
The cruel truth of the Internet celebrity circle is vividly reflected in Xu Huasheng

author:Laughing apples

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Xu Huasheng: Internet laughing star in Guangxi

The cruel truth of the Internet celebrity circle is vividly reflected in Xu Huasheng

Xu Huasheng, Guangxi's most outstanding Internet comedy star, has been surfing the Internet for thirteen years with humorous short video content, and he has been standing. With more than 50 million followers, he deserves to be known as a "super Internet celebrity". In 2019, Xu Huasheng was named "China's Outstanding Youth" for his outstanding achievements, and was praised by the central media and became a bright star in the Internet celebrity circle.

The cruel truth of the Internet celebrity circle is vividly reflected in Xu Huasheng

The Internet celebrity circle has always been a mixed place, full of fake sales, fictional script hype, comparison of wealth and emotional confusion. There are many examples of Internet celebrities emerging through the Internet, then overturning and being blocked. However, Xu Huasheng has rarely been exposed to negative news, and has even been reported by mainstream media many times as a youth model. So, what exactly makes him stand out and get rid of the label of vulgar influencer?

The cruel truth of the Internet celebrity circle is vividly reflected in Xu Huasheng

Xu Huasheng's growth experience was full of ups and downs and difficulties. In 1992, he was born in Zhaoping County, Hezhou, Guangxi. Due to the early divorce of his parents, Xu Huasheng was raised by his grandfather alone. In the countryside at that time, the divorce of his parents was a very rare thing, so Xu Huasheng was often teased by the children around him and was called "a wild child that no one wanted". However, his grandfather's love allowed him to maintain a pure heart and did not go down the evil path. Although his grandfather treated him well, due to their advanced age and limited education, they lived in a dilapidated tiled house, and heavy rains in the summer often caused the house to leak, and they could only catch the rainwater with pots and pans. Despite living in poverty, rats came to bite him indiscriminately, leaving eternal scars.

In junior high school, Xu Huasheng's psychology changed dramatically. When classmates mentioned his family, he always avoided to avoid embarrassment. The misfortune of his family and the rejection of his classmates made him develop a strong dislike for school, so at the age of 13, he decided to drop out. He followed his cousin to the city to work, but was turned away from the factory countless times because he was too young to have an ID card. In order to make a living, he sells fried noodles, works as a network administrator, and teaches himself fashion design. Despite his hard work, his meager salary was nowhere near enough to make ends meet, and he had to save money, often spending the night on a park bench or under a bridge before going to work the next day. This upheaval became the norm in his youth.

Later, he finally found a stable job in an assembly line factory and also met his first love. Although he still lives in poverty, he feels very happy. However, the relationship ended due to the opposition of the woman's parents. Xu Huasheng's first love is not a plot setting, but it is like a movie.

After being emotionally frustrated, Xu Huasheng returned to Hezhou, Guangxi, to get rid of the hustle and bustle of the big city. He found a stable job, but still felt depressed. In order to relieve loneliness, he often uses singing to vent his emotions. Soon, he was invited by the locals to sing at the red and white celebrations and became a local "celebrity". During this period, he made a living by performing red and white happy events.

However, in 2011, Xu Huasheng made a decision that surprised everyone. He started experimenting with short videos. Although few people knew what a short video was at the time, most people thought that only TV stations could produce video content. However, Xu Huasheng decided to stick with it, bought a second-hand camera with a month's salary and started a business with his cousin. At first, he had no experience, no standards to refer to, and no money to hire help, so all the plot, prop design, lines and scene arrangements were completed by him alone. After half a year of hard work and exploration, he finally ushered in his "explosive" moment. The funny video he released in a certain cool has attracted widespread attention, and the short drama "Debt Chasing" launched later made him a hit.

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