
The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

author:Flowers bloom rich and noble

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In ancient times, there were countless famous martial arts masters on the rivers and lakes, who manipulated light skills, and their bodies were like swallows, walking clouds and flowing water. These extraordinary light martial arts masters not only amaze people at the proficiency of their martial arts, but also make people feel the magnificence of ancient martial arts, and their martial arts attainments seem to be better than today's era.

However, one of the light martial arts masters, named Li Qianfei, is particularly outstanding. He mastered a light skill called "Flying Heavenly Emperor", which allowed him to soar freely through the air, easily floating between the cornices and walking walls, and dodging enemy attacks with ease. In one competition, Li Qianfei used the Flying Imperial Xia Light Skill to skillfully dodge the opponent's attack and finally won the victory. However, over time, this stunt gradually disappeared, and the reasons for its loss are not complicated.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

In ancient rivers and lakes, light skills were known as martial arts skills, allowing warriors to instantly reach extraordinary heights and speeds, and easily cross dangers. Each martial arts sect has its own unique light skill skills, such as flying on the grass, floating on the water, swallows piercing the clouds, dragonflies three points of water, etc., each light skill has its own uniqueness, which is amazing.

In the rivers and lakes, the performance of light skill masters is always remarkable, they can cross mountains and rivers, jump over dangerous cliffs and beaches, and even in the sea of people, they can walk on the ground like a flat ground, showing extraordinary light skill skills. This miraculous light power is breathtaking, but it also makes people feel that "this person's martial arts skills are unfathomable".

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

In Jin Yong's martial arts novel "The Legend of Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon", Zhang Cuishan's light skill performance is impressive. When he first saw Yin Susu, he almost slipped into the water, but he quickly touched his left foot and right foot and jumped out of the water like a bird, avoiding an embarrassing situation. The skillful use of this light skill is truly breathtaking.

However, the gap in strength between light skill masters is also quite huge. Some people are able to be lighter, more flexible, and almost dizzying. In martial arts, light gong is a key means to show strength and unique style, and it is also one of the embodiments of the personality and style of martial arts masters.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

In the rivers and lakes, light skills are skills that martial arts masters must master, helping them to survive and develop in an environment full of crises. It is not only a martial arts stunt, but also represents the unique taste and style of a martial arts master. Whether in the rivers and lakes or in ordinary life, light work is an amazing and wonderful performance.

However, light skills gradually became lost over time. The convenience and technology of modern society have replaced the ancient demand for light work, and people no longer need to use light work to avoid danger, but choose more convenient means of transportation such as cars and planes. Therefore, the ancient and mysterious skill of light gong has gradually disappeared in modern society.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

In ancient rivers and lakes, light gong was a weapon for countless warriors, helping them avoid danger and defend justice. However, with the changes of the times, the convenience of modern society has replaced light work, allowing it to gradually disappear. Although today's martial arts performances are still wonderful, they still seem to be somewhat inferior to the ancient light gong masters.

To master true light skills, practitioners need to put in a lot of effort and perseverance. This requires long-term training and mastery of techniques. Just like Li Hai, he used the wooden board to practice jumping and gradually exercise his light skills. However, he also experienced danger and almost fell off a cliff, which made him realize that light work requires not only skill, but also psychological quality and safety awareness.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

Therefore, Li Hai began to pay attention to safety awareness and risk assessment while practicing light exercise, and created a more scientific and efficient light exercise method. This story tells us that to master true light skills, we need to develop physical fitness and skills in an all-round way, pay attention to safety and science, and achieve light weight

The realm of Yan.

Among the ancient light skill masters, Zhang Sanfeng is another high-profile existence. He is not only a master of internal skills, but also an excellent master of light skills. When he was young, he once led the way in the rivers and lakes, single-handedly against more than a dozen martial arts masters, dodging attacks like clouds and water, no one could match. However, the reason why his light skill is superb is not only the result of external training, but also inseparable from internal cultivation.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

Zhang Sanfeng practiced internal strength for a long time in the mountains and forests every day. Through meditation and meditation, Qi and luck exercises, etc., he made the qi and blood in his body flow smoothly and reached the realm of physical and mental unity. Only in this way can he stay in the air for a long time, as light as a swallow, as if he has transformed into a "flying monkey".

However, this kind of internal strength cultivation is very boring, requires a lot of time and energy, and has extremely high requirements for practitioners, who must have excellent talent and understanding. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, bones and skin through external exercises to make the body more agile.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

Zhang Sanfeng once said: "Internal strength and external strength are equally important, internal cultivation in one breath, external cultivation of muscles and bones." "That's why he became a master of light skills. He does various jumps and weight training in the mountains every day to challenge the limits of his body. Year after year, day after day of training, he was able to move lightly and do anything.

However, modern society has gradually neglected this traditional skill, and people pay more attention to external sports skills and surface beauty. Light skills are gradually lost, and the legend of the former jianghu warrior is gradually drifting away. But in this fast-paced era, there are still people who silently adhere to this ancient skill, and they practice silently in the wilderness of the mountains and forests, in pursuit of inner balance and physical freedom.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

One of the young light skill apprentices is firmly pursuing this ancient skill, and he dreams of being as light as a swallow and walking on a wall. He practiced hard and insisted on meditating every day, trying to understand the flow of "qi", hoping to grasp the mystery of "buoyancy". However, he found that practicing internal strength requires a high degree of understanding and talent.

The original ancient light skill is so powerful, why has it developed to be lost now? The reason is simple

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