
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

author:Cute pet look cute pet

The reason may be that everyone is serious about palace fighting, and only Concubine Hua herself is seriously in love.

The reason may be that the emperor said: Although the concubine is domineering, she is also cute

The reason may be that Concubine Hua does not have a big word and cannot read, and she has been in charge of the sixth palace for many years. And how can the daughter of the Nian family not read? She just doesn't love those poems, songs, and dances.

The fourth uncle also personally said that he and Shilan have been married for many years, listen, husband and wife, when he talked about An Xiaoniao, he was a concubine, and the emperor knew clearly in his heart, he knew that Concubine Hua really loved him. He also told the old mother that day that his son and Shilan have been married for many years. Husband and wife are commensurate! It weighs heavily in his heart.

Concubine Hua waited for him from dawn to dark

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

There was an epidemic in the palace, and he was afraid that the emperor would be tired and read medical books night and night

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

He has the emperor in his heart, the emperor can see it, the domestic cat scratched the skin of the person several times, bitten off many computer data headset mouse cables, but the owner is still reluctant to lose it, the dog caused a lot of trouble, money has lost a lot or raised like a baby, there is a big difference between having feelings and not having feelings!

You see that when the concubine Xiang said that she would execute Concubine Hua, the emperor's eyes were cold, but he turned around and silently ended the concubine

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

And the queen had a hehe expression, he accompanied the emperor for so long, he understood the emperor's heart, and he knew the feelings between Concubine Hua and the emperor

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

Concubine Xiang thought that the emperor was like a toy for Concubine Hua, he didn't know that the emperor had feelings for Concubine Hua, and he was extremely reluctant, otherwise with her IQ and EQ, he would never be able to say such a thing! In fact, why is Zhen Huan not like this? He thought that the emperor was favored by Nian Shilan because Nian Xinyao was Nian Xinyao's sister, so he brazenly wanted to force Concubine Hua to death

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

Even Nian Shilan herself thought that the emperor did not love her, but because of the relationship in the family, she died tragically!

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

In fact, if the two lovers can meet again, the emperor may not be willing to give her up, and the beauty may not really die!

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

After Concubine Hua's death, the text prison harmed the Zhen family, and Zhen Huan also left the Ganlu Temple sadly to become a monk, who knows if there is the emperor's anger inside?

Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end
Nian Shilan did so much evil, why was the ruthless emperor reluctant to get rid of her in the end

Maybe in the midnight dream, the emperor can still think of the cute person with a smile and a charming face at night, and a heroic and sassy face on horseback during the day!