
Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

author:Drunken sea yellow sand

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In this era full of challenges and opportunities, how to show our strength and wisdom on the international stage has become an important issue facing governments and people.

This article will explore how to respond to changes in the international situation in the context of the new era in order to achieve win-win development and maintain world peace and prosperity.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

At the Asian Games, a small event attracted global attention.

The North Korean player refused to communicate with the South Korean player and turned his back to the South Korean flag during the match.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

This seemingly trivial gesture raises the big question: Do sporting events still have the power that was once called "promoting peace and friendship"?

At the time, the Olympic Council of Asia released the results of the investigation into the incident, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

At a deeper level, we should reflect on the challenges facing the entire inter-Korean relationship.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

For a long time, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has been tense and complicated.

The enduring and deepening hostility between the two Koreas has been caused by many reasons, including the interests of all parties, ideology and historical factors.

Despite the easing of the past few years and the emergence of some symbolic cooperation projects, it may take more time to truly achieve a complete peace.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Looking back at history, it can be seen that during the 70s and 80s of the 20th century, Asian sports exchanges helped to improve East-West relations.

At that time, sports activities such as table tennis diplomacy and ice hockey games became a gap between the two camps, linking the opposing sides.

These events had a positive impact on the peoples of both countries and ultimately led to political change.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

However, in the current situation, can sports still play the same role? Perhaps we need to re-examine the challenges they face.

First, politics runs throughout.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Even pure sports competition cannot be completely free from political overtones.

Especially when it comes to sensitive issues, such as territorial disputes, countries tend to express their stubbornness.

In addition, in today's increasingly convenient and widespread information dissemination, any small event may trigger widespread discussion or even escalate the debate on a global scale.

Although this phenomenon itself is not good, behind the "public noise" lies the lack of dialogue and understanding mechanisms, and the increase of prejudice.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Remind us of all these challenging situations: the importance of encouraging sports exchanges in Asia.

No matter how difficult and complex the environment, we cannot underestimate the role of sporting events in narrowing differences, enhancing understanding and promoting peace and friendship.

Therefore, despite the tensions between the two Koreas, we should hope that the Asian Games turmoil will not have an excessive impact on the development of sports culture in Asia as a whole.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

On the contrary, this incident should become an opportunity for all parties to jointly think about how to strengthen cross-border cooperation and promote the construction of a broader and deeper dialogue mechanism.

Finally, politicians are not alone in the pursuit of peace and prosperity.

Ordinary people can also engage in sports to connect, increase understanding and progressively reduce hostility.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

So, in the face of many challenges, let us not forget that it is everyone who can be a change-maker.

To sum up, there are deep-seated problems hidden behind the "Asian Games turmoil" that deserve our vigilance.

In the face of tensions on the peninsula and heightened prejudice around the world, it will take us to work together to enable sporting events to continue to play their due power to promote peace and friendship.

Only in this way can Asian sports culture continue to develop and make greater contributions to regional stability and prosperity.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

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The mainland's opposition was invalid, and Grossi was re-elected as director general of the IAEA with the support of most countries

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) elections and related issues have attracted widespread attention.

Grossi was successfully re-elected as the organization's director-general and won with the support of a majority of countries.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

However, the incident has also provoked criticism from China about the IAEA's lack of independence and impartiality.

China has expressed to the international community its concerns about the organization's electoral process and its role.

They accused the IAEA of lacking neutrality on the Japanese nuclear issue and the close relationship with Japan, and stressed that it should focus more on a global perspective.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Still, analysts believe China has limited ability to influence the IAEA director-general election.

Since most member states still support Grossi's re-election, they are not threatened by other candidates and are in a more stable position in the competition.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Looking back at Grossi's first tenure, decisions on Japan's nuclear wastewater treatment were criticized, and many observers questioned his autonomy and courage to resolve such controversial situations.

Meanwhile, the IAEA has been accused of failing to fulfil its regulatory responsibilities over the transfer of technology from Australian nuclear submarines, raising more questions about the institution's impartiality and independence.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

In addition, the IAEA faces accusations from Western countries as a tool they use in global affairs.

These voices believe the organization is overly biased towards Western countries and call for reforms to ensure it is more impartial and neutral in its global role.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

By halting the payment of its dues, China has further demonstrated its dissatisfaction with the IAEA's current practices.

The move created a financial crisis for the organization and underscored China's readiness to take action to push the IAEA to re-examine how it operates and improve transparency and fairness.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

While the suspension of fees may affect some processes, China has said it will continue to monitor and monitor the IAEA's practices.

They also believed that the organization should take the necessary measures to ensure that Japan and other member states comply with the relevant regulations and to make its decisions more in the interests of the people of the entire region and the world.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Overall, following Grossi's successful re-election, the IAEA faces many challenges.

China's criticism and questioning of its actions will further push the organization to reform to ensure it makes more just and neutral decisions and exerts greater influence in global nuclear security matters.

Refuse to shake hands! Refuse to take pictures! Refuse to communicate! The attitude of the North Korean athletes is amazing

Through China's participation and the efforts of all parties in the international community, we can expect to see a more transparent, fair and powerful IAEA.

This will help enhance the level of international nuclear energy cooperation and make positive contributions to the common construction of a safe and sustainable future for mankind.

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