
Alphabet brother agreed to extend his contract for 5 years for 340 million twice refused Harden to join the Bucks Lillard played key shots reliably

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NBA reporter Shams Sharania reported that Antetokounmpo has promised to renew his contract with the Bucks, and Bucks general manager Horst also said that he is ready to extend his contract for two versions, and the two sides will sign a five-year, $340 million super maximum salary extension.

Alphabet brother agreed to extend his contract for 5 years for 340 million twice refused Harden to join the Bucks Lillard played key shots reliably

Lillard came to the Bucks in a trade and Antetokounmpo was the happiest and most excited. In fact, the Bucks have two options in the trade market, Lillard or James Harden, and the chips paid are almost all Holladay, and the Bucks management is finally selected by Antetokounmpo, who he is willing to team, and the Bucks will go all out to meet his requirements.

"The 76ers also offered a trade package to trade Harden for Holladay." Shalana said, "Antetokounmpo had a second chance to play with Harden, but he didn't like Harden and didn't even hesitate to choose Lillard. ”

Alphabet brother agreed to extend his contract for 5 years for 340 million twice refused Harden to join the Bucks Lillard played key shots reliably

The Bucks have suffered playoff failures for the past two seasons, making Antetokounmpo less optimistic about the team's future. After the Lillard and Harden trade came at the same time, Bucks general manager Horst sought Antetokounmpo's opinion to ask what he thought. Antetokounmpo believes that Lillard is more in line with the Bucks' team culture, there are not as many off-court issues affecting the game, and he is more trustworthy than Harden in key moments.

After Lillard's deal was completed, Antetokounmpo also made it clear as soon as possible that he would accept a long-term contract extension to stay with the Bucks. Previously, Antetokounmpo refused a three-year, $180 million early contract extension, and the Bucks management knew his idea, so they quickly completed the team's roster transformation plan, and finally exchanged Antetokounmpo's contract extension promise.

Alphabet brother agreed to extend his contract for 5 years for 340 million twice refused Harden to join the Bucks Lillard played key shots reliably

"I remember saying that renewing my contract now doesn't mean much to me, it's all about salary." Antetokounmpo did not hide his personal thoughts, frankly stating that the reason for refusing to renew his contract now was to maximize the monetary benefits, "because there is a lot of money between renewing now and renewing next summer." ”

Antetokounmpo has $147 million left on his contract for three years and $45.64 million in salary next season. Under the collective bargaining agreement, Antetokounmpo can now only renew his contract for a maximum of three years, and after next season, Antetokounmpo can get a five-year contract extension with a maximum salary of $340 million. Bucks general manager Horst also said in an interview that both versions of the contract extension are ready, and that the three-year, $180 million contract, Antetokounmpo can sign at any time. The five-year, $340 million super maximum salary contract is also prepared in advance, and the relevant renewal procedures can be completed as soon as the time comes.

"Anyway, wherever he (Horst) puts his contract, I won't sign it this year. Money isn't important, but a lot of money is. Antetokounmpo said half-jokingly, half-seriously, "But, I will definitely sign next year, and I will stay with the Bucks for a long time." ”

Alphabet brother agreed to extend his contract for 5 years for 340 million twice refused Harden to join the Bucks Lillard played key shots reliably

"At the end of the day, as long as we can win, I want to be with the Bucks all my career." Antetokounmpo added, "It's that simple. What else do you want me to say? Stay with the Bucks and then be a loser? These words will never come out of my mouth. ”