
The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

author:Aviation Vision

Although the US Senate passed the temporary appropriation bill, it was vetoed when the US House of Representatives voted, and since then the Biden administration in the United States has faced a shutdown. The House of Representatives of the US Congress has not approved the budget bill for fiscal year 2024, so that the Biden administration in the United States cannot obtain relevant financial allocations, so the Biden administration in the United States will fall into a shutdown on October 1, that is, the first day of the 2024 fiscal year. Although the House of Representatives of the US Congress blocked the passage of the temporary appropriations bill, it still generously passed the $300 million military aid project for Ukraine, so it seems that the United States is tightening its belts and supporting Ukraine and Russia to fight to the death.

The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

In fact, the United States does not have the spirit of internationalism, but because through military aid to Ukraine, there are many interests that can return to the United States, so as not only to enrich American arms dealers, but also to allow American politicians to get kickbacks. According to public information, the United States has provided more than $40 billion in military aid to Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and in addition to the United States, most other NATO countries are also providing military aid to Ukraine. Today's United States not only has the Biden administration facing the crisis of shutdown, but also the scale of the US national debt is rising, according to the data released by the US Treasury, the United States has more than 33 trillion US dollars in national debt.

The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

When the Biden administration in the United States is facing a shutdown, there is bad news in the United States, when the United States sanctions China, the American memory chip giant has suffered serious losses, according to the company's financial report, in fiscal year 2023, it has accumulated a loss of $5.83 billion, and a loss of $1.43 billion in the fourth quarter. The United States has sanctioned China's chip industry, and the US memory chip giants have paid a heavy price for this. U.S. related companies originally had a huge market share in China, but the U.S. chip giants publicly encouraged the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of Commerce to pass bills and regulations sanctioning Chinese memory chip manufacturers, thereby trying to crack down on competitors.

The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

When China's chip industry rises, memory chips first made a breakthrough, in the face of the development of China's memory chips, the American chip giants stabbed in the back, instigated American politicians to launch a ban on China's memory chip industry, thereby trying to maintain the position of American chip companies in the Chinese market, and finally the United States is "shooting itself in the foot", because American memory chip products have huge security vulnerabilities, so they have been blocked by China, directly impacting 20% of its operating income. U.S. memory chips' operating income in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023 fell directly by 40%, so it directly impacted the full-year results.

The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

According to the financial reports of the US chip giants, the operating income in 2023 is only about 50% of 2022, which has led to a huge loss of 5.83 billion US dollars, and the United States wants to block China's chip industry, and the US chip industry itself has to pay for it. In fact, not only the memory chip giants in the United States have suffered heavy losses, but also the two memory chip companies in South Korea are stretched, and the profits since 2023 are falling off a cliff, and they have not come out of the shadows, which is the direct consequence of following the US sanctions against China, so it is also the so-called "hammer to hammer".

The Biden administration is facing a shutdown, and bad news has come that sanctions against China and memory chip factories have suffered serious losses

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