wang Manyu, Chen Meng, or the changes in the coaching team, they all show the team's unceasing determination on the road of pursuing excellence.

Marlene's wish was disappointed! Liu Guoliang officially announced, the 43-year-old marshal has been promoted three levels in a row, what a surprise!

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