
Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

author:Noble Breeze 0zY

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In the desert, the Beijing-Xin Expressway stretches proudly, lonely and majestic, and it carries a magnificent construction history. Like the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, this highway is a "super project" and can be called a "desert road". However, despite its grand plans and great missions, it is now obscure and sparsely trafficked, becoming a seemingly forgotten "lonely road".

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

As the poem says: "Stay in the desert and dance the dragon, and it is difficult to break the east and west." Tongjiang reaches the northern region of Haizhen, and the heavenly holy land has a new look. This poem does not depict "west-to-east power transmission" or "west-to-east gas transmission", but the "super project" of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Beijing-Xin Expressway. It was a challenging and ambitious project that took nearly seven years to build, connecting multiple provinces and territories, connecting East and West.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

Although the Beijing-Singapore Expressway was opened to traffic for less than five years, its plan had already taken shape long before the founding of the People's Republic of China. During the boom of China's democratic revolution, Sun Yat-sen proposed the idea of building a second road to Xinjiang. The road, known as the "New Silk Road", originates from old Peiping, passes through Alxa, and finally leads to Urumqi. However, at that time, the mainland's national strength was limited and road construction was quite weak. To get to Xinjiang, you must first take a train to Shaanxi, and then pass through Ningxia, Gansu and other places to arrive. For a while, even passing through the Soviet Union and then entering Xinjiang seemed to be a more convenient option.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

However, with the implementation of national strategies such as "West-to-East Power Transmission" and "West-to-East Gas Transmission", Xinjiang has become an important energy base and a key area for economic development on the mainland. This has triggered an urgent need for a new gateway to the mainland. As a result, the planning of the Beijing-Xin Expressway was first proposed in the National Expressway Network Plan, which is a key project. The expressway starts in Beijing, passes through Hebei, Inner Mongolia and other places, and finally reaches Urumqi, with a total length of about 2,768 kilometers. Its construction will shorten the journey from North China to Xinjiang and greatly improve the connection between the two places. Although the plan looks exciting on paper, the actual construction situation is quite daunting.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

The construction difficulty of the Jingxin Expressway was rated as extremely high, ranking third in the country. This highway crosses plains, mountains, grasslands and deserts, and its construction is predictably difficult. It had to pass through multiple no-man's lands such as Ulan Bu and Gobi, Tengger and Badain Jarin. During the construction process, workers not only faced harsh climatic conditions, but sometimes even the required water resources were difficult to obtain. In order to solve the problem of no available water sources, the contractors for the construction project used satellite maps to find water sources. After hundreds of attempts, they finally found eight water sources in the uninhabited section of the Alashan League, providing the necessary support for the construction of the highway.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

After seven years of unremitting efforts, the Jingxin Expressway was finally opened to traffic. This is a great project, not only realizing Sun Yat-sen's dream, but also creating an infrastructure miracle. However, despite its illustrious history, it is now deserted. Traffic is low, and some people may not be able to see another person even after a full day. The whole road seems to have been forgotten, and it has become an obscure "isolated road".

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

Although the traffic flow is relatively low, the existence of the Jingxin Expressway is still of great value. First, it has strengthened development of western Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, improving the government's ability to deploy resources in the region. The highway provides Xinjiang with a new access to the eastern coastal areas and will drive the development of the regions along the route. Secondly, the Beijing-Singapore Expressway provides the mainland with valuable experience in construction in the desert and Gobi regions. These experiences will have a positive impact on the mainland's future land governance and ecological protection work. Finally, the Beijing-Singapore Expressway is part of the continent connecting Asia and Europe land bridge, which will promote economic cooperation between the mainland and Central Asia, Europe and other countries. Although it may seem deserted today, its future is full of potential and will bring more prosperity and exchange like the Silk Roads.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

Although the Beijing-Singapore Expressway may seem "loss-making" from an economic point of view, it has important strategic value. Although this "lonely road" is silent today, it will continue to provide a solid foundation for the development and connection of the continent.

Spending 37 billion but less cars, what is the significance of the construction of the "desert sky" Beijing-Xin Expressway?

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