
The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

author:Geek Drift 2020

China and the United States, as the world's largest developing and developed countries, will have an impact on the trend of the entire world pattern. Especially in today's pluralistic and integrated world, the relationship between China and the United States is very delicate.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

As we all know, the United States launched a trade war against the mainland in 2017 and spread the new coronavirus to the whole world in 2020. Through the above-mentioned measures, we are trying to bring certain economic losses and cultural shocks to our country. However, in the face of the various actions of the United States, the mainland has adopted various countermeasures.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Now, after years of fighting, we are finally at the dawn of victory, and now our inflation crisis has been resolved. The U.S. plan to harvest China has failed, so is the timing of the U.S. interest rate cut certain? What kind of impact will it have?

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Measures taken by the United States

The United States is now the most indebted country in the world today, and according to relevant statistics, it will take at least 100 years for the United States to clear these debts, and without any economic crisis. But according to the laws of the United States, it is impossible to avoid an economic crisis in 100 years.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Therefore, it is impossible for the United States to pay off its debts. More importantly, the U.S. economy is now under great threat. Perhaps this is the last struggle of the United States, which is equivalent to what we call the grasshopper after the autumn, and it will not last long.

In particular, in February this year, the relevant departments of the United States announced to the world that they had adopted a policy of cutting interest rates. However, in May of this year, there was no movement from the United States.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Later, people from the relevant departments in the United States announced that the policy of cutting interest rates may be postponed until October this year. From these news, we also conclude that the United States is facing very great economic pressure today, and bankruptcy may occur at any time.

We all know that the EU has issued a policy of cutting interest rates this year and has begun to implement it as a way to alleviate its own economic crisis. However, the United States, which is more serious than European countries, is facing a greater debt crisis, and we can also guess that the United States is struggling to support it today.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Perhaps most people are curious about this, is the United States so powerful? How can it last until this time? Until now, the United States has not taken the next step, and we cannot guess what the United States will do next.

In order to understand this phenomenon, we can analyze what happened before. The past few international economic crises have had a lot to do with the United States. In particular, the economic crisis of 2008 was created by the United States by raising interest rates.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

The reason why the United States is doing this is because by raising interest rates, all the money of the whole world will flow into the United States, so as to realize the opportunity to make a fortune for itself. But this practice has caused panic in other countries in the world, and the United States has done so at the expense of others in exchange for its own interests.

Today, the United States is still using the same method as before to avoid the danger of debt, this time the Fed is reducing tapering, which is actually a disguised interest rate cut to stabilize the domestic economy.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

However, after the United States took measures this time, its economy was still uncontrollable and still on the verge of collapse. Perhaps this time the United States can no longer hold on, and its plan to harvest China has completely failed.

2. The U.S. economy today

In fact, more people are now concerned about what is happening in the U.S. economy. According to the latest data, the situation in the United States is not optimistic, not only because its real economy has already experienced a serious downturn, but also because its digital economy is on the verge of collapse.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

The United States, which has always loved face, naturally will not let the rest of the world see its downfall, so the Federal Reserve will take various measures to confuse the eyes of others. At present, the United States can only adopt a policy of cutting interest rates, and if it adopts a policy of cutting interest rates, then its own country's economy will be completely ruined.

Since the end of last year, the United States has been continuously increasing its debt, including a large amount of industrial and agricultural debt. It is precisely because of this reason that a large number of workers in the country are unemployed, and students cannot find jobs at all after graduation. What is even more serious is that this debt crisis has accelerated the contradictions between the masses and the government.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Especially since 2020, the United States has been affected by the epidemic and has not fully recovered until now. And American friends, like some European countries, have no intention of going up to help when they see their friends in difficulty.

Many people have analyzed this, perhaps because many countries in Europe have chosen to flee when they saw that this powerful country was about to collapse, leaving their allies behind. Therefore, we can see from here that the hegemonism that the United States has been boasting about has not been recognized by any country.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

It is also through this incident that it can be seen that when difficulties come, the only one who can really help oneself is oneself, and at the same time, you can recognize who is your true friend at this time. The United States is a case in point, when it ran into debt, and the countries with which it once had diplomatic relations have now abandoned it.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

Therefore, we can also see from this incident that what the United States has done before has not won the sincerity of others. Europe and other countries establish diplomatic relations with the United States only to seek certain interests, and if such interests do not exist or the other side is in trouble, they will retreat completely.

Third, China is the final winner

In fact, China and the United States are competing for hegemony today, and there has been a final result, that is, China is the final winner, and the United States is the final loser. Although we cannot see this invisible war, we can always feel it in our daily lives.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

The United States has been waging a trade war against us since 2017 until this year 2024. For seven years, America's main goal has been on how to deal with our trade, not our economy. The United States once declared to the world that China had a serious economic crisis in order to undermine friendly relations between China and other countries.

But other countries have long since disbelieved the nonsense of the United States. The United States seems to be spending its time on how to deal with us, but in fact it is also ignoring its own development. Fundamentally speaking, the trade war between China and the United States is about endurance.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

However, the United States plays multiple roles in this battle, being both an athlete and a referee, as if competing against its own shadow in a game. In fact, in the end, the United States just played a lonely game, completely immersed in its own world.

For example, as we said above, the Fed is cheating on itself by raising interest rates, which is completely useless. And after the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the United States actively participated in it, and invested a lot of money in this war.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

As a result of all these factors, the United States is now facing all kinds of problems, and there is no time to develop its economy. However, contrary to the United States, although we in China have been affected by the epidemic, in fact, the economy has been developing and changing.

According to the data of the mainland's financial department, from the second half of 2020 to the first half of this year in 2024, after four years of development, the mainland's economy has grown at an annual rate of about 4%.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

In particular, the latest data released in May this year show that the mainland's economic growth ratio has achieved a new breakthrough this year. At the same time, the mainland has adopted economic countermeasures to deal with the trade blockade imposed by the United States on us.

Therefore, although this war is still not over, in fact, the final result has already appeared, and the final result of the United States is obviously a failure, while we in China are destined to succeed. In this war, the United States not only lost its own interests and status, but also lost the trust of other countries.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

However, even if the United States has now become a loser, we should not take it lightly and prevent the United States from jumping over the wall in a hurry. It is very likely that the United States will unleash its last big move before it fails, and we must not take this phenomenon lightly.

Today's world pattern is very favorable to the development of the mainland, but not to the United States. Now, in order to maintain a certain degree of stability in its own economy, the United States has to adopt methods such as raising interest rates to make up for its own loopholes.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

None of us can know where the future of the United States lies. But in its current form, the future of the United States will be very difficult. When we look back at what the United States has done, almost all of them have been done at the expense of the interests of other countries.

Perhaps the United States has fallen to the point where it is today, which is exactly what many people want to happen. In our eyes, the various actions taken by the United States against our country are tantamount to shooting ourselves in the foot. For example, the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States in 2020 was the end of the United States' own iniquity.

The inflation crisis is over! The United States failed to harvest China? Is the timing of the rate cut determined? What is the impact?

In the face of great changes in the world unseen in a century, we should follow the trend of world trends, continue to make international policies and development guidelines that are in line with reality, and always follow the pace of the world.


The harvesting plan formulated by the United States at that time has failed, which also makes the United States realize that China is no longer the China of 100 years ago, and that China today is a powerful country that does not allow any country to infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of the mainland

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