
Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

author:History of rivers and mountains

After Chiang Kai-shek's defeat and retreat to Taiwan, he always paid attention to the Korean Peninsula because he wanted to imitate the Japanese line of aggression against China, and then realize the idea of counterattacking the mainland.

Because the Japanese army at that time, after taking Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula, used them as two springboards, it began to invade China.

On the other hand, Korea at that time was divided into two by the Soviet Union and the United States, and since then it has been divided into North Korea and South Korea.

Chiang Kai-shek had already guessed that sooner or later there would be a war between the north and the south of Korea, and he could wait for the opportunity to send troops to the peninsula and then occupy the upper hand.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

On August 6, 1948, Chiang Kai-shek went to South Korea in advance to meet with Syngman Rhee, hoping to form an "alliance" relationship, and in the event of war on the peninsula, he could send troops to help.

Of course, his so-called assistance has ulterior motives, and he wants to use the Korean Peninsula as a springboard.  

Two years later, at 4 a.m. on June 25, 1950, North Korea went to war, and Kim Il Sung declared that he had been attacked by South Korea and the United States, so he would fight back.

Kim Il Sung believes that this will be a small war, and the United States will not enter the war; He called it the War to Resist the United States and the War of Resistance Against the United States, and the outside world called it the Korean War.

After dawn, Chiang Kai-shek on the Taiwan side learned the information about the war in Korea and sighed: "Finally, the time has come, a God-given opportunity." "

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

(Kim Il Sung and the People's Army)

From Chiang Kai-shek's later diary, he wrote: "God should be thanked most of the time for the Korean War...... so that the United States will fight against the Communists and not give up the Far East, so as to divert the whole situation also"

Although the United States had not yet entered the war, and the Soviet Union and North Korea believed that it was impossible for the United States to enter the war, Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong predicted that the United States would definitely participate in the Korean War.

Chiang Kai-shek believed that after he participated in the Korean War, he would once again receive a large amount of aid from the United States and improve his international status.

Of course, the most important thing is to counterattack the mainland, and Chiang Kai-shek can follow the example of Japan and send troops from Korea and Taiwan.

At noon, Chiang Kai-shek immediately summoned the military and political leaders of the Kuomintang and prepared to send troops to Korea; Moreover, he demanded that Taiwan's islands be prepared for a counterattack on the mainland.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

On the same day, Syngman Rhee was in a hurry, calling for help from the United States, calling MacArthur militarily and Truman politically.

Syngman Rhee was very anxious, because most of his South Korean troops served as a garrison, and it was okay to maintain law and order, but if he went into battle, he would not be able to stop the tiger and wolf army in the north.

Syngman Rhee believes that the South Korean troops lack heavy weapons and military training; On the other hand, his old opponent is driving a T34 tank and a Yak plane, and the soldiers are menacing.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's telegram suddenly came to Syngman Rhee's side, and the content was: It is reported that the so-called North Korean people's government has launched a large-scale attack on your side, and this move is another manifestation of the conspiracy of Soviet Russia; You and China share the same anti-communist and anti-aggression stance, and we are deeply concerned upon hearing the news. Your military and people are well aware of the great righteousness, and under the wise leadership of Your Excellency, they will surely win the final victory.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

Although the Soviet Union and North Korea believed that the war would not expand, Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan and Mao Zedong in the mainland had a hunch that the Korean War would involve the world's military powers.

In fact, the Kuomintang in Taiwan has analyzed it very, very thoroughly, believing that North Korea's provocation of war is a great opportunity from God. You must know that Taiwan does not have international solidarity, and it is difficult to achieve a counterattack on the mainland; However, South Korea has always had international aid, and the United States will definitely send troops to protect it.

Chiang Kai-shek believed that after the United States entered the war, it could easily take the Korean Peninsula, which was equivalent to opening a door to northeast China.

Sure enough, without Chiang Kai-shek going to the United States in person, the US military top brass had already contacted Chiang Kai-shek, hoping that the Kuomintang in Taiwan would be able to send a combat force to resolve the South Korean crisis.

In addition, the top brass of the US military, that is, Secretary of Defense Johnson, and Bradley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ordered MacArthur to organize a liaison group and immediately go to Taiwan.

The so-called Joint Staff Committee means the General Staff Association; The Secretary of Defense means the Secretary of Defense, and they are the real people at the helm of the US military, and they later used the name of the Pentagon.

Then the US military and Chiang Kai-shek began talks, and Chiang Kai-shek immediately dispatched more than 30,000 people to the Korean Peninsula by plane and ship.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

According to Gu Weijun of the Kuomintang, he could assemble and set off within five days to help South Korea and resolve the military crisis on the peninsula.

On this day, Chiang Kai-shek was in a very happy mood and was ready to make a big show and do a counteroffensive on the mainland.

However, the real decision-making power of the United States was in the hands of the White House, not the Pentagon, and just when Chiang Kai-shek was elated, the White House expressed its opposition to the Kuomintang's intervention in the war situation on the Korean Peninsula.

In fact, the idea of the White House is very, very simple, that is, we in the United States, we have guns, artillery and troops, where do we need Chiang Kai-shek's troops? At that time, the White House was in charge of President Truman and Secretary of State Acheson, and their views were very realistic, believing that Chiang Kai-shek's military capabilities were not trustworthy, and to put it bluntly, you Chiang Kai-shek could not fight a war.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?


More importantly, the relationship between the then US President Truman and Chiang Kai-shek was very bad, and the two had a grudge at the beginning.

Truman was not the president of the United States who was elected by ballot, he was vice president himself, and he had only been in office for 82 days.

Because of the sudden death of the old president, the presidential throne fell on the head of Truman, the vice president. After Truman came to power, he began to investigate corruption, and it turned out that the military aid provided by the United States to the Kuomintang actually fell into the private pockets of the Chiang family and the Song family, so he criticized it vigorously.

Truman openly accused Chiang Kai-shek of lacking leadership, losing popular support, losing the mainland, not to mention corruption, but also being authoritarian and dictatorial, in short, a mediocre and incompetent person.

When the time came for the U.S. election, Chiang Kai-shek, in order to take revenge on Truman, supported other presidential candidates, hoping to oust Truman from the presidency.

But Chiang Kai-shek never expected that Truman would actually win the election, which led to a deeper grudge between the two.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

(On the streets of Beijing, supporting Truman's election rivals)

Truman believed that you Chiang Kai-shek was corrupt, interfered in US internal elections, and more importantly, lost the mainland, resulting in the loss of a large number of US interests in Asia.

So during the Korean War, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to send troops to Korea, and Truman was the first to stand up and refuse.

Truman believes that we in the United States are scarce, but there is no shortage of things that add to the chaos, so you should not come to stir up the peace.

In addition, Truman was worried that if China entered the war, it would lead to the Soviet Union's entry into the war, and if it was not done well, a third world war would break out, and no one could afford to take this responsibility.

Because Truman rejected Chiang Kai-shek's request to enter the war, it naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of some generals in the military, the most prominent of which was the five-star general MacArthur.

After Chiang Kai-shek learned that his proposal to send troops was rejected, he also secretly accused Truman, saying: "The White House suffers from Communophobia and hypochondriasis, and it is completely repeating the old tricks of Chamberlain!" Since they refuse to let us send troops, let them suffer from the Communists, and one day the United States will wake up from the bloody lesson, and at that time, the Americans will naturally come to us again. "

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

At the same time, on the side of Chinese mainland, Mao Zedong has been staring at the map, and with his strategic vision, he has already seen that the United States will definitely send troops, and when the time comes, will China send troops? When Mao Zedong proposed that he might send troops to North Korea, he was immediately met with great resistance, and the chairman called it a "Americanophobia."

On July 5, 1950, as Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek had predicted, the Americans sent troops to the Korean battlefield. The first to participate in the operation was the US 24th Division.

At this time, Kim Il Sung of North Korea was commanding the KPA to march from the 38th parallel to Daegu, and to the coastal areas of South Korea and US military advisers.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

In other words, Kim Il Sung captured 80 percent of the peninsula and only needed to make a final effort to push his troops from the south into the sea and win a complete victory in the war.

Three days later, MacArthur, a five-star general, had assembled nearly 200,000 troops, the world's most sophisticated artillery and combat vehicles, and the world's most sophisticated air force and navy.

The focus here is on MacArthur, a war maniac who was always ready to fight World War III, but who stayed in Tokyo for many years, although he was already 70 years old, and suddenly wanted to fight the Korean War, like a tiger smelling blood.

MacArthur believed that a soldier can only realize his value on the battlefield, he was not only a militant, but also always believed that he was absolutely right, and his character was very, very proud.

Although MacArthur has an arrogant personality, he has arrogant capital, or every five-star general in the United States, who is not an idle person.

He was good at amphibious operations, so he wanted to carry out a beach-rushing landing on the Korean Peninsula, and chose the Inchon area as an excellent landing site.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

However, most military strategists in the world, including the Pentagon of the United States, believe that Inchon is not suitable for landing operations, and that the terrain is complex, the tidal time is short, and the Inchon landing is very likely to fail.

But MacArthur insisted that the Inchon landing could change the tide of the war, and that it would be 100 percent successful, like a surprise attack from heaven, and like a broadsword, cutting off Kim Il Sung's KPA troops.

At this time, looking at China's domestic situation, the senior staff officers of the People's Liberation Army also predicted that the US military would choose Inchon to carry out an amphibious landing operation.

As a result, China informed the DPRK that the US military would land at Inchon and that it must be prepared in advance. However, North Korea's Kim Il Sung and Soviet military advisers laughed at China's warning, arguing that Inchon could not be used as a landing site for American troops.

As a result, on September 15, 1950, MacArthur commanded the U.S. Army to launch an amphibious operation in the Inchon area, cutting off the Korean People's Army and gaining the initiative on the battlefield.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

Originally, the Korean People's Army had the upper hand, but after the landing at Incheon, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and the Western multinational coalition led by MacArthur was defeated and retreated.

China issued a solemn warning, but the United States turned a blind eye and insisted on expanding the war to the entire territory of Korea and pushing North Korean troops into the Yalu River.

MacArthur believed that it was impossible for China to enter the war, and that they were just scaring and scaring the U.S. military; Besides, even if he participated in the war, he gave himself a reason to send China back to the Stone Age.

However, Mao Zedong withstood the pressure and was determined to launch the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, he wanted Su Yu to command the troops of the Volunteer Army, but because Su Yu was not in good health, he could not take command; He wanted Lin Biao to command the troops of the Volunteer Army, and Lin Biao also said that he was not in good health.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

In the end, Peng Dehuai, who was far away in the northwest, was transferred back, and Mr. Peng went out to firmly support the Party Central Committee to resist US aggression and aid Korea to defend the country.

Although the United States has repeatedly declared that it only wants to take the Korean Peninsula and will not plot against China, Mr. Peng directly declared at the conference: "The tiger wants to eat people, and the Northeast is uneasy, and the whole country is uneasy!" "

Chairman Mao and Peng Dehuai were completely correct in their judgment of the situation, believing that since the tiger is coming, it is not as simple as eating the Korean Peninsula, but the key is that it will threaten the construction of the northeast of the mainland, and it is very likely that the old path of the Japanese invasion of China will be repeated, using the Korean Peninsula as a springboard and Taiwan as a product, and then invading China.  

The Americans have been calculating China's weapons and equipment, calculating that China has lost the war for a hundred years, but the Americans have only failed to calculate the spirit and will of the volunteers.

The Volunteer Army, armed with Chairman Mao's thoughts, was far superior to the Eighth Banner Army of the late Qing Dynasty and the Central Army of the Kuomintang.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

The decisive battle between China and the United States in North Korea began, and the first battle kicked off at Unsan. It was also because of a coincidence that the most ace troops on both sides collided head-on in the Yunshan area.

In the past, the image of the Chinese army was to be bullied by the West, and after being defeated, it was forced to pay reparations, obviously resisting aggression, but in the end it had to cede land for peace, all kinds of unequal treaties and various concessions, and the Chinese nation had never suffered such humiliation.

Why are we Chinese always bullied by Western powers? Because the Chinese can't fight, dare not fight, and are afraid to fight.

However, the battle of Yunshan completely washed away the world image of the old society and the old China, and played the prestige of the new China. The annihilation of more than 2,000 people in the Western camp is still recalled as a Chinese-style funeral.

Under the command of Peng Dehuai, the Volunteer Army destroyed 15,000 of the enemy's living forces in the first campaign, more than 36,000 in the second campaign, and defeated the United States and MacArthur again and again.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

On the battlefield, Peng Dehuai relied on backward and dilapidated equipment to win the US army, which was armed to the teeth, and the Western troops of more than a dozen countries.

After one defeat after another, MacArthur remembered Chiang Kai-shek, who had supported Chiang Kai-shek in the war, but because Truman refused, he scolded him.

On January 28, 1950, MacArthur telegraphed Chiang Kai-shek again, asking the Kuomintang to send the 52nd Army to the Korean battlefield.

MacArthur ordered the US military bases in Japan and the Philippines to immediately send troop carriers and transport planes loaded with all kinds of American equipment to Taiwan, and then transport Chiang Kai-shek's troops from Taiwan to the Korean Peninsula to participate in the arduous and fierce war.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

Chiang Kai-shek was happy in his heart, and he had long guessed that there would be such a day, so he immediately gathered his troops and set off within a day to rush to the Korean Peninsula to fight his old opponent again.

The intelligence system of the Americans still believes that the number of volunteers is less than 100,000, but they do not know that it is as high as 330,000, and that another 200,000 troops have been dispatched in China to prepare to rotate the soldiers participating in the war on the front line.

Then, on the 30th of November, MacArthur's American-style equipment arrived, the 52nd Army of the Kuomintang changed its guns, and Chiang Kai-shek was gearing up.

However, Truman, who was far away in the White House in the United States, once again rejected the Kuomintang's entry into the war, and the reason why he refused again was not only out of distrust and bad relations.

There are other more important reasons, one is that the Korean battlefield has already involved all military powers in the world, and if Taiwan is added, the situation will deteriorate further.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

Moreover, the old European countries have been sleepless at night, and they are all afraid that a local war on the Korean Peninsula will trigger a third world war that will sweep the whole world.

You must know that during the Cold War, all countries were like frightened birds, especially European countries were at the core of the Cold War. Even if World War III does not break out, if all the US troops go to East Asia, who will protect the security of Europe?

In Truman's view, if reinforcements were needed, the United States had GIs; From a military point of view, there is no need for the United States to enter the war; From a political point of view, I hope that Chiang Kai-shek will not come to stir up the situation.

MacArthur once again scolded Truman because he had always wanted to exert pressure, put pressure on the Chinese Communist Party, and used the Taiwan issue as his hole card.

So MacArthur called Truman and severely criticized the behavior of the White House, saying that in the eyes of the veteran general, he had always been absolutely right to spend his entire life on the battlefield.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?


However, the United States has a legal bottom line, that is, it prohibits all forms of military interference in politics, and MacArthur is a typical military interference in politics.

It was at this time that Truman became completely impatient and could not stand MacArthur's crazy war behavior for a long time, so he had the idea of removing MacArthur from his post.

Truman ordered MacArthur not to worry too much and to maintain the status quo on the battlefield as much as possible, because the Korean War could be resolved politically.

Where would MacArthur, the proud general, agree? After receiving Truman's order, instead of obeying, he wrote to the White House again, not only to let Taiwan enter the war, but also to bomb China's northeast heavy industry base, blockade China's coastal bases, and once clamored for the use of atomic bombs.

This made Truman angry, he always wanted to cool down the war, but MacArthur just added fuel to the fire, as a president and a leader, where can he endure it?

President Truman is in charge of military and political power, and generals are never allowed to trespass, in short, they are not allowed to go out of the circle.

As a result, Truman ordered that MacArthur be removed from all his posts and that Ridgway be appointed commander-in-chief of the battlefield.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

(MacArthur, a veteran of the battlefield, returned home)

When Chiang Kai-shek learned of this, he was very angry in his heart, because he had always regarded MacArthur as his good friend and as an important intermediary in the counterattack on the mainland.

Because of this incident, Chiang Kai-shek did not think about tea and food for several days, and his mental state was depressed for a while.

The reason for this situation is nothing more than that Truman was avoiding conflict, and he had long been disheartened by Chiang Kai-shek, and the so-called counterattack on the mainland was strategically impossible. Now that the White House is busy, you, Chiang Kai-shek, had better not make a mess.

Truman was undoubtedly wise in rejecting Chiang Kai-shek's two requests to send troops, and he considered from a realistic point of view that Chiang Kai-shek's visit to Korea would have little effect, but would further worsen the conflict between China and the United States.

When the time came in 1952, the situation on the Korean battlefield gradually stabilized, and the two sides began to fight around the 38th parallel.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

The commander of the U.S. military saw that all the U.S. troops in East Asia had gone to the Korean battlefield, but Japan did not have a U.S. army to garrison it, so he wanted to transfer a corps from Korea to Japan.

Since there was one less army on the Korean front, it naturally had to be replenished from somewhere else, so the American commander once again considered the problem from a military point of view and wanted Chiang Kai-shek to send troops to fill the vacancy in the American troops.

Therefore, the commander of the US military called Taiwan and made preparations to send troops to North Korea; However, at this time, Principal Jiang was already disheartened, he knew that his relationship with Truman had always been bad, and he also knew that the volunteer army at this time was even stronger than before, and his own going was nothing more than increasing losses.

Even so, Chiang Kai-shek still had a glimmer of hope, so he asked the Kuomintang generals to gather troops and prepare for the march into Korea.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

However, when it was time for the general election in the United States, Truman was thinking about further cooling Korea, and from a political point of view, he naturally rejected the proposal of the commander of the US army and did not allow Chiang Kai-shek to participate in the war.

In the ensuing election, Truman was defeated and withdrew from the White House, while Eisenhower, a five-star general in the United States, stepped into the foreground of history.

Eisenhower had always advocated an armistice in Korea and that American soldiers should return to the United States to be reunited with their parents and sisters, a fact he promised his voters.

It can be seen that Truman, proceeding from a political perspective and realism, rejected Chiang Kai-shek's entry into the war; Eisenhower, on the other hand, claimed to be a peacemaker and would have refused Chiang Kai-shek's entry into the war.

Looking back at the magnificent war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, although the area of operation was not particularly large, it was involved in all the military powers in the world.

Among them, the most heroic was the Chinese Volunteer Army, which faced the enemy of the US army and the elite of more than a dozen Western countries.

The whole world is not optimistic about China or the volunteers, believing that they will be defeated on the battlefield and will be beaten powerless in the face of the US military.

Chiang Kai-shek wanted to participate in the Korean War and counterattack the mainland from the peninsula, why was he rejected by the United States?

Only a few people, such as Mao Zedong and Peng Dehuai, believed that the volunteers would definitely win the final victory, so after the actual battle, the military and national prestige of the Chinese were played, which was exactly the opposite of most of the international people's predictions.

Remembering the sacrifices of the martyrs, we have the happy life we have today, and the blood and heroic souls of a generation have been exchanged for decades of peaceful development.

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