
Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

author:Hara flows a KK

In the face of the threat of inflation, whether real estate can really hold its value is a hotly debated topic. This article will explore the points often made by real estate experts and provide some insights and reviews.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

The first view: real estate is the pillar industry of the country, and the country will not let house prices continue to fall.

This view does give the impression that the state will protect the value of the property. However, we can see from the example of agriculture, even if agriculture is considered the pillar industry of the country, it does not necessarily mean that their products will always retain their value. Food prices are also subject to fluctuations due to market supply and demand and other factors. Therefore, real estate as a pillar industry may not be able to maintain value.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

Second point: real estate is the best product to fight inflation.

This view can be somewhat misleading. While some people think that real estate is resistant to inflation, this may not be the case. There is no one-to-one correspondence between the increase in house prices and the growth of the money supply. In some cases, house prices may be affected by other factors than inflation. In addition, in times of inflation, people are more likely to spend money on the necessities of life rather than on heavy assets such as real estate. Therefore, property is not necessarily the best option to fight inflation.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

Third view: The reason why experts recommend buying a house is out of interest.

This view points to the fact that some experts can be manipulated by interest groups and elites whose goal is to get ordinary people to buy property for their own profit. While there is some truth in this view, it should not be generalized. The views of experts may be based on their analysis and research, not necessarily manipulated. However, it is very important to ensure that you have a clear picture of your financial situation and do not blindly follow the advice of experts.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

Fourth view: the monopoly of the real estate industry affects the development of other industries.

This view points out that a boom in the real estate sector can have a negative impact on other industries, leading to an uneven distribution of resources. This is a point to ponder, as ensuring that all sectors are fully developed is a complex policy issue. Countries need to take into account the needs of various sectors in order to achieve balanced and sustainable economic growth.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

Fifth view: Over-issuing money can lead to hyperinflation.

This view raises an important economic warning that a large-scale issuance of money could lead to inflation. However, the impact of inflation varies from country to country and timing. During periods of inflation, the price of necessities such as food may rise, but the increase in house prices may be relatively low. Therefore, real estate may not be fully protected against inflation.

Stop being misled by experts, does the property retain its value when it is inflationary?

To sum up, whether real estate can maintain its value in the face of inflation is a complex issue that cannot be judged simply by expert advice. Everyone's financial situation and investment goals are different, so it is important to make informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Buying a home is not only about asset appreciation, but also about taking into account all aspects of living needs and financial planning. When facing inflation, it may be wiser to diversify your portfolio to diversify risk and respond to different economic situations. The most important thing is not to blindly follow the trend, but to make well-thought-out decisions to ensure your financial security.

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