
First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Catch everyone passing by, this village

author:Integrity Mr. Chen

First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Grabbing everyone passing by, the village has also become desolate and sparsely populated by the plague. A young traveler heard about the legend and decided to find out. His name is Allen, who is bold and careful, and full of curiosity about all kinds of anecdotes.

In order to fight the evil spirit, he also specially prepared some equipment, including a sharp sword and a mysterious lamp, the evil ghost. Eren stepped into this plague village, and saw desolate corpses everywhere, and he felt the terrifying atmosphere that permeated the air and shuddered.

When night fell on Allen, the lights were on, and at this moment a group of evil spirits suddenly appeared and surrounded Alan, these evil spirits looked hideous and fierce, and they pounced on Eren to try to catch him. Eren wields his sword and fights to resist, but these demons seem to be unable to be cut to death and reborn. In the light, Eren found that these demons had a deep wound on their necks. It seems that they are the truth that is controlled by some force to become so evil and hidden.

Eren realizes that he must find the hidden truth in order to solve this problem once and for all. He searched around the village and finally found an old woman who knew the inside story. The old woman told him that these evil spirits were actually the product of the villagers being infected by the plague. It turned out that the plague village was once a prosperous town. But a sudden plague swept through the village, and many villagers contracted the plague. They chose to self-isolate in order not to infect others. However, in the end, they did not escape the clutches of the plague, and died one after another to rescue the villagers.

After learning the truth, Eren decided to rescue these villagers who were haunted by evil spirits. He began searching for people who were still alive in the village, taking them to safety. However, these evil spirits seem to be everywhere, leaving Eren in a difficult situation.

At this time, Eren suddenly discovers the old woman, his lamp has strange powers, when the light hits the evil spirit, they will be in pain, or even temporarily disappear. So Allen used the power of this lamp to slay demons and remove demons all the way, saving more and more villagers and lifting the curse.

After some hard work, Eren finally rescued all the villagers who were haunted by evil spirits. He returned to the old woman's place with the lamp and thanked her for her help. The old woman tearfully told Alan that this lamp was a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the village, and only a pure heart could awaken its power.

To thank Ellen for his bravery and justice, the old woman returned the lamp to him.

Allen took the lamp and found that it had become brighter and brighter. At this moment, a magical light suddenly bloomed over the plague village, and the villagers who had been controlled by evil spirits returned to normal one by one and revived their homes.

As the curse of the plague village was lifted, those who fled returned home. They resumed their peaceful lives, rebuilt their homes, cultivated the land, and the plague villages returned to their former prosperity. Alan said goodbye to the old woman and the villagers and continued his journey. He understands that there are still many unknown mysteries waiting to be explored in this world, and this terrifying and thrilling experience.

First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Catch everyone passing by, this village
First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Catch everyone passing by, this village
First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Catch everyone passing by, this village
First paragraph: Plague village. In a small remote village, there is a terrifying legend that is said to be a group of evil spirits every night falls. Catch everyone passing by, this village

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