
This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

author:Abundance artist yhMmb
This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

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Beijing Subway Line 10 Incident: A Farce Triggered by Giving Up Seats Reflects the Boundary Between Morality and Law

In the scorching summer, it should be the season when people enjoy the coolness of air conditioning and the convenience of travel, but in the carriage of Beijing Metro Line 10, an infuriating farce was staged, an uncle took "asking to give up his seat" as the fuse, verbally attacked and physically harassed a young girl, and was finally taken away by the police

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

In this incident, the uncle's behavior not only violated social morality, but also violated the bottom line of the law, he forcibly asked the girl to give up her seat in the way of "relying on the old and selling the old", and after being refused, not only did not choose to understand and respect, but was annoyed and angry, verbally attacked the girl, and even hit the girl's leg with a cane, this behavior has constituted a personal attack on others, the uncle made physical contact with the girl in public, and with obvious obscene intent, has been suspected of violating the law and committing a crime

From Moral Obligation to Moral Kidnapping: When Does Giving Seat Culture Cease to Be a Talisman for the "Weak"?

In recent years, with the intensification of social aging, the issue of "giving up seats" has become a social topic that has attracted much attention, respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, giving up seats in public for the old, weak, sick and pregnant is also a civilized behavior worth advocating

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

Some old people regard "I am weak and I am reasonable" as a guideline, take the young people's seat concession for granted, and even forcibly ask for seats in the way of "relying on the old and selling the old", and verbally attack and morally kidnap those young people who do not give up their seats, this kind of behavior is not only a damage to their own image, but also a distortion and trampling on traditional virtues

The Spiral of Silence: How Can We Speak Out in the Face of Injustice?

In this incident, it is sad that in the face of the uncle's vexatious and obscene behavior, most of the passengers in the carriage chose to remain silent, and only one kind passenger gave up his seat for the uncle, and the uncle did not restrain himself, but intensified, which eventually led to the escalation of the incident

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

This kind of silence may be out of the indifference of "it's none of your business, hang it high", maybe it is the helplessness of being afraid of getting into trouble, or maybe it is the tolerance of "the bad guy is getting old", it is this silence that fuels the arrogance of the uncle, and makes the girl bear injustice and harm alone

Building a safe and civilized public environment: a dual guarantee of law and morality

The occurrence of the incident on Beijing Metro Line 10 has sounded the alarm for us, and to build a safe and civilized public environment, we need the dual guarantee of law and morality, and we must strengthen the publicity and law enforcement of the rule of law, and we must severely punish those who violate the law and commit crimes in accordance with the law, and we will never tolerate them, and we must also strengthen the building of social morality and guide people to establish correct values and moral values

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

In the face of similar incidents, each of us should stand up bravely, say no to uncivilized behavior, protect our legitimate rights and interests with practical actions, and jointly create a safe, harmonious and civilized social environment

From Case to Reflection: How to Guide Society to Form a Healthy Moral Ecology

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

The incident of Beijing Metro Line 10 is not an isolated case, in recent years, similar incidents are not uncommon, and the occurrence of these incidents has triggered a deep reflection on the moral ecology of society, in a healthy society, morality should be self-disciplined, not other-disciplined; It should come from the heart, not under pressure from the outside world

Government departments should strengthen the construction of social morality, guide people to establish correct values and moral values, and the news media should strengthen positive publicity, promote positive social energy, and expose and criticize uncivilized behavior

Internet public opinion: how can a double-edged sword guide rational voice?

Once the incident of Beijing Metro Line 10 was exposed, it quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, and netizens expressed their indignation at the uncle's behavior and demanded severe punishment, and the positive role of Internet public opinion cannot be ignored, it can promote the investigation and handling of the incident, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the victims

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

Online public opinion is also a double-edged sword, and if left unchecked, it can also have negative consequences

Improve laws and regulations: to protect the maintenance of public order

The incident on Beijing Metro Line 10 has exposed some deficiencies in the mainland's efforts to maintain order in public places, and it is imperative to improve relevant laws and regulations in order to better maintain public order and protect citizens' personal safety and legitimate rights and interests

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

It is necessary to intensify the crackdown on illegal acts such as indecency in public places, picking quarrels and provoking troubles, increase the cost of violating the law, and form an effective deterrent

Building a harmonious society: you and I need to work together

The incident of Beijing Metro Line 10 has sounded the alarm for us, and building a harmonious society requires the joint efforts of each of us, let us start from ourselves, start from bit by bit, and jointly create a safe, civilized and harmonious social environment!

This uncle is so brave, he forced him to give up his seat and was obscene, his action made people vomit, and his hat became a bright spot

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