
The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

author:o Moonlit engraving

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At the beginning of a large-scale counteroffensive in the direction of Zaporozhye in Ukraine, Ka-52 helicopter gunships became the focus of attention. This model has demonstrated excellent performance in the conflict in Ukraine, causing great damage to Ukrainian armored forces while leaving itself unscathed.

Not long ago, the Ukrainian army launched a shock operation, using NATO equipment such as the Leopard 2 main battle tank as the main offensive force, trying to cut off the Azov sea and land bridge of the Russian army on the line of Berdyansk and Marivopol. In this process, the performance of the Ka-52 helicopter is remarkable, destroying dozens of tank armored vehicles, and becoming a hot topic of discussion among military experts and netizens.

The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

This brilliant achievement triggered the assessment of the Ka-52 helicopter by Western military experts in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and also inspired domestic netizens to question whether the PLA will introduce a carrier-based version of the Ka-52 helicopter to enhance the combat capability of the 075 amphibious assault ship. This is not surprising, as back in 2021, China conducted in-depth reports on Russian Ka-52K carrier-based helicopters, sparking procurement speculation.

Meanwhile, China's lead ship of the 075 amphibious assault ship, the Hainan, has just been declared in service. This has sparked speculation about whether the PLA plans to introduce the Ka-52K to replace the Z-10 as the main carrier-based attack helicopter of the 075 amphibious assault ship.

The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

However, although the PLA has been equipped with several Type 075 amphibious assault ships, and even plans to build more advanced Type 076 amphibious assault ships, it does not yet have dedicated shipborne helicopter gunships.

One might ask, why can't the Z-10 be used as a carrier-based helicopter for the 075? It is true that the Z-10 has undergone takeoff and landing training on ships in recent years, but it needs to be modified to accommodate the needs of long-term deployment on ships, which will take a lot of time. The PLA needs to make decisions within a tight timeframe.

Therefore, the introduction of the Ka-52K may be an option. However, the PLA is not without other options. Under the rumors of the Ka-52K, the PLA may also be independently developing a new generation of gunships to provide more options for its navy.

The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

After all, although the Ka-52K has performed well in the conflict in Ukraine, its system is still out of touch with the PLA's informationized and intelligent combat system. In contrast, the new generation of domestically produced armed helicopters is expected to be better compatible with the PLA's combat system, providing more advantages for future landing operations of unprecedented scale.

To sum up, the PLA needs to be thoughtful in the selection of shipborne armed helicopters for the 075 amphibious assault ship, and the Ka-52K or independent research and development has its own advantages and considerations. In any case, however, the PLA needs to fill this important combat capability gap as soon as possible.


With the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the outstanding performance of Ka-52 gunships in the conflict has sparked widespread discussion. This has led to some speculation, including whether China should introduce a carrier-based version of the Ka-52 helicopter to enhance the integrated combat capability of amphibious assault ships. This question has some key implications.

The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

First of all, military equipment and tactical performance play a vital role in modern warfare. In the conflict in Ukraine, the outstanding performance of the Ka-52 helicopter once again emphasized the importance of equipment. Policymakers need to pay close attention to and continuously upgrade military equipment to ensure that the military is competitive on the battlefield.

Secondly, international cooperation and the introduction of military technology are an effective way. China has introduced Russian Su-35 fighter jets to fill a gap during the adjustment of domestic production lines. This shows that countries can meet urgent needs by importing foreign technology. However, policymakers need to find a balance between importing foreign technology and indigenous research and development to ensure that the country's military capabilities are enhanced.

The Russian army has fought a turnaround, and the introduction of Ka-52 is imminent? The second batch of 075 of the People's Liberation Army began

Third, decision-makers need to consider the adaptability of military equipment. Shipborne helicopters differ in design and performance from land helicopters, including the ability to withstand marine environments and adaptability to the limited space on board. Therefore, when introducing new equipment, it is necessary to consider its adaptability in a specific battlefield environment in order to realize its full potential.


With the outstanding performance of Ka-52 gunships in the conflict in Ukraine, whether China should introduce a carrier-based version of the Ka-52 helicopter has become a topic of concern. This raises some key questions and implications regarding military equipment, international cooperation and adaptability.

First of all, the importance of equipment is becoming more and more prominent in modern warfare. China needs to constantly upgrade its military equipment to ensure that its military is competitive on the battlefield.

Second, international cooperation and technology introduction can meet urgent needs. The introduction of Russian Su-35 fighters from China fills the gap during the adjustment of the production line, which shows the effectiveness of the introduction of foreign technology. However, policymakers need to make trade-offs between importing foreign technology and indigenous R&D.

Finally, adaptability is a key factor. Policymakers must consider the adaptability of new equipment to specific battlefield environments, including resistance to marine environments and adaptability to the limited space on board.

In facing the challenge of the largest landing since Normandy, the PLA needs to carefully consider the choice of military equipment to ensure that the country's military capabilities are enhanced. Not only in terms of performance, but also the adaptability of equipment and future comprehensive combat capabilities. These factors will determine the PLA's success in complex modern warfare.

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