
Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.


Recently, Yu Wenhong, the head Internet celebrity of the beauty industry, frantically exploded many black materials of Zheng Hanwen and Yi Nengjing, especially Yi Nengjing, the unknown secrets hidden behind it, which made people surprised!

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Zheng Hanwen held a grand event on such a sensitive day as September 18, preparing for the official opening, and invited some celebrities to promote it, including Li Ruotong and Yi Nengjing.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

Yu Wenhong also brought some people to the scene, but was blocked. So she angrily started a war of words online.

Yu Wenhong posted several videos, angrily accusing Zheng Hanwen of finding someone to smear her, and revealing that Zheng Hanwen set different beauty prices, including a high price of 250,000 yuan in China, while only 20,000 yuan in Japan.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

It is reported that Zheng Hanwen was once Yu Wenhong's employee and apprentice, but due to some contradictions, she set up her own portal, and even snatched some of the master's customers and smeared Yu Wenhong on the Internet. This caused Yu Wenhong's anger.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

Surprisingly, Yi Nengjing was also implicated and accused by Yu Wenhong. Yu Wenhong claimed that Yi Nengjing helped Zheng Hanwen deceive Chinese consumers, making her feel contemptuous. She claimed to have told Yi Nengjing that Zheng Hanwen had problems with her way of making money and not to participate, but Yi Nengjing ignored the dignity of Chinese consumers in order to make money, and still ignored persuasion to participate.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yi Nengjing's original name was Yi Nengjingjiang, and her stepfather was Japanese, and she grew up in Japan. The Japanese doctor of Zheng Hanwen's company was helped by Yi Nengjing, who also has shares in Zheng Hanwen's company.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

Yu Wenhong also broke the news that the opening time of Zheng Hanwen's company was a very sensitive day, on September 18. Yu Wenhong further accused Yi Nengjing of helping the Japanese defraud Chinese money, and even questioned Yi Nengjing's position.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

It can also be seen from the video previously released by Zheng Hanwen that her relationship with Yi Nengjing is not ordinary, she called Yi Nengjing her best friend, and also showed their intimate photos.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

And in the video released by Yi Nengjing for the opening of Zheng Hanwen's company, she greatly praised Zheng Hanwen's IQ, emotional intelligence and financial quotient, and also revealed that she had lived in Zheng Hanwen's home for a long time. This can also be seen that the relationship between the two is very good.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

Some netizens did not find Yi Nengjing's name from the shareholder information of Zheng Hanwen's company, so they believe that some of the information Yu Wenhong said needs to be further confirmed. Zheng Hanwen also responded many times, saying that these are rumors.

But Yi Nengjing seemed silent and did not respond, and her comment section continued to be mired in debate. Many people began to question her position and exposed some of her bad black history, including "holding hands with Huang Weide", being scolded on the spot for knocking on Huang Lei's door in the middle of the night, and participating in the birthday party of fraudsters.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.
Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.
Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

For this turmoil, some people think that this is just a hype, and Yu Wenhong is just rubbing traffic.

And some people think that Yu Wenhong is retaliating against Zheng Hanwen for smearing her and smearing Zheng Hanwen.

It was also suggested that Yi Nengjing file a lawsuit against Wen Hong.

But some people hope that Yi Nengjing can come forward to explain.

There are different views on this matter.

Yu Wenhong broke the news that Yin Nengjing and Zheng Hanwen stood on the platform for Xiao Ri, questioning Yi Nengjing's identity.

What do you think about this matter, welcome to share your views and insights in the comment area.

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