
Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

The controversy over Li Xueqin's admission to Peking University began with a seemingly inadvertent Internet storm.

There are remarks claiming that she enjoyed a score reduction of up to 20 points because of her special recruitment status.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

The rumor spread quickly on the Internet, provoking a wide public response.

Netizens were outraged, and they launched a search like Sherlock Holmes to try to find out the truth.

Some people are worried about Li Xueqin's image and whether such an admission method is fair.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

At the same time, some supporters stood up, believing that Li Xueqin could only get admission to Peking University with her own hard work and talent.

She passed the self-recruitment examination and obtained the first place in Liaoning Province, so she was eligible for extra points admission.

This bonus is based on her excellent performance in the college entrance examination, which is completely different from the swimming special recruitment.

The admission criteria for the swimming special entrance examination and the self-recruitment examination are very different.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Li Xueqin's admission method was completely in line with the regulations, and she relied on her academic strength and hard work to obtain the admission qualification of Peking University.

This explanation and clarification revealed the true situation of Li Xueqin, proving that her admission was based on her academic performance and hard work, and not on any special treatment.

It also shows us how important it is to be rational and wait for the truth in the face of doubts and misunderstandings.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

The actual situation is that Li Xueqin did not enter Peking University because of special treatment.

Instead, she won the first place in the college entrance examination in Liaoning Province through the self-recruitment examination.

This gave her an extra advantage in her admission to Peking University.

To be clear, self-recruitment exams and special sports admissions are two very different ways of admission.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Li Xueqin obtained this admission opportunity entirely on the basis of her academic performance and hard work, which is in line with the formal procedure.

Li Xueqin was born in the new communication major, not only has excellent intelligence, but also has high emotional intelligence, which makes her show her unique charm and talent in the entertainment industry.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

In terms of performance in the entertainment industry, Li Xueqin stood out in many variety shows with her humorous performance, winning the love and recognition of the audience.

Her acting skills have also been highly acclaimed, and the films and TV series she has participated in have shown her multi-faceted talent and profound acting skills.

Gaining audience recognition and awards is definitely an important part of Li Xueqin's career.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Whether in front of the screen or behind the scenes, she has won the respect of the industry and the recognition of awards for her outstanding performance and professional attitude.

These achievements not only demonstrate Li Xueqin's strength and influence in the entertainment industry, but also prove her status and value as a well-rounded artist.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

After gaining an in-depth understanding of Li Xueqin's achievements and strength, we have to face a reality: the powerful influence of public opinion in the information age.

Li Xueqin's experience tells us that even an upright fact can be questioned and attacked because of misunderstandings and false rumors on the Internet.

Don't trust everything on the web easily, and don't be swayed by prejudices and emotions.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

This is not only the protection of personal image, but also the maintenance of social fairness and justice.

Li Xueqin's story also brings us inspiration: insist on truthfulness and cherish personal image and feathers.

In the highly competitive arena of the entertainment industry, hard work, talent, and integrity are the most valuable assets.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Through Li Xueqin's example, we can see how to maintain our beliefs and values in the face of challenges and difficulties.

In the information age, public opinion has an unprecedented and powerful influence.

A false rumor, a false report, can spread in an instant, affecting the reputation and image of a person or even an organization.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Li Xueqin's experience tells us that even when the facts are clear and clear, they can cause public suspicion and controversy because of misunderstandings and prejudices on the Internet.

In the future, we expect her to continue to achieve greater achievements on the road of art, to influence more people with her works and actions, and to show her true value and influence.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Looking forward to the future, we expect Li Xueqin to continue to use her talent and works to speak, constantly challenge herself, and create more wonderful artistic achievements.

Her persistence and hard work are worth learning and learning from each of us.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

At the same time, we also call on all sectors of society to reduce blind followers and groundless speculation, and maintain a rational and tolerant attitude.

In today's flood of information, what we need more is an objective and fair judgment and a tolerant and understanding mentality to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and harm.

Big melon! It is rumored that Li Xueqin has faked his academic history at Peking University, and another Internet celebrity personality has collapsed? Please eat melons rationally

Through an in-depth analysis of Li Xueqin's story, we not only have a better understanding of her growth as an artist, but also become more aware of the influence of public opinion on individuals and society.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, everyone should take their responsibilities, remain authentic and honest, and contribute to society with actions and works.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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