
Character collapse? "Queen of sketches" Cai Ming's character is corrupt and unguaranteed at night, and was boycotted by netizens?

author:Chichu X

In recent years, Cai Ming, a bright star in the Chinese comedy industry, was once very popular, however, her acting career seems to have reached a fork in the road, her reputation is not as good as before, and she has even been widely questioned. So, what exactly caused this change?

Cai Ming began to show her talent in the field of literature and art from a young age, and her singing and dancing talent has long been recognized. At the age of 11, she successfully entered the TV series "Haixia" and played Xiao Haixia in the play, which marked the official start of her acting career.

Character collapse? "Queen of sketches" Cai Ming's character is corrupt and unguaranteed at night, and was boycotted by netizens?

Soon after, Cai Ming appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to perform the sketch "Stranger" with Gong Hanlin, her Shaanxi accent and the classic phrase "My grandma said oh..." made her a household name overnight and opened the golden age of her career.

The tacit performance of Cai Ming and Guo Da is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and is even regarded as a "golden partner" by some audiences. This scandal once brought great pressure to the marriage of Cai Ming and her husband Ding Qiuxing. After all, for anyone, hearing that their partner has been involved in a scandal raises doubts. In the end, Guo Da's wife came forward and solved the misunderstanding. However, this incident also made the relationship between Cai Ming and Guo Da awkward, and their cooperation came to an end.

Character collapse? "Queen of sketches" Cai Ming's character is corrupt and unguaranteed at night, and was boycotted by netizens?

However, there are always two sides to things. With the increasing number of Cai Ming's "poisonous tongue" remarks, she has also attracted the disgust of many stars and audiences. More and more audiences think that her performance style is aesthetically fatigued, her works lack novelty, and some people even criticize her for being snarky, thinking that she only pursues personal highlights and does not pay attention to the overall performance effect.

Character collapse? "Queen of sketches" Cai Ming's character is corrupt and unguaranteed at night, and was boycotted by netizens?

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