
Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

author:Outgoing, one gas, three clearing

In our lives, we socialize and socialize with a wide variety of people, including parents, relatives, siblings, partners, children, and friends. These relationships are intimate, and they create deep emotional connections. So, which of these intimacy relationships is more intimate? Is it affection between siblings or between husband and wife?

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

There is a saying in the folk proverb: "Parents are half a life, brothers and sisters are in love for life." Another proverb says, "Ten years of cultivation can cross the same boat, and a hundred years of cultivation can sleep together." "This seems to indicate that the affection between siblings is the most intimate. But over time and as social roles shift, the relationship between siblings can change significantly.

For this problem, some people think that family affection and love cannot be compared, some people think that the love of husband and wife after marriage is greater than the love of brothers and sisters, and some people think that kinship is greater than marriage. So, in the end, which is more intimate, the affection between siblings or the love between husband and wife?

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

From a psychologist's point of view, this question is not difficult to answer. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, humans change the degree of intimacy in relation to changes in the environment. In other words, human intimacy is built and distanced to adapt to the environment. Human intimacy is a product of adaptation.

Back in ancient times, people needed to cooperate and cooperate with each other to withstand the attacks of wild beasts and the ravages of wind and rain. The power of one person is limited, and when all people work together, the power becomes infinite. Humans chose to live in groups and depend on each other, and this is how families and tribes are formed.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

In traditional societies, connections between family members relied primarily on blood relations. Some people still cling to the old idea that blood ties determine kinship. Blood relations can only prove the relationship between people, not the depth of feelings.

For example, a child abandoned by his parents who is taken back by his biological parents years later may not have a real emotional connection between the two. In contrast, the bond between adoptive parents and children may be deeper.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

In a society where interests are paramount, blood ties are no longer the decisive factor in the intimacy between people. In fact, the drive for interests can lead to contradictions and conflicts between loved ones.

Blood ties do not determine the degree of intimacy. Renowned psychologists Levenger and Snooker have proposed a theory known as the "interdependence model," which explains the dynamics of intimacy.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

The interdependence model holds that the degree of intimacy in intimate relationships changes with an individual's age, mind, and social roles. As we grow from children to adults and form our own families, our intimate relationships change.

Marriage means separation from the family of origin and the establishment of a new family. Our focus naturally shifts to new families, partners and children. Our relationship with our partner will be more intimate because we need frequent contact and communication to build and maintain the relationship.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

Over time, our interactions with our partners will make each other more aware of each other's personalities and ideas, and the relationship will gradually heat up. This may be because we are closer to people we interact with frequently.

On a legal level, spouses have even more decision-making power than siblings and parents. This also indicates that the relationship between the couple is more intimate.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

The degree of intimacy in a relationship is not determined by blood relations. Human intimacy is the product of adaptation to the environment, and they change as the individual's environment changes. Whether it is affection between siblings or love between husband and wife, their level of intimacy varies according to individual circumstances.

In a society where interests are paramount, we should understand that the degree of closeness of relationships is not determined by blood relations, but by what we can feel. Therefore, the intimacy of the relationship is like drinking water, and only you can feel the warmth and coldness in it.

Siblings or couples? Psychologists give answers, which is eye-catching!

Finally, do you think the affection between siblings or the love between husband and wife is more intimate? Do you have any ideas or experiences to share?

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